UK Ecology Newswire Archive
BigBlether, Lanarkshire 6-8.9.2002 : finally pics, feedback, report
23-10-2002 16:46

Farmers and the GM Maze
11-09-2002 18:59
This film was produced for a Lifecycles tour of south Devon that started 6th September. The intention was to show this film to farmers, collect footage for a new film and find out what they know and what they think about the prospect of GM commercialisation next year.Plans to promote GM crops defeated
02-09-2002 22:15
...ministers rejected clauses in the summit's plan of action which would have given the World Trade Organisation (WTO) powers over international treaties on the environment.GM debate a sham say experts
31-08-2002 10:41
PROMISES by the Government of an independent national debate on GM farming are a sham, say its own advisers.GM contamination tests not convincing
31-08-2002 09:42
Friend of the Earth say tests for GM contamination are not convincing.Antibiotic Resistance Is Fertile
30-08-2002 20:31

Bayer in GM Crop Contamination Scandals
26-08-2002 13:28
On 15th August it emerged that Bayer's new agricultural wing, Bayer CropScience (1), was responsible for the illegal planting of genetically modified (GM) oil seed rape.GM seed, planted at more than 20 farm scale trial sites in the UK since 1999, was contaminated with substantial quantities (up to 2.8%) of an unauthorised variety of
Police spread missinformation for biotech scum
20-08-2002 15:21
Police correct earlier 'mistake' regarding whether GM protesters had targetted the correct crop for decontamination.Police Say NO to GMO
19-08-2002 12:15

Photos from Dorset GM crop action
19-08-2002 09:11

18th August 2002 - Hilton, Dorset. (article 1)
Arrests at illegal GM crop trial (photos)
19-08-2002 03:04
Fourteen people arrest, then released on police bail without charge after pulling up illegal GM crop in Dorset.GM trial trashed ~ 12 arrested
18-08-2002 17:04
Dozen arrested at illegal GM trial site in Dorset.Government allows GM trials to continue
16-08-2002 18:15
The government has once again proved itself unable and unwilling to listen to public concern and overwhelming evidence about how baddly ill-conceived and mismanaged the farmscale GM evaluations have been......Convoy - Messages to DEFRA
31-07-2002 15:25

GMO`s Could Wipe Out Natural Species.
23-06-2002 18:45
This is a bleak warning to all. We are a natural species and part of a whole ecological system. Its survival has a lot to do with our own survival. Lets not fudge the issue while science debates the Pro`s & Con`s of a particular GM Crop or Genetically Handicapped Animal.Environmental protection from GM contamination
21-06-2002 11:11
Activists protect environment from contamination from GM potato crops between 16 and 17 June respectively for the second time near Berlin.Pink Castle Protesters Charged
03-06-2002 12:10
Unwilling to take a police caution, the Littlemoor Four were charged with Aggrevated Trespass (Sec 68, CJA 94) when they appeared at Weymouth police station this sunday.Latest news from Castle
16-05-2002 14:06
Four people arrested under Section 68 - aggrivated tresspass.All taken to weymouth police station.
Other people looked on to another tractor not arrested because it was still on somebody elses field.
Pink castle needs help!! Planting started
16-05-2002 12:07
GM now being planted at occupied trial site in Dorset.Six tractors and thirty police. Some protesters locked on.
Pink castle not yet evicted. More poeople needed.
Please come down. Please pass the word.
PHONE 07773 640159 or 07790 306111
Exxon pushed for coup in Venezuela
13-05-2002 13:36
Oil prices, Exxon's profits and US fears of OPEC embargo behind Venezuelan coup