UK Ecology Newswire Archive
Save the Slough Cedar!!
23-09-2004 00:03

On the aftermath of the film “ The day after tomorrow”.-
22-09-2004 23:10

Chemtrails, Greenpeace and er... donations
21-09-2004 11:58
Greenpeace has been conspicuously silent on the subject of chemtrails. If it was a question of maintaining their integrity, why do they not come out and state categorically that chemtrails do not exist. Instead they appear to be hedging their bets, or maybe just firmly stuck on a fence of compromise.Who gives a **** about Swindon Town Centre?
19-09-2004 19:21
!["Who gives a [tick] about Swindon Town Centre?" - Swindon Civic Trust's stall](/icon/2004/09/297961.jpg)
Although these two stalls may have appeared unrelated to the casual observer, they were in fact inextricably linked, by the University of Bath and by issues of town planning, development and accountability to the public.
Cambridgeshire FOR Windfarms
19-09-2004 16:25

Economics and Ethics: The Stakeholder Model
16-09-2004 17:30
"Businesses cannot be reduced only to the principle of profit maximization.. Businesses are bound in a relational structure of different claimant groups.. including a critical public alongside the traditional economic actors.. The strategic stakeholder argument considers the claims of non-market actors as for example the Brent Spar.."Hungry for Justice? Come to this conference!
15-09-2004 17:22
Hungry for Justice: Power, sovereignty and people - A conference on achievingworld food justice
Saturday 9th October 2004
10 am to 4.15 pm
Quaker Meeting House
St. James' Street
Sheffield City Centre
The Walks Carnival stand has queues out of the door
15-09-2004 09:34
Visitors were queueing out of the tent to see the multi-colour versionof the trees plan at the Walks Action Group's stall in King's Lynn's
Charter Carnival on Sunday 12 September.
campaign for GMfree zones and regions gathers force
14-09-2004 17:59
environmentalits and regional authorities lunach joint initiativeEconomics for a Shrinking Planet
14-09-2004 17:40
The expansion of humanity's ecological impact on the planet cannot continue much longer without violating natural thresholds. To survive, we must develop a new way of thinking about our economic activities. This article briefly describes the author's approach to such a new mode of thought.1/4 million baby seals butchered to death in Russia
14-09-2004 11:28
Thank you for your one minute silence with regards the 1/4 million one week old baby seals being butchered to death in the Archangel region of Russia for no good reasonSay No to Incineration! Sept 15th meeting on County Council's Waste Strategy
14-09-2004 09:20
PUBLIC MEETING at County Hall (note: not Oxford Town Hall) on New Roadin Oxford on Wednesday 15 September from 7 pm - 9 pm. Meeting called by
Oxfordshire County Council to hear your views!
Please come and say no to incineration of Oxfordshire's (and your)
rubbish and yes to waste reduction, re-use and recycling. The Council
says it's still open minded about its waste strategy so let's have a
say before it's too late.
Thames Gateway - Potential Destruction Becomes Reality
13-09-2004 11:13
As the promise of wealth and sustainable communities for the Thames Gateway reveals itself as a housing behemoth to satisfy the developers' greed and the Government's desire to concrete over the south east of England, a web site exists that can help people fight the most undesirable parts of the grand Thames Gateway plan.Global Warning
12-09-2004 12:25

just another anti-climate change site?
10-09-2004 18:46
stumbled on this when i was looking for ABA SHANTI-I of all peoplestrange where you end up while searching the web :)
Limits to Ignorance: the challenge of informed humanity
08-09-2004 10:53
The Annual Conference of the Club of Rome, staged in Helsinki on the 11th and 12th of October, will focus on human inability to respond to the pressing issues we are facing today, such as grave environmental risks, population explosion, and conflicts between cultures. The main questions are: Why? What is wrong with us? What is it with us? Are we all in a state of collective denial?Infected rubbish council bins
06-09-2004 14:37
Sowing Seeds of Dissent
06-09-2004 13:54
Seeds are the very beginning of the food chain, we are losing genetic diversity in our domesticated seeds and handing control to global corporations. He who controls the seeds controls life itself.Greenpeace Kent Network Website
05-09-2004 20:07