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UK Analysis Newswire Archive

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Failure of the Affluent State

16-05-2006 05:28

When the State fails and criminals steal the reigns of power corruption filters through State institutions. The agencies and the regulatory ‘authorities’ usually ‘toe the line’ and therefore cannot be trusted to serve the interests of the people. When the government becomes a den of thieves, liars and murderers it is the people who must restore sanity and legitimate government.

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Appealing to the United States is not very appealing

16-05-2006 04:05

Is not very appealing
"...The people will scrutinize our presidencies. Did we (manage) to bring peace, security and prosperity for the people or insecurity and unemployment? Did we intend to establish justice or just supported (special) interest groups, and by forcing many people to live in poverty and hardship, made a few people rich and powerful -- thus trading the approval of the people and the almighty with theirs? Did we defend the rights of the underprivileged or ignore them? Did we defend the rights of all people around t he world or imposed wars on them, interfered illegally in their affairs, established hellish prisons and incarcerated some of them? Did we bring the world peace and security or raised the specter of intimidation and threats? " -- Mahmood Ahmadi-Nejad

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15-05-2006 18:47

The final version of the Legislative and Regulatory Reform Bill will be voted on by MP's tomorrow. Well publicised government amendments have given the impression that the government has "climbed down". In fact, Conservatives are enthusiastically greeting a Bill which still allows ministers to change just about any law they like.

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The Utopias of Capitalism

15-05-2006 18:00

"Government and freedom exclude one another" from "Jennifer Government"

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15-05-2006 17:43

After the mediocre performance in the council elections of only gaining a handful of seats in Muslim areas, the SWP are unsure about respect.

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Radical History Group meeting May 25th: The General Strike

15-05-2006 12:28

Once again, the South London Radical History Group presents it's monthly fandango for you..
We aim to have a couple of brief presentations on local examples of the
day to day running of the Genreal Strike in South London, as well as an open
discussion on its legacy, and what lessons we can learn (a bit late as

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The CRIME that Covered-up the Coup

15-05-2006 09:31

The 'Project for a New America': "The theft of this nation was a very shabby affair, carried out by amateurs whose true motives are just beginning to unravel. Had there been media to cover what was happening while this was going on, none of this could have continued!"

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The return of 'thought crimes' in Japan

15-05-2006 08:22

Permits detention without charge
In combination with another statute that permits detention without charge, the new law could have a chilling effect on civil liberties, including freedoms of speech and assembly and the right to organize.

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Peak Oil is so trendy!!!

14-05-2006 18:34

If there was no climate change, if oil was infinite, where would the infinite supply of oxygen come from for the car-drivers grand carbon-dioxide creating project? All considered, running out of oil might be no bad deal...

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The Oil Wars

14-05-2006 18:13

There is a lot of noise coming from Washington these days about uranium enrichment in Iran. We know the script, we've seen it all before. It's another petro-dollars war and the people of Iran are about to feel the terror.

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RMIT=Brain Tumour Factory!

13-05-2006 22:45

Brain-tumour-causing mobile phone towers
I have been astounded by the story of the RMIT Business campus and the brain-tumour-causing mobile phone towers. The most shocking thing has been the stampede by 'experts' to deny linkage b/w towers and cancers. Throw away your mobile phones immediately! They are addictive and deadly!

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Independent voter study in the local elections (Cambridge, Romsey)

12-05-2006 23:16

During the local elections a group of us undertook some independent electoral research, here is the report.

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Size matters - public opinion doesn't

12-05-2006 21:16

In whose interests?
The transformative power of the new nanotechnologies signals that it is time for us to take the democratisation of science seriously. Over the past 200 years, scientists have altered our world as much, if not more than elected officials, yet they are accountable to nobody save the corporations that increasingly fund them. We need a new way of thinking about science and technology that allows the development of technology to be shaped by the needs of the community and the environment — not the other way around. Just as scientists are exploring uncharted territory through the emerging nanotechnologies, so must we also explore uncharted territory in terms of how these technologies are managed — and crucially, in whose interests. The development of a nanotechnology strategy for Australia deserves far more public involvement and scrutiny than it is currently being given.

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Nepal: A Long March towards bourgeios democracy?

12-05-2006 18:23

In-depth analysis of the situation in Nepal, including the anti-monarchist protest movement, the Maoist insurgency, the international economic background and the Nepalese working class.

Below is the first section of the article, read the full thing at:

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12-05-2006 12:44


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Scaredy-Custard Animals Islam Nuclear

12-05-2006 07:50

The media and its weponry in the courts are using state violence against the public. Our opinions are suppressed - religion - animal rights - technology - the state uses force to achieve its aims and we pay for them.

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Australian Wheat Board inquiry underscores real motivations behind Iraq war

12-05-2006 04:14

The UN “oil-for-food” program
The same is true of the AWB inquiry. Its aim has not been to establish the truth about Australian wheat sales to Iraq, but rather to try to bury the scandal. Australian Prime Minister John Howard chose a trusted acquaintance, Terence Cole, to head the inquiry and ensured its terms of reference were narrowly confined to examining the AWB’s wrongdoing, thus excluding his government’s role in supervising the contracts.

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Stephen Colbert: New American Hero

11-05-2006 22:00

His attack was more against the media than the criminal Regime, and in this one speech, he did more than the MSM has in five whole years.

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Fundamentally Sick: Freud and Human Society

11-05-2006 15:55

Sigmund Freud, father of psychoanalysis, spent little time evaluating or assessing cultural phenomena, his preferred field of study was the then unmapped areas of the human mind. However, the failure of his patients to negotiate/navigate the world forced Freud to evaluate the effects produced by the interaction of the individual and society. Freud and many of his peers, arrived at a similar conclusion regarding the condition of modern society – society, they concluded, is fundamentally sick! Freud no doubt drew on his uncanny skills as an expert analyst and diagnostician to arrive at that astounding assessment! Freud’s obsession with the male generative organ and his cocaine abuse aside, his contribution to the understanding of human psychosis and pathological behaviour is of considerable value today.