UK Ecology Newswire Archive
Anti- GM Protestors Target Oxford Tesco
15-02-2011 12:40
[Oxford] This morning, as part of a nationwide day of action on genetically modified (GM) products in UK supermarkets, two groups of protesters entered Tesco’s on Cowley Road in Oxford to warn customers who might be unwittingly buying GM products.Woman facing trial in Essex for rescuing food from becoming landfill!
14-02-2011 22:05
As reported by the Essex Chronicle, The Telegraph and Daily Mail (hmm..); A girl in Essex is facing court on the 16th after being threatened with the use of a battering ram at her house, being handcuffed and led away and having her house searched. Many of us are aware of the horrendous amount of food getting thrown away each day. Now is the time to speak up!Guerrillas Of love & Saint Valentine
14-02-2011 15:18
Guerrillas Of Love & Saint ValentineScottish Coal threatens Council with job cuts – but will they fall for it?
13-02-2011 13:36
Last week Scottish Coal bosses sprung the news of up to 200 job cuts on their employees, calling a mass meeting of workers at the Broken Cross site in South Lanarkshire. That’s a fifth of their entire workforce in Scotland. Up to 50 employees could lose their jobs in the Douglas Valley with 30 going at Glentaggart as the mine comes to a close. Where the others are to go isn’t clear.Hello Hard Times
13-02-2011 07:12

Weather goes off the charts: is it climate change?
13-02-2011 02:53

Anarcho-Bicyclist Conference Manchester April 2011
12-02-2011 21:22
A weekend of discussions, workshops, rides and activities from Friday 8th April to Sunday 10th April, 2011. We invite people to share skills, information and ideas.Open to both individuals and people from grassroots and anarchist bike projects from everywhere in the UK.
Fruitarian Diet: Most Nonviolent, Healthiest, Highest Acreage Yield,Reforesting
12-02-2011 20:15
Nut groves, olive orchards, grape vines can yield 450,000 pounds of food per acre.Slaughterhouses filled with the shrieks of terrorized animals yield a maximum 1000 lbs
per acre.
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The Real Facts Regarding Mark Kennedy’s Infiltration of Saving Iceland
11-02-2011 17:14

Kennedy did not provide training to Icelandic protesters and did not play an important role in actions
Kennedy was never a key decision-maker in Saving Iceland
Kennedy did act as an agent-provocateur
Illegal Icelandic collaboration with British services?
Related? "Forum of the Future"
11-02-2011 01:41
In a recent cable on Wikileaks, a NGO is mentioned: "Forum of the Future", which I didn't know, but saw a wesite in the US, but also one in the UK, Bristol region.

Loss of a protestor
10-02-2011 19:18
As many are now becoming aware a fellow protestor has died in a tragic accidentNuclear resistance teach-in and skills-share weekend, 19-20 Feb, near London
10-02-2011 13:27

Sheffield Humanist Society meeting: Population 101
10-02-2011 12:19

early year gathering at shropshire 25-28 feb
10-02-2011 10:14

On october 13th uk coal in cooperation with the national eviction team begun work on the southern part of the site and have begun work, trashing the land with a large array of massive earthmoving equipment. since then the mine has become an operating opencast however the camp is still going as good as ever and getting stronger by the day!
Help Stop an Opencast Mine Application on Tuesday
09-02-2011 15:00
Durham County Council are due to decide on UK Coal plc's Bradley Opencast Mine Application on Tuesday 15/2/11. Read how to join those who are planning to demonstrate against DCC approving the Application.Banksy protest at Bristol Museum - Exit through the departure lounge?
09-02-2011 14:05

5OOm Buffer Zone Bill Vote on FridaY
08-02-2011 09:39
The 2nd reading of the 500m Buffer Zone Bill takes place this Friday. This press release gives information about the reasons why this is an important Bill, provides information about a new Briefing Note (B6) that explains the Bill and provides info about how to get involved.Exposed: police spy in Worthing
07-02-2011 19:36
A POLICE spy pretending to be an environmental campaigner targeted the Save Titnore Woods! campaign in its early years, The Porkbolter can exclusively reveal.Four of the Ways Mammals' Intestinal Waste Further Contaminates Their Cadavers
07-02-2011 04:14
Most are aware of the ecoli (colon bacteria)in animal flesh. Not all know how the contamination