UK Ecology Newswire Archive
07-04-2006 13:47
The Canadian commercial seal hunt is the largest mass slaughter of marine mammals in the world. It is going on now.Cyberactivism needed.
Make (Energy) Poverty History
07-04-2006 11:18
The aims of Make Poverty History and climate change campaigners may seem different, but there is a direct and blindingly obvious link between the two. This short article shows this link and how it can be turned into positive action.This week's SchNEWS - ETHICAL CLEANSING
07-04-2006 11:10

Greenpeace activists take on Mcdonalds over Amazon Rainforest
07-04-2006 08:36

BAN POULTRY, Bird FLu&scapegoating wild birds
06-04-2006 13:17
Poultry industry is a major cause of Bird flu H5N1 & eating poultry is definetely not safe, preparation is how its been caught in many cases in EurasiaEat healthily,take vitamin c, avoid foods, avoid foods with harmful acids like most meat&junk food & eat more alkaline more fruit & veg,drink plenty of water,eat garlic crushed within one hour
Bayer: Disinformation on Climate Protection
06-04-2006 11:45
The company Bayer publicly boasts about its pioneering role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. But the corporation´s assertion that the emissions of climate gases decreased significantly is untenable.Spodden Valley - green gateway opens for walkers, wheelchair users and cyclists
06-04-2006 08:02

Join the protest against airport expansion at the last event of the Nottingham East Midlands Airport Roadshow on April 7th
05-04-2006 18:52
On Friday the 7th April (at 12 noon until 5pm) Nottingham East Midlands Airport are having their final Airport Master Plan Roadshow at the Harborough District Council Office Reception area in Adam and Eve Street, Market Harborough. So far the Airport has got away lightly with low numbers at the other roadshow events they have held accross the three counties and certainly with no organised opposition.M.Howard on new nuke power and waste etc.
05-04-2006 14:57
The 'retiring' M.Howard replies to the Greenpeace anti new nuke power and waste trains campaign letter from a constituent.Coca Cola Scholarship Scandal
05-04-2006 14:47
Linacre College, Oxford University, is hosting two scholarships on "water sustainability" funded by Coca Cola, which has been condemned as "a champion of the unsustainable use of water globally." Please write letters of protest.Design & building the multi-person powered thingy - Nottm's Rinky-Dink Phase 2
05-04-2006 12:55

Critical Mass in Gothenburg
05-04-2006 06:28

May Day Minus One
04-04-2006 22:34
Social gathering at Sumac Centre, with informal stalls, light entertainment and food by Veggies from 4pm.(Sumac Cafe also open 11am - 3pm).
Films and live music from 7pm, with Sumac bar open until 10.30.
Info & stalls invited on the theme of action on climate change, as well as ranging associated issues for peace, cooperation and social justice.
Critical Mass this Friday 7th April
03-04-2006 21:49

London Mayday Cycle Ride.
03-04-2006 15:31

Spinning Dead Whales
03-04-2006 15:09
A US study into a mass stranding of whales in North Carlina last year during naval exercises has just been published. The top two links to the story on Google give the impression Naval sonar was found not to be to blame. However, the navy was using active sonar at the time, and the report does state that naval sonar could have been to blame since no other possible explanation was found. Naval sonar was found to be to blame for many other mass-strandings, including most recently on the Costa del Sol in January. In February there has been another mass-stranding in Indonesia - again duing joint naval exercises with the US navy using active sonar.As one scientist said "A deaf whale is a dead whale." I think it is time environmentalists team up with anti-war protestors to overcome this ongoing spin. We should hit the UK naval active sonar programme, specifically the Qinetiq base at Kyle of Lochalsh, which also refits ships bound for the gulf. Anyone interested in a little constructive destruction ?
03-04-2006 11:07
Protestors from direct action group, Plane Stupid, this morning blockaded BAA HQ on Heathrow's 60th Birthday. 6 arrests were made. BAA now in "premier league of climate change criminals."Lydd Airport (Romney Marsh,Kent) Launches public meetings blitz
02-04-2006 12:47
The owener of Lydd Airport on tranquil Romney Marsh, Kent are to lauch a series of high-profile public meetings to 'explain' their expansion plans. They want to extend the runway and have twin engine jets on short haul flights & up to 2 mill pax per year... All right next door to 2 nuke stations !!M1 widening opposition
01-04-2006 08:01

Sheila McKechnie Foundation backs ‘Save Spodden Valley’
31-03-2006 11:53

Save Spodden Valley campaign co-ordinator Jason Addy and web designer Alice Smith were invited to London by the Sheila McKechnie Foundation. The community campaign from Rochdale was nominated for the Consumer Action award sponsored by Which?