UK Analysis Newswire Archive
Report of Edinburgh protest against NATO on Saturday 14th November 2009
21-11-2009 01:51

Alan Woods: No light bulb will shine, without the kind permission of the workers
20-11-2009 21:59

Monbiot on Peak Oil: If Nothing Else, Save Farming
20-11-2009 14:29
George Monbiot's latest article on peak oil is introduced thus: "It’s probably too late to prepare for peak oil, but we can at least try to salvage food production."Of course governments are doing nothing to transition to the production of food without fossil fuels -- what little is happening is coming from the grass roots, see for example the Soil Associations pages on community supported agriculture:

The following article was published in the corporate media and the role that the tiny number of voices like that of George Monbiot play in the bigger picture is considered in the latest Medialens alert:
A Comparative Review of Flat Earth News and Newspeak

For more background on peak oil and food and what it means, essentially the end of industrial civizilation, listen to this talk by Nafeez Ahmed from last year:
Food Crisis & Peak Oil

It’s Xmas – Welcome to Manchester Plc
20-11-2009 14:21
Businesses in the centre of Manchester must wish it could be Christmas every day. Or to be more precise, that the Christmas shopping period came more frequently. They got an early present of their own this week, when the Council proudly announced it will be providing city-centre shops with a free marketing campaign worth £600,000.National Day of Black Consciousness (by Latuff)
20-11-2009 09:39

(Source: BRAZZIL - News from Brazil)
In the cartoon, cop says: Zumbi my ass, hands to the wall, nigger!
Originally published in Contraponto, bulletin of Sindicato dos Servidores das Justicas Federais no Estado do Rio de Janeiro, SISEJUFE.
French Workers Union CNT Boycott Israel
18-11-2009 19:22
The French Workers’ Union CNT Joins BDS CampaignT
The EDL: The BNP’s Useful Idiots? (Part 2)
18-11-2009 10:28
The second part of Ragnor Ironpants look into the links between the English Defence League (EDL) and the BNP…Berlin and Prague through Seattle to Copenhagen
17-11-2009 15:18
If 1989 saw the birth of democracy and 1999 its coming-out party, then 2009 in Copenhagen will see its coming of age.Czech president signs Lisbon Treaty/ResultofEU dirty deal regarding human rights
17-11-2009 03:28
With the EU guarantee to the Czech president, that the Czech State should not be exposed to property claims of expelled Germans after World War II, the EU not only implicitly consents with ethnical cleansings, it is also highly hypocritical, since the EU regularly points a finger to human rights violating countries like Sudan, Myanmar and IranIt is high time the EU should look in its own mirror, among else with regard to police abuse, racism and violation of the rights of migrants and real or alleged terrorsuspects
US and China free to pollute (by Latuff)
17-11-2009 02:43

Drones: A slam-dunk weapons system or our ticket to hell?
16-11-2009 19:36
"This, then, is the future that you can see just as well as I can. When the Obama administration decides to up the ante on drone use in Pakistan and Afghanistan, as it's soon likely to do, it will be ensuring not the end of al-Qaeda or the Taliban, but the long life of robot war within the US's ever-more militarized society. And by the time this set of robotic dreams fails to pan out, it won't matter. Yet another mini-sector of the military-industrial complex will be etched into the American grain.Whatever the short-term gains from introducing drone warfare in these past years, we are now locked into the 24/7 assassination trade - with the US's own set of non-suicide bombers on the job into eternity. This may pass for sanity in Washington, but it's surely helping to pave the road to hell.
Haven't any of these folks ever seen a sci-fi film? Are none of them Terminator fans? Are they sure they want to open the way to unlimited robot war, keeping in mind that, if this is the latest game in town, it won't remain mainly an American one for long. And just wait until the first Iranian drone takes out the first Balochi guerrilla supported by American funds somewhere in Pakistan. Then let's see just what we think about the right of any nation to summarily execute its enemies - and anyone else in the vicinity - by drone. "
President Chavez insists: The Only Road is towards Socialism!
16-11-2009 17:51

14-11-2009 10:59
Swan Hotel 737 Atherton Road, Hindley Green, Wigan, WN2 4SBClinton appoints former embassy hostage as point person on Iran
13-11-2009 10:38

Today Limbert is the newly appointed Deputy Assistant Secretary for Iran in the State Department's Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs. That makes him Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's point person on Iran, just as pressure is building in Congress to impose more sanctions on the Islamic Republic.
While Limbert's preferred methods may differ from those of his predecessor Dennis Ross, it would be naive to think that his political goals are any less ambitious: undermining Iran's growing ability to oppose U.S. policy in the Middle East by restricting its access to alternative energy sources while promoting a change to a government friendlier to Western corporate interests.
Benigno 'Noynoy' Aquino for the next Philippine President
11-11-2009 02:01

The Crisis
10-11-2009 11:57
The crisis in modern society isn’t just about economics. It’s about the crisis in the environment too and about the crisis in international relations. Several major wars are being fought “on our behalf” whilst worldwide rabid nationalism., fascism and fundamentalism are making headway. All of these crises effect each other. We need to examine the effects of these crises, how they interconnect and whether a solution to these problems is possible.Nafeez Ahmed: Our Terrorists
09-11-2009 14:52
Following is an extended and footnoted version of an article previously published at
Constructing cultures of resistance
09-11-2009 02:39

Zhibin Gu: is China a socialist nation: politics, economy, history and Communist
08-11-2009 06:05
What has gone wrong with China's Communist revolution? Puzzle 1: why does China have a totally corrupt government? Puzze 2: Is China's bureaucratic corruption going to ruin the nation and economy in light of global financial crisis? How should one understand the Chinese Communist bureaucracy and its wild corruptive practice? Get realistic analysis and knowledge on Chinese economy, politics, and society from provocative Chinese thinker George Zhibin Gu of World Association of International Studies at Stanford University (5 parts)Remembering Allan Francovich who relentlessly exposed the CIA's political crimes
08-11-2009 01:51