UK Ecology Newswire Archive
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Did Climate Change Cause Floods around Nottinghamshire? pix 2
26-06-2007 22:11

On my tour of the affected areas around the city ..... I started through Chilwell, Beeston and Long Eaton, and on the River Trent, to Trent Lock. Then, down the River Soar into Leicestershire and the area between the Sawley Marina and the M1 motorway. Back along the Trent to Attenborough and the reserve there.
Did Climate Change Cause Floods around Nottinghamshire? pix 1
26-06-2007 22:05

On my tour of the affected areas around the city ..... I started through Chilwell, Beeston and Long Eaton, and on the River Trent, to Trent Lock. Then, down the River Soar into Leicestershire and the area between the Sawley Marina and the M1 motorway. Back along the Trent to Attenborough and the reserve there.
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Worst Case Climate Scenario? We've Got It! Times 2
26-06-2007 18:22
Two paragraphs from the British newspaper The Observerabout a Pentagon study:
"A secret report, suppressed by US defense
chiefs and obtained by The Observer, warns
that major European cities will be sunk beneath
rising seas as Britain is plunged into a 'Siberian'
climate by 2020. Nuclear conflict, mega-droughts,
famine and widespread rioting will erupt across
the world."
"The [secret] document predicts that abrupt
climate change could bring the planet to the
edge of anarchy as countries develop a nuclear
threat to defend and secure dwindling food, water
and energy supplies. The threat to global stability
vastly eclipses that of terrorism, say the few experts
privy to its contents."
Liverpool Council Plans Dual Carriageway On Festival Site
26-06-2007 16:33
As you have probably heard by now the council are planning to build a 4-6 lane dual carriageway along Riverside Drive and Jericho Lane, joining to Sefton Street. There were hints about this in the Planning Officer's Report re. the garden festival site, which we picked up on but we didn't realise it would be so soon - they will have barely created the Japanese Garden before they have to tear it down or move it over.GM Victory! Hull down! One more pota't'go! - Sunday July 1st - minibus from Manc
26-06-2007 10:39
Following extensive local and national resistance, BASF (the company trialing the GM potatoes), announced last month that they would not be conducting a GM potato trial in Yorkshire this year!Just to let you know that on Sunday 1st July subsidised transport will be going to Cambridge from Manchestser for the GM-Free Potato Picnic, a protest against GM potato trials in Girton village. For information on the minibus call 07982 033522.
Sharphill Under Threat?
25-06-2007 20:23
Sharphill to get house building plans to go ahead?New Strain of Superbug Discovered
25-06-2007 16:19
A well known environmental campaigner in London is anxious to let everyone know about the dangers of a new strain of superbug that has just been discovered.Nick St Clare of the Eco Tort theatre in Hackney sends the following message:
Eco Fair Success
22-06-2007 21:17

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Miffed by Miffy
22-06-2007 14:34

UK fishing fleet set to destroy Argentinean rural families
21-06-2007 23:28
The EU and the UK government are financing a project to try and develop biofuels for the UK fishing fleet. The Sea Fish Industry Authority manage the project. The British company Regenatec want to import large quantities of Argentinean soya for biofuels for the fishing fleet. Soya expansion is the driving force behind the rapid destruction of Argentina's semi-arid Chaco forest and the humid Yungas forest.Dr. James Hansen Amps Up Language on Climate
20-06-2007 16:20
A report to the British Royal Society wasreleased Tuesday in which America's top
climate scientist and five others spoke with
stronger feelings about the climate situation
than their usual drab scientific findings. They
were, of course, trying to wake people up to
the seriousness of the problems of our climate's
20-06-2007 11:19
JUST SPOKEN TO THE LAST TWO PEOPLE IN TREE HOUSE!Full article | 1 addition | 3 comments
Common Ground Community Garden - EVICTION UPDATE - Resistance successful so far.
20-06-2007 10:48
Common Ground Community Garden, is a self-managed squatted community project in the heart of Reading. The land and surrounding buildings are council owned, and they have tried to obstruct this initiative every step of the way - and thanks to the spirit of the squatters and our neighbours, they have failed every step of the way.Gathering anticivilisation 07, second call
19-06-2007 21:58
We´ve found a great place for the gathering. It is very near to Barcelona, less than 30 km and it’s easy to go with public transportation. There is plenty space for camping, workshops and debates.Full article | 4 additions | 4 comments
brecon eviction update!
19-06-2007 13:14
The Eviction continues with two arrests on the ground and people locked on in the tree tops, there are also people underground with substantial supplies! please support these people by donating towards fines etc on the "fight the pipe" website.if anyone can make it they need the support!
Pipeline protestors refuse to climb down
19-06-2007 11:12
Protestors are refusing to climb down from trees on the route of the controversial high pressure methane gas (LNG) pipeline in Wales after being given a 10 minute warning this morning by bailiffs to leave the site or face being arrested.
19-06-2007 09:27