UK Analysis Newswire Archive
The "War on Terror" and Africa’s Worst Humanitarian Crisis
04-01-2008 15:25
The Shortwave Report 01/04/08 ¡Listen Globally!
04-01-2008 00:16
A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia."How non-violence protects the state" UK tour with author Peter Gelderoos
03-01-2008 20:43
*Gandhi said it's better to resist violently than to use nonviolence to
hide your passivity. Meanwhile, Bono, the Burmese military, and 9 out of
10 humanitarian NGOs agree, peaceful resistance is the best!*
Invading Pakistan: An idea whose time has come
03-01-2008 20:16
As usual, the Neocons-Zionists are paying no attention to the consequences of their totalitarian designs. They hardly care if Iraq and Afghanistan are in total chaos and millions of innocent lives have been lost. What is chaos to us is a success to them. Without such a vast turmoil, they believe it is not easy to redraw the maps in the Middle-East [5] (including South Asia) and permanently tame the Muslim world in favour of Israel’s expansionist drive.CIA Drug Plane Scandal Heating Up
03-01-2008 14:24
The scandal surrounding two CIA-connected drug planes which flew from St. Petersburg-Clearwater International Airport to South America before being busted in Mexico on the way back with multi-ton loads of cocaine grew more serious last week..Motive: Benazir fingered MI6s Omar Sheikh
29-12-2007 23:43
![Omar Sheikh](/icon/2007/12/388592.jpg)
Bhutto assassination heightens threat of US intervention in Pakistan
29-12-2007 18:17
With Pakistan erupting in violence over the assassination of its former prime minister Benazir Bhutto and amid conflicting accounts as to both the identity of her assassins and even the cause of her death, official Washington and the American mass media have coalesced around a version of events that has been crafted to suit US strategic interests.Bush administration rushes to defense of Musharraf
28-12-2007 16:34
Pakistan People’s Party “life chairperson” and prime ministerial candidate Benazir Bhutto was assassinated early Thursday evening, Pakistani time, while campaigning for national and provincial assembly elections scheduled for January 8.6 Things You Must Do
28-12-2007 11:36
The Shortwave Report 12/28/07 ¡Listen Globally!
28-12-2007 00:52
A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.A Peace-killing Linkage, De-linkage
26-12-2007 15:12
Linking the “aliyah” to what the Jewish literature has been describing as Eretz Israel or Yisrael HaShleima (Greater Israel) to the Israeli colonial settlement of the Palestinian land, which the Hebrew state occupied in 1967, while at the same time negating the Palestinian Right of Return, is torpedoing whatever prospect is left for a peaceful solution for the Arab – Israeli conflictLies, Injustice and the Capitalist Way: We’re on the Highway to Hell—Don’t Stop
24-12-2007 17:29
The Post-Oil Economy: After The Techno-Fix
23-12-2007 20:12
"Even when grappling with the idea of economic disintegration, Americans attempt to cast it in terms of technological or economic progress: eco-villages, sustainable development, energy efficiency and so on. Under the circumstances, such compulsive techno-optimism seems maladaptive." — Dmitry Orlov, "Our Village"Funding Democracy Or War?
23-12-2007 08:24
The ‘Iran Democracy Fund’ was recently awarded $60 million. There seems to be neither rhyme nor reason to this re-appropriation, especially since more than two dozen Iranian American and human rights groups appealed to Congress to eliminate the program given that the program had backfired, undermining democracy efforts in Iran and leading to wider repression of activists. It therefore begs the question why the United States would deliberately waste tax payers’ money while causing hardship on aspiring democrats in Iran? Perhaps the answer lies in the lead up to the Iraq invasion.The Africa Command prospect and the partition of Somalia
20-12-2007 08:14
As US Secretary of Defense Robert Gates was recently visiting American forces in Djibouti, the Washington Post was reporting how the Pentagon has been spearheading a seemingly dicey initiative to pressure Washington into recognizing the secessionist northwestern region of Somalia, known as “Somaliland,” as an independent state.Welcome to Fantasy Air
19-12-2007 14:12
Darfur is a right mess – but that does not absolve us.
19-12-2007 10:56
The situation in Darfur may be tangled beyond belief, but we still have an obligation to seek a solution.3 Years On: A People's Tribunal on Status of Tsunami Rehabilitation
18-12-2007 19:33
The tribunal aims to conduct an impartial and independent enquiry on status of rehabilitation after three year of Asian Tsunami losses in Indias and to compile a policy report based on the testimonies by the affected people, observations of experts and community leaders.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
How the Anglo-American elite shares its 'values'
17-12-2007 18:43
When Prime Minister Gordon Brown spoke recently about his government's devotion to the United States, "founded on the values we share", he was echoing his Foreign Office minister Kim Howells, who was preparing to welcome the Saudi dictator to Britain with effusions of "shared values". The meaning was the same in both cases. The values shared are those of rapacious power and wealth, with democracy and human rights irrelevant, as the bloodbath in Iraq and the suffering of the Palestinians attest, to name only two examples.Major Corruption
17-12-2007 15:32
John Major has protested that the Tories were not corrupt in the 80s and 90s. These claims will remain unconvincing unless they answer two questions. First, why did they give an apparently unjustifiable £300 million contract to one of the two companies involved in the arms deal illegally linked to the Pergau Dam? Secondly, who gave the tens of millions of pounds needed to fund the Tory party in that period.