UK Ecology Newswire Archive
Saving Iceland gathering
18-04-2006 20:15
It's time to organise the 2006 camp!The next Saving Iceland gathering will take place over the weekend of the 21st - 23rd April in Norfolk, UK . It'll be a great time to find out more and to meet some of the (lovely) people involved with the campaign, as well as to help discuss what this Summer's protest camp will look like.
Climate Chaos - it's not too late. Meeting in Oxford
17-04-2006 18:28
Public Meeting on climate chaos and radical options for stopping it:Friends' Meeting house, St. Giles, Oxford
7.30 Wednesday 26th April
Anti-War, Pro-Whale - actions this week
17-04-2006 00:55
This is a reminder of an earlier call for action, in support of the Dutch group Disarm ! ( Ontwapen ! ). There is an international arms fair being held in the Nederlands this Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.MAYDAY CRITICAL MASS - CAMBRIDGE
16-04-2006 17:48
There will be a Critical Mass bike ride around Cambridge on Saturday 29th of April. Meet on Parkers Piece, opposite the Fire Station @ 11am.Bikes and other non-polluting forms of transport are very welcome.
Those without human powered transport might want to join the "Defend Public Services Demonstration" that is meeting in the same spot at noon.

Bogus Aspartame Study Exposed by Experts
14-04-2006 04:43
They tried to pass off a multifood form a decade ago with one reference to aspartame in coffee or tea as an aspartame cancer study. They were trying to rebut the impeccable Ramazzini Study which showed once and for all aspartame is a multipotential carcinogen.Enviroment Agency in Cancer Cover up
13-04-2006 16:39

Water shortages
13-04-2006 14:33
Water, water everywhere, and not a drop to drink.Greenpeace board and brand pirate ship in Las Palmas
13-04-2006 13:31

The team of activists will "police" the vessel in the port of Las Palmas until Spanish authorities move to confiscate its illegal cargo. As the "Binar 4" waited to enter port it was branded with the words "Stolen Fish" - painted five times across both sides of its hull.
Anti M1 widening group visit Selston
13-04-2006 06:37

NAIL Public Debate - [Nottm Against Incineration and Landfill]
12-04-2006 21:52

This is the recording I made, of the disussions.
NAIL Public Debate - 1hr 20mins [32kbs, 19Mb]
BAA is putting profits before communities
12-04-2006 06:58
Today's Guardian readers will have seen a column from Plane Stupid, following last week's greenwash article from the head of BAA. Here it is for those who missed it...Birmingham Critical Mass Needs You!
11-04-2006 17:21

Rossport Solidarity Camp June Bank Holiday Gathering
09-04-2006 22:00
Rossport Solidarity Camp host a June bank holiday weekend gathering to celebrate our first year of resistance to Shell, Statoil, Marathon and the Irish stateFull article | 2 additions | 7 comments
Bus protest pics...
09-04-2006 19:41

No M1 widening visit Kegworth
09-04-2006 10:06

Activists target golf courses for wasting water
08-04-2006 12:09
Eco-warriors having successfully trashed GM crops, are now turning their attentions to the profligate waste of natural resources by golf courses.
Golf courses are being told to cut their use of water, return part of their courses to wildlife, else direct action will be taken. One golf course has already experienced direct action.
Rossport Five send Shell to Hell in Mayo, Ireland....again!
07-04-2006 21:03
This is the latest twist in the fight between Shell, Stat Oil and the Irish Government, and Rossport, County Mayo, on the West Coast of Ireland, over corrupt plans to build a ludicrous gas pipeline through the area.This is a campaign that has won significant victories. Shell was supposed to have already built the pipeline last year, the blockading by local people of the pipeline and refinery site effectively meant that no building has occurred since last summer. There is massive local, national and international opposition to this project. Shell and its partners must be stopped, and they will be stopped here, on the west coast of Ireland.
Stage-managed drill re: bird flu - important news!
07-04-2006 18:12
Stage managed drill re bird flue - a must read!Climate Camp Information Evening in Cambridge
07-04-2006 14:11
Public Meeting - Wednesday 26th April, 7.30 pm , friends meeting house, Jesus Lane