UK Ecology Newswire Archive
Tunnel system announced at ‘Camp Bling’ road protest site.
28-01-2006 19:29
Latest from the Bling Blog in Southend on Sea...January Critical Mass in Manchester
28-01-2006 16:58
![assembly at Central Library](/icon/2006/01/332475.jpg)
Bush-friendly BECHTEL sets sights on UK taxpayers money
28-01-2006 11:20
Bechtel which has been controversially awarded reconstruction contracts in Iraq is now setting its sights on the £15bn City led Crossrail scheme after the abuse of taxpayers money over the tube. UK politicians and the media refused to consider how much it will cost taxpayers as it is seen as a Millennium DomeCritical Mass out in the cold in polluted Gothenburg
28-01-2006 09:46
A handful of hardened cyclists gathered in central Gothenburg, Sweden on Friday evening for what might have been a record breaking Critical Mass, the coldest.incinerator pollution shocker
27-01-2006 22:40
Incinerator in Nottingham breaks emission limitsMore All-Party asbestos support for Spodden Valley
27-01-2006 14:01
![These issues go beyong party politics... a united stand to keep Rochdale safe:](/icon/2006/01/332392.jpg)
MP, Peers and representatives of organisations concerned with asbestos disease were given an update of the past 6 months in the Spodden Valley.
Rossport Solidarity to visit Nottingham
27-01-2006 10:03
![Locals send message to Shell](/icon/2006/01/332387.jpg)
Protest at University Careers Fair
27-01-2006 09:46
Awkward questions for Exxon and lots of awareness raising at careers fair.Reed Elsevier & Climate Camp for Action meetings in Oxford
26-01-2006 14:09
There is going to be two meetings next Tuesday, 31st Jan regarding upcoming potential campaigns & actions. Both will take place in the Oxford Action Resource Centre (OARC), Room 1, East Oxford Community Centre.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Blockade UK Nuke Factory at Aldermaston Monday 30 Jan
26-01-2006 13:34
![Lock-on to Bob The Blocker!](/icon/2006/01/332340.jpg)
Making flags and decor for Nottingham's Critical Mass Bike About
25-01-2006 22:35
A month of workshops and action around transport
25-01-2006 13:46
manchester critical mass and bike films
25-01-2006 12:10
manchester climate camp meeting tues 7th feb 6.30pm
25-01-2006 12:02
a meeting for those wishing to be part of the manchester neighbourhood at the camp for climate action, and also build up links of people in manchester wanting to take action on climate change.Green Fuel Firm Faces Tax Hike
25-01-2006 10:18
Inland Revenue hits budding business with a 73 per cent duty hike, bringing the tax payable on vegetable oil fuel (new and used) to 47p per litre -- the same as for petrol or diesel.Italian people fight police to prevent construction of TAV train line
25-01-2006 08:36
![intervention against olympics](/icon/2006/01/332214.jpg)
Destroy the Olympics!
Destroy the TAV!
Climate Radio
24-01-2006 16:50
The Climate Outreach and Information Network provides free, web based interviews on climate change issues.Oppose expansion of Nuke power-BBC poll.
24-01-2006 12:25
The BBC is conducting a poll on whether we should expand nuclear energy.Support Chelsea Gerlach! Support Environmental Prisoners!
24-01-2006 06:22
There has been an extensive wave of repression against activists in the USA. 11 people are being accused of being involved with the underground movements of the Animal & Earth Liberation Fronts. Already this has lead to one death in custody - it is crucial that we support these people in detention, right now! They are facing 65 serious criminal charges, facing possible multiple life sentences, for crimes which didn't hurt anyone.Please, we urge you, get informed and involved immediately!
Parklife Occupy Government Office
23-01-2006 20:41
Latest from 'Camp Bling' , Southend on Sea's anti-road widening protest camp