UK Analysis Newswire Archive
Digby Jones should name the 3rd Runway go-ahead civil servants!
15-01-2009 19:04
Thursday 15 January 2009: On the day that Gordon Brown's confidante and de facto civil servant Shriti Vadera took over the front page of the DAILY MAIL ; when Yvette Cooper stated the apology to the victims of Equitable Life; the day when Geoff Hoon [3rd Runway, Heathrow] again proved that he was indeed a buffoon on the environment too, and the day when token trade minister [ex,] Digby Jones made a comment on the appalling state of the British civil service at the top end of Government....Blueprint for Gaza attack was long planned
15-01-2009 11:41

A systemic crisis in Greece
14-01-2009 22:59
The cold blooded murder of a 15 year old student ―part of a long sequence of murders and police brutalities that characterized the entire post-civil war period in Greece, including the post-junta period― acted as a catalyst for a social explosion and, at the same time, made abundantly clear the continuous worsening of the multidimensional crisis to which we have referred many times in the past.Full article | 1 addition | 4 comments
Gaza Protest London: Police violence and media under-reporting
13-01-2009 23:07

UK Libertarian Party: ex-BNP members in disguise?
13-01-2009 12:48
It's a year since the creation of the "UK Libertarian Party", a falsely titled group if there ever was one!Full article | 2 additions | 6 comments
American Indian activist: Breaking the silence on Obama
13-01-2009 10:48

“Every policy the Palestinians are now enduring was practiced on the American Indian,” added Means.
A letter to a cousin
12-01-2009 19:02
Having just finished seven years as an undergraduate and PhD degree at Oxford University, where I was conspicuously in the minority, ethnically, I felt the urge to share the groundings for my motivation and attitude which has helped me along the way to my academic success.Dialect Gaza special: Palestine's history & Bristol demo. speeches
12-01-2009 17:56

Dialect Radio is a Bristol (UK) internet broadcasting Co-operative run by volunteers. Our main activity is our weekly current affairs and arts magazine programme Dialect, which is recorded at our Queen's Square studios and posted for download every weekend. Want to volunteer? Volunteering Bristol, Royal Oak House, Royal Oak Avenue, Bristol. BS1 4GB Tel: 0117 989 7733. Listen on air: 93.2 FM (BCFM), Tuesdays 9:00 PM.

Full article | 1 addition | 4 comments
Unusually Large Weapons Shipment to Israel: Plan for a broader Middle East war?
12-01-2009 13:01

The U.S. shipment ordered on December 31 is of the order of 3000 tons, an unusually large and heavy cargo of "ammunition" pointing to the transfer of heavy weaponry to Israel.
The central question is whether the Gaza invasion is part of a broader military plan directed against Lebanon, Syria and Iran, in which heavier weaponry including US made bunker buster bombs will be used.
March 14th 2009 - 25th anniversary of the start of the Miners strike event
12-01-2009 11:31
The 25th anniversary of the start of the Miners strike event is taking place with the 3rd North East Working Class Bookfair in North Shields - (Eastern) Newcastle. There will be meetings, a cafe, books, old and new, mags, and space to discuss relevant politics. This would be a good time to discuss left and @ responses (or not - fek the ultra left) to the situation in Gaza.Sekwanele! [Enough is Enough!]: Social Movement struggles for Land and Housing i
12-01-2009 09:17
Toussaint Losier gives a useful overview of the militant grassroots movements that are rejecting party politics in South Africa is favour of a strategy of building a network of communes and collectives.Blue Star Rampage: Israel's dress rehearsal for Lebanon
11-01-2009 17:21

BE: Dungeness N station on a possible 'C' station
10-01-2009 16:46
British Energy are holding several 'public meetings' in the local area (Kent-Romney Marsh) to tell all about their wonderous new plans for a third nuclear station at the site.The Transition Town Movement: embracing reality and resilience
08-01-2009 17:36

Following is a review of The Transition Handbook written by Carolyn Baker. The first version of The Transition Handbook is available on paper, the second version is being developed through open revisions of the first version, see The Transition Handbook 2nd edition. Previous articles on the Transition Initiative on UK Indymedia include, Rob Hopkins on “The Rocky Road to a Real Transition”: A Review, Keith Parkins on Transition Towns and John Michael Greer: Transition Towns movement: Premature Triumphalism?.
Bombing to make the Gaza prison even more secure for Israel
08-01-2009 16:55
There are two persistent myths about the aim of Israel's onslaught on Gaza: the first that it is an entirely defensive move, a way to end the rocket fire of Hamas; and the second that it is designed to restore the army's credibility after its failure to cow Hizballah in 2006.The End of Capitalism? Not quite, but nearly....
08-01-2009 14:34
The following article was originally published in Fourth World Review - A Transition Journal., see also this talk by Nafeez Ahmed, Food Crisis & Peak Oil (Audio).
Gaza Catastrophe: Resource Conflict? Natural Gas, Palestinian Elections, and Israel's Subversion of the 'Peace Process'
08-01-2009 14:27
Israel claims it is fighting in Gaza to stop Hamas rocket-fire against Israel, the continuation of which constituted a flagrant breach of the six-months ceasefire. Hence, the objective of the military operation is limited by the aim of putting an end to the rocket-fire. In fact, the current outbreak of violence cannot be understood without analysing the asymmetries in military violence between the two parties; the structural dynamic of the conflict in the context of the character of the Israeli occupation; the central role of recent discoveries of substantial natural gas reserves in Gaza; and joint Anglo-American and Israeli attempts to monopolise the lucrative (and strategic) energy resources through a political process tied to a corrupt Palestinian Authority run by Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah Party. Hamas' unprecedented victory in democratic elections in 2006 fundamentally threatened these plans. Operation Cast Lead, the concurrent Israeli military venture, was operationalised as a war plan in early 2008, and already finalised in detail as far back as 2001 by Israeli military intelligence. Its execution in late December 2008 into January 2009 is designed to head-off not only domestic Israeli elections, but more significantly, the outcome of further incoming Palestinian democratic elections likely to consolidate Hamas' power, to permanently shift the balance of geopolitical and economic power in its favour. The long-term goal is the "cantonization" of the Occupied Territories making way for increased Israeli encroachment, and ultimately the escalation of Palestinian emigration.
Support the workers of Gaza against ALL their enemies!
08-01-2009 11:18
One thing is absolutely clear about the current situation in Palestine: the Israeli state is committing acts of horrific violence against the Palestinian working class, and this needs to be stopped immediately.But that's not all there is to say about the situation...
Israeli attacks on Gaza/Dirty war against the Palestinian civilian population
07-01-2009 14:06
By their unlawful and systematic character,combined with the blockade of Gaza, housedemolitions and extrajudicial executions, the Israeli attacks on Gaza are a dirty war against the Palestinian civilian populationPeak Oil And The Century Of Famine
07-01-2009 09:09
Around the beginning of the twenty-first century, there began a clash of two gigantic forces: overpopulation and oil depletion. The event went unnoticed by all but a few people, but it was quite real. As a result of that clash, the number of human beings on Earth must one day decline in order to match the decline in oil production.