Know Your Airport! Biodiversity Walk - Sun 9th May
Stop Expansion at Manchester Airport | 29.04.2010 14:33 | Climate Chaos | Ecology | Free Spaces
Join us for this family-friendly walk around the areas earmarked for
destruction by Manchester Airport's expansion plans. We'll begin at Hasty Lane and walk round the affected areas to the south. We'll hear from local experts about the different wildlife affected.
Bring your friends and family, binoculars, a picnic, a frisbee/skipping rope/games, and appreciation for what's currently being destroyed by Airport expansion.
destruction by Manchester Airport's expansion plans. We'll begin at Hasty Lane and walk round the affected areas to the south. We'll hear from local experts about the different wildlife affected.
Bring your friends and family, binoculars, a picnic, a frisbee/skipping rope/games, and appreciation for what's currently being destroyed by Airport expansion.
Know Your Airport! Biodiversity Walk
Sunday 9th May 2010
Meet at 1pm at Hasty Lane, next to Manchester Airport, WA15 8UT
Manchester Airport has plans to expand its operations into nearby green
spaces. For now this may not mean a new runway, but it does mean concreting over natural ponds, trees and wildlife areas to make room for more freight sheds and car parks.
We'll begin at Hasty Lane at 1pm and take a walk around the affected areas
to the south. We'll hear from local experts about the different wildlife
under threat. Some like, the Great Crested Newts are unique to the North
West of England.
We'll have a relaxed walk on public footpaths, and stop for games and a
picnic in nearby spaces.
We'll finish up for drinks at the Romper Pub around 4pm.
Bring your friends and family, binoculars, a picnic, a frisbee, skipping
rope (or whatever game you want) and appreciation for what's currently
being destroyed by Airport expansion.
How to get there:
Get the train to Manchester Airport transport interchange then either bus
numbers 18 & 18A towards Hale Barns/ Altrincham. Get off at the top off
Hasty lane.
Or take the TRAM to Altrincham interchange and take buses number 18 or 18a
towards the Airport/Wythenshawe. Get off at the top of Hasty lane.
For more information see

See chapter 9 of this PDF - page 55 for a map of the area. Mind the greenwash.

Stop Expansion at Manchester Airport