UK Ecology Newswire Archive
Sherwood Camp , Council Meeting , Positive Outcome (for now)
11-03-2004 21:40
Council request that bellway reconsider development plansSherwood Forest Tree Camp Repreive
11-03-2004 09:59
The 300 year old beech tree and other surrounding trees at the Mansfield Woodhouse / Sherwood Forest tree camp have won a two month repreive. Following an intensive local campaign, supported by campaigners from around the region and around the world, Mansfield District Council agreed, at a 10th March meeting, to an independent inquiry into the feasability of the proposed junction.local food initiatives
10-03-2004 15:55
Local food web provides a search engine service for buying and selling locally produced food products by area, throughout the untire UK. you simply log on and search for your location and it gives you a list of local producers and suppliers.Anticivilization gathering
10-03-2004 15:33
Last year we made a first gathering of people against civilization, in Can Masdeu, close to Barcelona, the result was satisfactory either in the number of people that came, the contains of the debates, as the connections that people could made.London Rising Tide pickets BP Tangguh gas greenwash meeting, London, 10.4.02
10-03-2004 14:12
A deep-frozen London Rising Tide were on hand to meet and greet those NGOs and 'socially responsible' imvestors attending a meeting organised by BP and the 'Tangguh Independent Advisory Panel' (TIAP). TIAP is made up of Senator George Mitchell, (Chairman of TIAP and now also of Disney!), Lord David Hannay, Reverend Herman Saud and Ambassador Sabam Siagian, all of whom are on the BP payroll.The Tide is Rising - benefit gig
10-03-2004 13:18
Rising Tide and Corporate Watch have organised a benefit gig on Tuesday 16th March at Northgate Hall, St Michaels Street, Oxford. There will be poets, singers, music and theatre. Doors open at 7:30 for an 8pm start, cost £5 waged, £3 unwaged.GM Crops given the go-ahead by neo-Labour
09-03-2004 14:36
The government have approved commercial GM crop growing after five years of public 'consultation'. The message from the public was clear...NO to GM crops. The message from the corporations was YES to GM crops.Guess who won?!
Help Cambridge, St. Ives, Huntington Railway Line!
09-03-2004 12:32

£15bn a year cost of supermarket packaging
09-03-2004 10:11
Supermarket shoppers are spending £470 a year - a sixth of their food budget - on packaging, a report suggests.The Liberal Democrats spoke to the UK's nine biggest supermarket chains about packaging, waste, and energy use.
They found customers spent £15bn on packaging each year and that delivery lorries travel the equivalent of two return trips to the moon every day.
Critical Mass London 10 years old in April
09-03-2004 00:36
Critical Mass cycle party, ten years of the most fun you can have on a bike!More sabotage of Bayer
08-03-2004 10:58
Locks jammed at Bayer Crop Science in North YorkshireSherwood Camp , Eviction Update , Call 2 Action
08-03-2004 02:19
07-03-2004 19:44
A tip off today has revieled that COSTAIN intend to go ahead with an illegal eviction early 2moro morning.US Stop signs get subvertised
07-03-2004 16:39

gm findings - latest
07-03-2004 11:44
sorry -its lifted from a mainstream newspaper but: new sci-findings from tests on non-GM crops to prove impossibility of co-existencePhoto Journal of trip through Chernobyl
06-03-2004 10:30
A Russian Motorcyclist travels through Chernobyl, this is her photojournalBlackwood eviction latest - ACTION NEEDED
05-03-2004 15:03
People went to the high court yesterday (4th March) and the eviction order was put on hold. This means we now have another court date in Blackwood sometime in the week starting 22nd March.ACTION NEEDED NOW TO SAVE ST DAVIDS WOODS!
Free cafe at Bilston Glen Protest Site
05-03-2004 14:48
Cafe with free food and tea all afternoon. Hopefully some musicians playing in the evening.Massive Tree Defence / Eviction in France (jan/feb)
05-03-2004 14:13

If anyone can translate the main articles from Paris Indymedia into english and post them to uk indymedia newswire that'd be great.