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UK Workers' Movements Newswire Archive

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Organising for Fighting Unions: turning anger into workplace activism

16-11-2006 15:25

Activists gathered in London last Saturday to discuss the kind of trade unions we need today

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JJB Sports management revise pay offer to staff after strike action

16-11-2006 14:29

The GMB union has just released a press release saying that the management at Dave Whelan's JJB Sports company have revised their offer to staff. The revised offer apparently deals with the issue of low pay and unequal rates of pay in the Wigan JJB Sports depot. Some staff are only paid £180 a week. Agencies that supplied agency staff to the depot during the strikes may face prosecution.

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Industrial Worker now on line

16-11-2006 10:49

Wobblies waking up.

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Unions Fight Own Members!

15-11-2006 01:18

Officials from the TGWU, Amicus and the GMB are backing the Jaguar car company rather than their own members in a pay dispute!

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14-11-2006 15:38


This is the big push forward to demand Justice for Cleaners: an international campaign for the right of cleaners to organise within ISS - one of the worlds biggest multinational Cleaning Companies.

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Metroline Bus Drivers on Strike on 14th November 2006

13-11-2006 22:10

London faces first bus strike for seven years

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Revving up the dirty war in Oaxaca

13-11-2006 15:13

We bring to the attention of Global Research readers this carefully prepared review of unfolding events in Oaxaca, Mexico by Professor George Salzman, who has documented in detail the violations of human rights.

The coverage of these momentous events which have a bearing on Mexico's political future have been virtually ignored by the mainstream media. Also included here is a report by Amanda Aquino, which confirms extensive human rights violations.

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JJB Support Picket - Manchester 11th November

10-11-2006 13:48

Saturday 11th November: No-Sweat and the GMB Union have called a series of solidarity pickets around the country in support of striking workers at the JJB warehouse in Wigan. The company has allegedly been using recruitment agency temps to break the strike (which is illegal).

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Merseyside Firefighter in Trouble for Smiling 'Aggressively'

10-11-2006 11:43

Following the partial defeat of their cuts agenda this summer, Merseyside Fire Authority is trying to get its own back, and weaken the morale of victorious firefighters. Letters have been served to fourteen emergency crew members, calling them to hearings over incidents during the walkout.

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PHILIPPINES: Junk the Toxic Deal with Japan! Junk JPEPA!

09-11-2006 12:48

“Save us from this destructive deal, Junk JPEPA!”
With the battle shifting to the Upper House, AKBAYAN Partylist today trooped to the Senate to call for the junking of the Japan-Philippines Economic Partnership Agreement (JPEPA). “Japan may have done it once, but we will not allow the dumping of toxic wastes in the country again”, the group said referring to the 1999 incident, when 122 containers declared as “recyclable paper” (which turned out to be clinical wastes) arrived at the Port of Manila.

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Leicester: IWW Film Night - Nov. 28

08-11-2006 16:59

Leicestershire IWW is holding a Big Screen Film Night at the Secular Hall, 75 Humberstone Gate, Leicester LE1 1WB at 7.00pm on Tuesday 28 November.

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Sweatshops, workers and international solidarity

06-11-2006 16:14

No Sweat's annual conference takes place in London on 25 November.

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Rioting by India police hopefuls - repost

06-11-2006 11:50

Reposted from the BBC - I know its not really in line with IMC guidelines, but this is too funny to ignore:

>> Hundreds of people applying to join the police have gone on the rampage in the northern Indian city of Ghaziabad. Riots began because many felt a written test was too difficult, officials say. The mob of would-be officers rampaged along a stretch of the main road to Delhi, attacking people and property. Almost 30 people were arrested. Passengers were forced from their vehicles and reports say several women were molested. It took police an hour to bring the riots under control.

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The Elephant Meets Saddam's Kangaroo Court

04-11-2006 18:19

Felicity Arbuthnot writes, The U.S. administration's stage managed illegal farce: the trial of Iraq's legitimate President and others of his government seems set to conclude(with the U.S., puppet 'Prime Minister' Maliki having already declared a guilty verdict) to coincide with America's mid-term elections.

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Timeline from Oaxaca City, 2 November, 2006 (Part 1)

03-11-2006 17:47

short minute to minute from oaxaca this morning...shots fired at Radio Universidad 7 am

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Timeline from Oaxaca City, 2 November, 2006 (Part 4)

03-11-2006 08:54

Oaxacans push federal police out after violent assault on university, dozens
missing and injured. All times are local time in Oaxaca.

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Timeline from Oaxaca City, 2 November, 2006 (Part 3)

03-11-2006 00:09

Minute to Minute up to 16:27 today, Oaxacans push federal police out of university barricades, possibly one APPO member dead, many injured. All times are local time in Oaxaca.

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Photos: "Day of the Dead", Mexican Embassy, London. (02.11.06)

03-11-2006 00:07

Credit: Marc Vallée -
Images of a demonstration outside the Mexican Embassy tonight in London. For the dead of Oaxaca on the "Day of the Dead".

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Timeline from Oaxaca City, 2 November, 2006 (Part 2)

02-11-2006 22:17

Minute by minute reporting from Mexico - all times are local times in Mexico

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Timeline from Oaxaca City, 2 November, 2006

02-11-2006 21:40

Minute by minute reporting from Mexico - all times are local times in Mexico
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