UK Analysis Newswire Archive
Big Brother Propaganda Strikes Back At Oldest Enemy
12-02-2010 18:57
Are the suggestions made by Cass Sunstein for dealing with American dissenters new or is it just one more in a long line of old ideas resurfacing in a new age?Europe's five "undeclared nuclear weapons states"
12-02-2010 18:20

But what about the five European "undeclared nuclear states" including Belgium, Germany, Turkey, the Netherlands and Italy.
One cannot rule the World without keeping one's own nation under control
12-02-2010 17:40

Obama and Sarah Palin BOTH exalt the same military leadership that gives them both the OKay. They are two loyal representatives of wealthy and influential investors in war industry and the industry's laterally connected high military officials. Yet media conglomerates intend for the public to see them as two political stars in confrontation. They both go along with and play out this hoax, which cleaves the national constituency conveniently in two making it easier to manage.
The Bolivarian Revolution and the Caribbean
12-02-2010 16:58
"But we do not know what to do with the civilization attained. Human beings have equipped themselves with nuclear weapons of unbelievable accuracy and annihilation potency while, from the moral and political point of view, they have ignominiously retrogressed. Politically and socially, we are more underdeveloped than ever. Automatons are replacing soldiers; the mass media, educators, and governments are beginning to be overtaken by events without knowing what to do. In the desperation of many international political leaders one can appreciate an impotency in the face of the problems that are accumulating in their offices and steadily more frequent international meetings. In those circumstances, an unprecedented disaster is taking place in Haiti, while on the other side of the planet, three wars and an arms race are continuing their development, in the midst of the economic crisis and growing conflicts, which is consuming more than 2.5% of the global GDP, a figure with which all the Third World countries could be developed in a short period of time and possibly evade climate change by devoting the economic and scientific resources that are essential to that objective."Truth in the Service of Empire: Response to Yvonne Ridley's 'Truth...US justice'
11-02-2010 23:55
In my view, the prima facie “Truth about US justice” is that “truth” is in the service of empire! The madam Ambassador of the United States to Pakistan has only executed the core purpose of her diplomatic post rather faithfully in the service of her empire. “Truth” in these times, like everything else, including science, politics, history, literature, cinema, and of course political-science, is continually put in the diabolical service of empire. And perhaps the Brits might actually know this better than the rest of the world put together!
Descent Into Barbarism: The US and NATO Wage War on the World
11-02-2010 21:36
"The profit system has hit an historic dead-end and this gridlock is a result of deep trends to do with the decline in capitalism as a mode of social production (falling wages and profits and the concomitant explosion in financial speculation and debts).Widespread poverty and human misery is now seen on a massive scale in the so-called developed world. Some 40 million Americans, for example, are subsisting on food stamps. The distinction between “developed” and “developing” economies (always a myth anyway) is blurred. The ranks of the world’s long-suffering poor are swelled with dispossessed blue and white-collar workers and their families from across the US and Europe. Together more than ever, they stand shut out from those gated havens of obscene wealth for a global minority."
NATO’s Role In The Military Encirclement Of Iran
11-02-2010 17:52

It is too early to tell whether the false accusations levered against Iran are a pretext for NATO’s further deployment or whether its deployment constitutes the premise for a new war.
Venezuela: From Revolution sui generis to Fifth International
11-02-2010 02:17
When precise, decisive and incisive ideas become social theory, then, no reactionary force could stop it in its forward march towards victory anymore.Colored Revolutions: A New Form of Regime Change, Made in USA
10-02-2010 23:13

Wherever a coup d'etat, a colored revolution or a regime change favorable to US interests occurs, the US Agency for International Development (USAID) and its flow of dollars is there.
Yemen and The Militarization of Strategic Waterways
10-02-2010 16:21

Among Washington's strategic objectives is the militarization of major sea ways. This strategic waterway links the Mediterranean to South Asia and the Far East, through the Suez Canal, the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden.
The Myth of the Good War: America in World War II
10-02-2010 12:33

By the beginning of 1945, the Allied commanders knew perfectly well that even the most ferocious bombing raid would not succeed in “terrorizing [the Germans] into submission,” so that it is not realistic to ascribe this motive to the planners of the operation.
The bombing of Dresden, then, seems to have been a senseless slaughter, and looms as an even more terrible undertaking than the atomic obliteration of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which is at least supposed to have led to the capitulation of Japan.
Two events about Haiti in London, Thursday & Friday this week
09-02-2010 21:38
Thursday 11 February 2010: Public Meeting - "No Shock Doctrine for Haiti", venue: Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion Square, Holborn, Central London&
Friday 12 February: Video + discussion: "The Tragedies of Haiti: Reflection on the Earthquake and Interventionism", venue: Inca Arch, 202 Coldharbour Lane SE5
Descent Into Barbarism: The US and NATO Wage War on the World
09-02-2010 19:37

On top of ordinary poverty and misery, the world is truly seeing another historic descent into barbarism. Given this war-mongering dynamic, the growing US antagonism with Iran, Russia and China is far from an idle threat. It is the logical next step for a deeply illogical economic system.
Bruntwood: Movers and Shakers
08-02-2010 18:49
Our upcoming print edition takes a detailed look inside the boardrooms of Manchester’s biggest earners. Here MULE offers an insight to Bruntwood, the biggest owner of office space in the city, to give you just a taste of what the movers and shakers of Manchester are involved in.Quantitative Easing, what it is and why it’s not working
08-02-2010 08:28
The Bank of England would like to stimulate the economy, but I don’t believe that is QE’s real purpose. What it was meant to do was to cover a UK debt hole that most people don’t understand but could push the economy into depression.critique of UNISON London by retiring long time UNISON activist
05-02-2010 10:11
The following letter was circulated among UNISON activists in London. It is a good-bye letter, critique and call to arms from a retiring UNISON officer.Not convinced cps will do anything against criminal behaviour
05-02-2010 09:11
BBC has all morning been saying the Crown Prosecution Service will make an announcement about the six MPs and peersFull article | 1 addition | 2 comments
The Stockholm Programme: 1984 is Here
04-02-2010 15:14

"1984 is here, no really, this time we're not lying , honest. "
Danny Dorling: Why Social Inequality Persists
04-02-2010 00:08

Daily Mail censor staff blog
03-02-2010 20:38
Here is a full copy of the now-censored blog of a Daily Mail employee. It was taken down after management uncovered it earlier today.