UK Analysis Newswire Archive
Andrew and Obama: A cringe worthy scene of sniveling appeasement
25-05-2011 01:21
A short(ish) summary of the failings of Andrew Marr's interview with Barack Obama.Obama genuflects to AIPAC
24-05-2011 20:57

The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) is "the most powerful and feared lobby in Washington." For years, it's "drawn on a well-organized, well-connected, highly visible, successful, and wealthy Jewish population," subverting potential opposition.
Obama's May 22 AIPAC speech affirmed rock solid support for a "strong and secure Israel," leaving Palestinians entirely out of his equation, despite paying disingenuous lip service to their interests.
An official AIPAC statement expressed gratitude for his assurance that Washington doesn't expect Israel to withdraw to June 1967 borders, besides explicitly calling Hamas a terrorist organization, ignoring its January 2006 electoral victory as Palestine's legitimate government.
UG#551 - Understanding The Financial 'Crisis' (The Spectre Haunting Europe)
24-05-2011 14:21

Sheffield Anarchists Bookfair: Luddites Organising Forum
24-05-2011 11:50

Anarchist Studies Network Book Launch
24-05-2011 11:08

All three books are edited collections of contemporary anarchist theory, with contributors from around the globe offering some unique and original perspectives on anarchism.
Sheffield Anarchist Book Fair 2011: Anarchism 101
24-05-2011 10:37

Everything you wanted to know about anarchism/libertarian communism but were afraid to ask. A panel discussion featuring members of the Anarchist Federation

Elephants, Dogmas and Taboos: a Friendly Critique of Anarchism
24-05-2011 10:25

David Kelly, NuTory Boy, Norman Baker and me
23-05-2011 09:28
At PMQs this week David Cameron once again showed the determination of the British political elite to scupper any proper investigation into the death of Dr David Kelly. Will Norman Baker MP step into the fray again?The International Criminal Court: An imperial tool
22-05-2011 23:02

Moreno-Ocampo is an imperial tool, following orders. Claiming ample evidence shows Gaddafi "personally ordered attacks on unarmed Libyan civilians" is gross hypocrisy with no credibility whatever. His announcement was strategically timed to justify war by accusing government victims of crimes, portraying NATO lawlessness as a noble initiative to deter them.
UG#550 - Between The Lies about Libya (Vijay Prashad and Ellen Brown)
22-05-2011 05:51

America's appalling human rights record
21-05-2011 10:47

Unsparing in its harshness, it calls China "an authoritarian state in which the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) constitutionally is the paramount authority,"
Indeed, China's no model human rights champion. However, America's record is far worse at home and abroad, yet self-criticism is absent. Moreover, rarely do major media reports discuss abuses. Instead they regurgitate managed news, suppressing full and accurate disclosure of Washington's most deplorable human and civil rights record at home and abroad.
On April 10, two days after the State Department's report, China's Information Office of the State Council published its own comprehensive report titled, "The Human Rights Record of the United States in 2010,"
In its report, the US State Department charges were mostly without corroboration. In contrast, China, under six major headings, used data from the US Justice Department (DOJ), FBI, other US agencies, state ones, and think tanks, as well as international and US media reports. They reveal a far different America than official Washington and managed major media reports, concealing dark side truths important to reveal.
BOBBY ROBERTS HEADS TO GOSFORTH (not if we can help it )
20-05-2011 15:05
bobby roberts and his sick show has been attracting protests all over the placein whitburn bobby was demo'd loudley
in blaydon he was demo'd loudly and made the papers and tv
today bobby announces his next venue Gosforth race course
New Zealanders must ‘speak out’ about omitted human rights or be reduced to mere
19-05-2011 06:43
NZ has been taken over by a 'bicultural' tribal elite. The human rights omissions are killing people and leaving many with lives barely worth living. They have an anti-human rights philosophy, 'discriminatory collectivism, which aims to destroy individual and collective potential and any bottom-up challenge yet human rights regards the individual as a person (and spiritually, I believe, God regards the individual has having a 'name').Bobby roberts protest blaydon
19-05-2011 00:21
Over twenty five local activists and residents protested today against bobby robertsYoung and old came came to show there anger at this horrific show
Ilan Pappé: The Nakba revisited: past, present and future course of the conflict
18-05-2011 11:09

Sisters of Resistance respond to OG Niki
17-05-2011 18:23
A group of Sisters of Resistance respond to OG Niki and reflect on the ways in which her music, and people's responses to it, arise at the intersection of racism and sexism in a "dehumanising capitalist" culture.UG#549 - Human Casualties of The Chemical Civil War (Homo Toxicus and Poison Fire)
17-05-2011 08:57

No End to the “War on Terror,” No End to Guantánamo
14-05-2011 19:28
With the death of Osama bin Laden, there is a perfect opportunity for the Obama administration to bring to an end the decade-long “War on Terror” by withdrawing from Afghanistan and closing the prison at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba.
First casualty of war
13-05-2011 21:46

Osama and the ghosts of September 11: “Proof that Obama is lying”
12-05-2011 21:18

If the United States of America does not immediately announce a massive drawdown in Afghanistan, the world will keep asking questions about OBL because our lives will be getting worse, not better, by the day. And every time Mr. Obama opens his mouth about 9-11, he pours more gasoline into the pool and asks for another box of matches.
It was not my choice. Barack Obama has placed 9-11 back on the table again. Mainstream media, of course, can't say Jack Diddly about this theater of the absurd, even though they’ve been cornered into asking a few pseudo-hardball questions. They are, after all, criminally culpable for the endorsement and concealment of something they damn well knew was a lie, murder, and high treason ten years ago.