UK Ecology Newswire Archive
US Presidential Candidate Romney Bought Animal Research Corporation
15-11-2011 22:14
As the sole voting stock owner of Bain Capital for 15 years, Mitt Romney,touted as the leading Republican candidate for US president, bought
vivisection company Behring of Germany, a company which had for 100 years
inflicted pain and captivity on dogs, guinea pigs, rabbits, etc. Romney kept
brutal rodeos in the Salt Lake City rodeos, invested his company in animal
flesh mongers, vivisectors and other ecocidal ventures. His business partner
has been Goldman Sachs, itself invested in animal murder around the world.
The link is

of Romney's Bain Capital disc jockeys to animals.
Information on the COP17 conference Durban 28 November - 8 December 2011
15-11-2011 12:55
UKZN to accommodate alternative COP17 civil society eventsThe University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN) has been identified as the site of this year’s COP17 alternative space, known as the ‘People’s Space’, where national and international civil society will come together around the global issue of climate change.
(Italy) The militarisation of the Susa Valley: final act
12-11-2011 17:38
Berlusconi’s moribund government has finally managed to pass a decree – with the opposition’s approval – that formalises the current state of militarisation in the Susa Valley.Salvation Army Colludes With Cargill, World's Biggest Slaughterhouse Operator
10-11-2011 20:15
Christian food banks distributing toxic food
Plane Justice - Banned In America
10-11-2011 04:08

New Dan Glass Plane Stupid Interview
09-11-2011 07:42
Famous Plane Stupid activist Dan Glass, interviewed in Vancouver, Canada while on the Aviation Justice Tour to link up activism in the UK with expanding airports in North America. We talk climate change, health impacts, and suppression of civil rights by police and secret services. Bonus audio from Radio Ecoshock 111109 32 minutes.Seven Billion ... And Rising
08-11-2011 13:18

Words of solidarity with Conspiracy Cells of Fire from Russian FAI-IRF cells
04-11-2011 10:43
two letters in response to the open letter of the Imprisoned Members Cell of the Conspiracy Cells of Fire-Informal Anarchist Federation (Greece) by Informal Anarchist Federation \ International Revolutionary Front, Conspiracy of Cells of Fire: Russian Cell and Earth Liberation Front (Russia) / Informal Anarchist Federation - International Revolutionary Front....UG#575 - From Oily Sands to Greasy Palms
03-11-2011 18:44

Natural Gas Drilling Rig Stormed by Anti-Fracking Protesters
02-11-2011 07:29
This morning nine people, from the national anti- fracking network from Frack Off, have halted work at Cuadrilla Resources drilling site in Hesketh Bank, Lancashire. They ran on to the Fracking site early this morning and scaled the drilling rig using climbing equipment. They aim to sit on top of the drilling rig for as long as possible to stop the drilling.Durban Conference of Polluters 1
01-11-2011 17:21

Titnore Under Threat Again!!
01-11-2011 11:25
Titnore Woods is again under threat of disappearing under 700+ houses...Frack Mob at Industry Greenwash Conference
25-10-2011 17:34

Target: Industry greenwashing conference
Date: Weds 2nd November
Time: 3-6pm
Location: Copthorne Tara Hotel, Scarsdale Place, Kensington, London
Newly Launched Renewable Energy Consultation met by Activist Fury
23-10-2011 15:35

News from Uganda
21-10-2011 20:09
A response to an article in Schnews 793 and informative information about the present situation in UgandaUG#571 - Mother Nature Knows Best (Masanobu Fukuoka, Helen & Scott Nearing)
21-10-2011 14:31

Defend Grow Heathrow
21-10-2011 10:52

Happy 7th Billion Birthday
20-10-2011 06:36

Greedy Lying Bastards - The Movie
17-10-2011 00:01