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Chemtrails, Greenpeace and er... donations

Zinfandel | 21.09.2004 11:58 | Ecology | Health

Greenpeace has been conspicuously silent on the subject of chemtrails. If it was a question of maintaining their integrity, why do they not come out and state categorically that chemtrails do not exist. Instead they appear to be hedging their bets, or maybe just firmly stuck on a fence of compromise.

I have often wondered what, if anything, the official Greenpeace line on chemtrails was and have done a number of fruitless searches. Suddenly there seems to be a connection, in at least that 20% of all pages that mention chemtrails also mention Greenpeace.

One page, recently published, includes an e-mail reply from Kevin Gamble of Greenpeace, Canada. From its original translation from German:

From:(Greenpeace Canada)
To: "J*** C****"
Sent: Monday, September 13, 2004 6:34 PM
Subject: Re: chemtrails and Greenpeace

Dear Ms. C****,

Sadly, there are any number of highly toxic pollutants that are discharged from the average jet engine on a regular, frequent daily basis that are far more immediately and terribly deadly than the barium that may or may not be found in the occasional chemtrail.

Many of those other pollutants have been ones that Greenpeace has worked on in the past, but we have never had the resources to work on all of them, everywhere, all of the time. We would probably need an operating budget one hundred times of what we have currently to be able to do so, and the money that we bring in to do the work that we do comes from donors like yourself, we take no government or corporate funding. So it is always an uphill battle for us to raise funds, under those circumstances.

And I am afraid that we would probably need to be working on a lot of other issues that we are only partly dealing with currently before we would even consider the possibility of even looking into the issue of chemtrails. The world is being damaged in hundreds of other more deadly ways that need to be dealt with first if there is going to continue to be a world to live on.

And people tend to look at us as the solution to the world's environmental problems, but we aren't, people like you are. You are. We are merely the messenger.

I have looked at our records and it appears that the most recent donation that you have made to Greenpeace was in the year 2000, but if this information is incorrect and there is some actual change that you do need me to make to your file on the database, as to an ongoing donation or some such thing, please let me know.

Kevin Gamble
Member Services
Greenpeace Canada

Further, at Greenpeace Hamburg. On June 11th press spokesperson Kristine Läger said the following:

“The idea of reducing global warming by putting chemicals in the atmosphere has been around a long time. There are various proposals in this direction, suggesting the chemicals should be independently sprayed and that they should be mixed with the fuel of ordinary passenger aircraft. Whether in Germany such proposals have reached the point of actual realization is highly questionable. So far as we are aware there are no indications from research and observation of weather and climate that these so-called chemtrails exist. Nor are we aware of any project that has been realized in practice.”

Original article:



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