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UK Workers' Movements Newswire Archive

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Elections in Ecuador: Towards 21st century socialism in Latin America.

27-11-2006 00:38

Correa Presidente
With about 57% of the vote in the exit polls, as opposed to 43% for the banana magnate Álvaro Noboa, the leftist economist Rafael Correa of Alianza País is set to win the presidency in Ecuador.

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Close Down Campsfield Annual Demonstration 25th November 2006

26-11-2006 09:33

Photo: John O for NCADC
80 demonstrators stood outside the gates or Campsfield IRC, protesting at the continued incarceration of failed asylum seekers/overstayers/ and persons with out status.

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Pictures: N25 Oaxaca Burns Again, Down with URO and the PFP

26-11-2006 09:00

the Seventh Megamarch returned a scene of total war to the historic city centre of oaxaca this evening. the battle started nearing 4pm, shortly after the people layed siege to Zocalo Square and the PFP. it lasted several hours, until the Federal Repressor Force (PFP) started to advance through different areas of the city, arresting and beating dozens of people amongst them many women in their way. there are reports that talk of more than 400 disappeared, dozens of arrested and people wounded with life ammunition coming from the PFP. the number of wounded is still unknown.

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Oaxaca 25 Nov: rebellion and repression. short resume

26-11-2006 08:19

we ARE all beING oaxaca !
This is a short resume of the events during november 25th in Oaxaca

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|Offensive of the Federal Preventative Police against the people of Oaxaca |

26-11-2006 07:57

Confrontation between the police and the APPO in different parts of the city.
A large number of people are reported detained in various parts of the city.
Two deaths are the result of the confrontation. (as of 9:33)

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Heavy Police Attack on Oaxaca

26-11-2006 04:06

hundred of thousands joined the megamarch, on nov. 25th
many wounded, kidnapped, dissapaered people

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Sheffield: Protest against Peugeot sacking 2300 workers

25-11-2006 23:52

There was a protest today outside a Peugeot car sales garage in Sheffield calling on people to boycott Peugeot and Citroën cars in opposition to Peugeot sacking 2,300 workers at it's Ryton plant in Coventry.

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"Sweatshops, workers and international solidarity" conference, 25 November

24-11-2006 14:36

The No Sweat campaign's 2006 conference takes place at SOAS on Saturday 25 November.

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Global Action Day for Education (30th Nov.)

24-11-2006 02:31

A Global Action Day for Education will take place on the 30th Nov to protest and resist neoliberal reforms (especially within the education sector). Students of the world unite!

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Venezuelan Autonomous Movements March in Caracas for Chavez

23-11-2006 04:08

Caracas, November, 22, 2006 ( - Thousands of Venezuelan campesinos, indigenous, roof-less (sin techo), union members, media activists, and members of land, water, health and community committees marched in Caracas on Monday. The political party, UPV (Union Popular Venezolana), led by Chavez militant, Lina Ron, also joined the demonstrations, where the various groups marched in support of Venezuelan President Chavez, for the consolidation of the revolution, and for the continued autonomous mobilization of their various movements.

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Janitors' Victory in Houston - Thank You!

23-11-2006 00:22


After 4 weeks of janitors in Houston, USA, striking and a heavy escalation last week (88 arrested in civil disobediences, local, national and international coordinated actions and a heavy corporate campaign against Chevron and Hines) janitors won a big victory!

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FRANCE: riots, burning barricades - 10.000 fire fighters against the police

22-11-2006 18:05

About 10.000 french firefighters protested for better working conditions. The protest ended in massive clashes with the police. barricades were set on fire, the firefighters defended themselves against the attacking police with stones, bottles and so on...

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Urgent Action: Help save the life of brave journalist

22-11-2006 16:54

Colombian journalist FREDY MUÑOZ ALTAMIRANDA has been arrested by Colombia's notorious secret police after participating in a workshop organised by one of the BBC's US correspondents.

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Riot in Kampala, Uganda.

21-11-2006 12:42

Police and Army open fire on people resisting destruction of their tint shops in Kampala

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Photo's: Protest @ Mexican Embassy (20.11.06)

21-11-2006 00:45

Photo's: Protest @ Mexican Embassy (20.11.06)

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pics: GENERAL STRIKE in Italy !

19-11-2006 20:51

Today Italy´s workers went on generals strike to protest against government "reforms".

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Support IWW Branch at Scottish Parliament: No Redundancies, No Pay Cuts

19-11-2006 15:41

Workers Clock
As Christmas approaches, eleven workers at the Scottish Parliament face broken contracts and unemployment in the new year, courtesy of self-proclaimed champions of the Scottish working class, Tommy Sheridan and Rosemary Byrne.

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Unconditional Basic Income - A Way to a Modern Socialism

17-11-2006 13:03

In a world full of concrete suffering, the particular individual and his inner nature can be assured in a new way. Trust is based on experiences made in experiments of alternative life and is neither naive nor blind. People would no longer be forced to only experience others as competitors on the foreign-determined market of capitalism.

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Public Meetings: Reports from the Revolution in Nepal

17-11-2006 12:08



For ten years the people of Nepal, led by the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist), have been waging a revolutionary struggle to overthrow the reactionary, feudal monarchy. The Revolutionary United Front now control most of the country and have negotiated with the reconvened government to hold genuine, free elections to a constituent assembly which would draw up a constitution for a republican, new democratic state.

·* A video report from a member of the Second International Brigade to visit Nepal

In April foreign volunteers went to Nepal to help with road-building in a liberated area. This was when there were mass demonstrations demanding the end of the King’s autocratic rule and the video includes these events.

·* A report on the political situation in Nepal from a member of Nepali Samaj (Nepalese Society)

What will happen after the constituent assembly elections next year? Can a new democratic republic lead on to socialism? Will armed struggle be necessary again?

These are some of the important issues which can be discussed at these meeting about the most significant revolutionary struggle in the world today.
19.30, Wednesday 22nd. November, St. Matthews Church, Carver Street, Sheffield

19.30, Thursday 23rd. November, International Community Centre, Mansfield Road, Nottingham

Revolutionary Praxis