UK Analysis Newswire Archive
Economist likens ConDem cuts to conditions which Hitler rode to power on
31-03-2011 00:45

My march for the alternative
30-03-2011 19:54
Last Saturday up to 500,000 people joined the TUC's March for the Alternative. Many hundreds, if not thousands, of other people protested against the Con-Dem cuts in different, spikier, ways. Here's my story and reflections.Nato’s fascist war
30-03-2011 13:39

You’re talking a lot, but you’re not saying anything – more thoughts on March 26
30-03-2011 12:18
A few thoughts on the condemnation (no pun intended) of the "violent minority" and the idea that the black bloc damaged our image.Media disinformation: The protest movement in Syria
29-03-2011 22:54

Spot the difference.
Planned regime change in Libya
29-03-2011 14:57

Imagine the hypocrisy. US-style "humanitarian intervention" reigns death and destruction "to protect the Libyan people." Recall how "shock and awe" protected Iraqis, how war on Afghanistan helps Afghans and neighboring Pakistanis from predatory drone and ground attacks. Libyans are now tasting imperial viciousness firsthand.
In fact, all US wars are imperial, not humanitarian, a long discredited propaganda ruse major media reports don't explain. Instead they cheerlead for war no matter how lawless, mindless, destructive or counterproductive, spreading malicious misinformation to justify intervention, concealing or downplaying the fallout from all conflicts let alone why they're waged.
Why we took out Ann Summers on Saturday 26 March:
29-03-2011 01:36
A response to the confusion emerging from the broken Ann Summers windows on a march about... CUTS?!Dancing in the Streets: Reflections on 26th March
28-03-2011 23:05
Thoughts on some of the pros and cons of Saturday's demo, and where we go from here.#ukuncut #ukunstuck what was the point?
28-03-2011 16:25
My sympathies go out to everyone in UKUncut who ended up being arrested piling out of Fortnum & Mason on Saturday, but I hope the question "what was the point of that?" is being asked amongst the organisers and the wider activist community.Animal Warfare Revels: Bobby Roberts Address!
28-03-2011 14:51

Obama in Brazil: hearts and minds operations
26-03-2011 20:12
March 26, 2011; from the south of Brazil, Bruno Lima Rocha (
March 26th:Where do we go from here? (complete version)
26-03-2011 09:59
Open Discussion leaflet for today's demo. Please feel free to comment or pass it on.March 26th Demo: Where do we go from here?
26-03-2011 09:16
What do we do after today's march. What is behing the cuts and the drive to war? Why Labour is not an alternative.Increasing the uncertainty: beyond activism as usual
25-03-2011 12:36
As we edge closer to the TUC demonstration this Saturday the internet, airwaves and blogosphere are becoming increasingly excited about what might happen. However, as is to be expected, much of this is already focusing on the usual themes of police fairness/repression, the likelihood of violence etc. This article seeks to reaffirm the real successes of the previous few months – an openness to change, a new found humility and greater social resonance – by calling for an intervention which focuses on moving towards uncertainty rather than falling back on tired, clichéd direct action strategies.About public debt,budget deficit and the General Strike on Saturday
25-03-2011 12:04
About public debt,budget deficit and the General Strike on SaturdayObama’s imperial twist: “Humanitarian” regime change in Libya
24-03-2011 21:54

Another "Bankers' Budget" From George Osborne
24-03-2011 10:08

Obama’s War in Libya
23-03-2011 21:30

BBC to be funded by US State Department.
23-03-2011 12:02
The BBC World Service division, responsible for foreign language broadcasting of "news" into other nations around the world, has approached the US State Department for funding.