UK Ecology Newswire Archive
Local residents in Rainworth rise up against proposed windfarm
11-09-2005 11:07

Reclaim the Land Meeting 15th September/ strawbale building 17-18th, Ecoworks
10-09-2005 16:14
Land Roots:Open Meeting at the Polish Centre, Sherwood Rise, 8PM, on 15th September "just past the garage", Nottingham. Basiclly Land Roots is a group of Enviromentalist & Musicians looking to buy land on a kind of timeshare basis.RAISING FUNDS & LOOKING TO BUY,LIVE,WORK & PLAY ON LAND ON A TIMESHARE BASIS NEAR NOTTINGHAM. SHARES ARE £250,LAST FOR LIFE & YOU GET A MONTH PER YEAR ON THE LAND PER SHARE. YOU CAN HAVE A MAXIMUM OF 13 SHARES.
for more info email Sharon;

Nuclear "strike" in Derby 22-24 October
10-09-2005 13:43
22-24 Put the brakes on Rolls Royce Raynesway. Trident Ploughshares are organising a weekend of action against Rolls Royce in Derby: Raynesway is the plant in Derby responsible for producing reactor fuel for Trident submarines - essential for Britain’s nuclear Weapons of Mass Destruction.0845 330 3877
09-09-2005 18:47
Campaigners angry at Oxford Brookes University for bestowing TV presenter Jeremy Clarkson with an honorary degree will gather outside the presentation ceremony Monday morning to protest the award.Public Meeting about planned expansion of Incinerator
08-09-2005 21:15
We have now booked a venue for our public meeting which will be on 20 September, at the Sneinton Hermitige Community Centre, Sneinton Boulevard NG2 4GN, from 7pm - 9pm. Guest speakers will include NAIL and Friends of the Earth.We will be discussing the planned expansion of the incinerator, its effects on your health, the environment and increased traffic, importing waste into Nottingham to further pollute our air.
Please come along and show your support to help us stop this expansion. Please also help us advertise the meeting in anyway you can.
Download the poster from the Nail website (see link below) and put it up at home, work, your local shop and anywhere you can.

NAIL Public Meeting Poster:

NAIL Website

Green Conference taking place
08-09-2005 11:50
Green Party conference opening today,Policy debates on intellectual property rights, open source software and domestic tradable quotas for carbon.
Important information for anyone living near Parkwood landfill
08-09-2005 11:40

Following is an independent assessment of Viridor’s Planning Application to extend active waste tipping at Parkwood in Sheffield.
See also the Local Residents Fight Parkwood Landfill Expansion Proposals feature article from May 2005.
Spodden Valley: Bats and wildlife crime...
08-09-2005 05:41

Cross-party support from MEPs for Save Spodden Valley campaign...
07-09-2005 20:20

Proposed IKEA development stopped in Giltbrook
07-09-2005 19:21

RPS Planning:

Green within Ruddington event on 17th September
07-09-2005 16:41

- at the Village Museum 10.30am to 12.45pm
Opening by Penney Poyzer of 'No Waste Like Home' BBC 2 Series
Eco and Green idea's - Stalls - Entertainment - Photo display themed on 'Time before the Internal Combustion Engine' - Pedals Cycling Information - Refreshment at St Peters Rooms - Walk to Country Park at 12.45pm
- At the Framework Knitters' Museum 10.30am to 4.30pm
Events on the theme: 'Life before Electricity' - (demonstartions and displays about how people coped before electricity was available)
- During the day -> Live Music
Making Peace with the Planet - practical solutions to climate change.
07-09-2005 13:51
Coming meeting in NottinghamSpodden Valley asbestos: the national health and safety debate heats up…
07-09-2005 10:53

Campaigners say an article just published by a national expert on health and safety has significance for the controversial Spodden Valley planning application.
Lydd Airport- plane threat to Dungeness N Power stations
06-09-2005 15:23
Press statement from the Lydd Airport Action Group- opposed to its expansion.This is the original anti-group.
There is now a coalition group also:Keep The Marsh Special Alliance also fighting this. (see previous postings)
Burning effigy blocks road
04-09-2005 18:10
PROTESTERS in Sussex blocked a road with a burning effigy of John Prescott on Sunday afternoon, September 4.SHEFFIELD CITY COUNCIL TO DISCUSS CLIMATE CHANGE ON WED 7TH SEPTEMBER
04-09-2005 11:19
Full Council (meeting in Town Hall) will receive presentations by:George Munson, Regional Climate Change Co-ordinator at the Yorkshire and Humber Govt Office on the implications of Climate Change
Andy Nolan, Head of Environmental Strategy on the Council's strategy for action.
Gold fever in Europe`s rainforests
03-09-2005 15:13
Few are aware that the EU has tropical rain forestareas under their jurisdiction. Fewer even will be
aware of the bad ecological and humanitarian situation
French-Guyana is an integral part of France in South
America, and therefore the EU. 95% of its area are
covered by equatorial rainforests. But known is
French-Guyana mainly for the Ariane rocket-launch in
Situation New Orleans from bad to worse
03-09-2005 13:15

In possibly the biggest natural disaster of US history, hurricane Katrina has left devistation in New Orleans and surrounding area's. Things have gone from bad to worse. Martial law is declared in New Orleans City. The National Guard is deployed, with the order to 'Shoot To Kill' in an attempt to 'stop looting'. But reports say the National Guard is also blocking supplies getting into the affected area's. A group of 500 airboat pilots trying to support the rescue effort were stopped and send back. It is estimated 300.000 people are still trapped by the water. In an interview, the Mayor of New Orleans, Ray Nagin, lashed out at the Federal Authority, telling them to 'get off their arses'. Download interview. The US government is receiving a lot of critisism as rescue efforts have been choatic and aid starting arriving only four days after the hurricane struck.
Priorities of a corporate empire: Bush cut $20-$40 million needed to strengthen levees - a 2004 project that was 80% complete. Needing troops, he sent 35% of Louisiana's National Guard to Iraq. Then he pushed to privatize disaster services including the N.O. disaster plan, and disabled FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency)
>>> Updates on the hurricane disaster on New Orleans Indymedia
>>> Coverage of the refugee situation on Houston Indymedia
Houston Indymedia Coverage: Video: 1 | 2 | 3 Reports from New Orleans: 1 | 2 | 3
How to help: Donate: Red Cross | Second Harvest Other: Kartina Help Wiki
More Links: Weather Warning (28th August) | Democracy Now! reports (Aug. 30) (Aug. 31) (Sept. 1) (Sept. 2) | Explanation about Hurricanes (MP3) | Further analysis: 1 , 2 , 3 | Insane looting? - Not at all! | An analysis of the 'anarchy' in New Orleans' streets Commentary from the Newswire: Katrina open letter to radical/progressive community (From Houston) | In Praise of Looting | American Genocide in New Orleans
Punk and Soundsystems to support G8 protesters
02-09-2005 19:00

cap reform
02-09-2005 17:02
this is from the list.. it may be of relevance to you.. if so best wishes. et all.its a difficult issue that really gets annoying.. please email me if you have any better info or ideas