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UK Workers' Movements Newswire Archive

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Films Against Work! 'Time Out' Sun 26th Oct, South London, Free

20-10-2008 12:53

Complete Unemployment Cinema present our next fantastic free screening: ‘TIME OUT’ (France, 2001)

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Around the Campaigns Monday 20th October 2008

20-10-2008 07:33

Prossy Kakooza
Jane Mary Mutetsi has left the UK
She was removed last Thursday to Uganda, there was a problem at the airport in Entebbe because she is a Rwandan citizen and the authorities at the airport wanted to return her to the UK because she had no documents entitling her to be in Uganda. Jane Mary was very tired and had a headache throughout her flight, and so mentioned to the authorities that all her children are in Uganda and she was allowed into the country after some discussions. She was also asked why she had been sent back from the UK but apparently one of her escorts told them that her visa had expired and as she is unwell she wanted to go home. At the moment she is safe and well.
Friends of Jane Mary Mutetsi, thank all those who fought to keep Jane Mary in the UK

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Will Obama Be The Depression President?

19-10-2008 05:56

Ironically some labor groups that support Obama and hope in the future to seek higher wages from corporations might have to forgo those aspirations after corporations are forced to lay off workers to pay for Obama’s increased income taxes.

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First West Africa Regional Conference of the African Socialist International

18-10-2008 20:59

The Africanist Movement will host the first West Africa Regional Conference of the African Socialist International (ASI) in Freetown-Sierra Leone from October 20-22, 2008.

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Cant Pay Wont Pay!- Demo in the City -Today 4pm

17-10-2008 13:07

Seeming as many friends will be in London for tommorrows anarchist Bookfair it seems only fitting that we should come together in a display of our collective anger at a senile and demented economic system refuses to die.

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Friday 17th Oct Schroders bank cleaners demo 1pm

16-10-2008 20:48

The cleaners are trying to get a pay rise for over 12 months, for all this period our management (Lancaster Cleaning Company) keep promising an increase and stop 3 times the cleaners demonstrate in front of Schroders head quarter base on the promises.

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This Saturday 18th: Stand Up for Your Rights festival

15-10-2008 19:37

Stand Up for Your Rights Festival - Saturday October 18th, 2.00-8.30pm, with guest speakers and panelists includuing Paul Feldman (author of Unmasking the State), John McDonnell MP, Rahila Gupta (Southall Black Sisters), Kevin Smith (Carbon Trade Watch), Global Women's Strike, The Gypsy Council, Coalition for Independent Action, & John Stewart (HACAN-Clearskies). Also, new plays about the Levellers and the Chartists - 'The Putney Principles' and 'Unfinished Business', plus live music. Organised by 'A World to Win'
Venue: Waterloo Action Centre, 14 Baylis Road, London SE1 7AA
Public Transport: Waterloo tube station, Buses: 1, 59, 68, 168, 171, 172, 176, 188

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Has Brown a plan to make Tony McNulty a public joke?

15-10-2008 18:26

Tony McNulty has left the UK Home Office! Wait! He is back on TV! Backing lack of rights to jobs and dignity for ordinary people...

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Abdi Ahmed: "England is the only place I can call home"

15-10-2008 14:02

Abdi Ahmed
"Somalia is not only a deadlock and a place of conflict generating many refugees, but for me a country that I simply do not call 'home'. I left the country when I was four years old. I have never been to Somalia since and my entire family is in the UK. I do not even speak Somali fluently enough to make my way around this country that I only know through stories."

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Workers' Climate Action national gathering - 15/16 November, London

15-10-2008 08:19

The Workers' Climate Action network - a relatively new campaign which exists to build links between the workers' and environmental movements, and fight climate change on the basis of class struggle - is holding its first national gathering at the London School of Economics on 15 and 16 November.

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Stopping the city.

14-10-2008 22:14

Outside the Royal Exchange.
On Friday a demo in the City of London was met with far fewer MET than expected. So the mixture of trots, students and activists went on a tour of some of our more wealthy institutions, much to the alarm of the outnumbered cops who got increasingly sweaty over the next hour as they tried and failed to control the crowd.

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Bristol Picket call out in support of Amey Cleaners

14-10-2008 17:49

Five cleaners employed by Amey (who have the contact for rail maintenance in Bristol) were sacked for "damaging the company image" on the 2nd of October.Bristol No Borders - Picket Call Out.

CAIC had already called for a demo on the same day outide the NPL conference.

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2nd North East Working Class Bookfair Nov 22nd 12-4pm

14-10-2008 16:38

North East Working Class Bookfair
Durham Clayport Library, Millennium Place, Durham City.
Saturday November 22nd 2008, 12-4pm

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@nti-capitalist/ bail out Demo/action at anarchist bookfair?

14-10-2008 14:36

There has already been a callout for an action against the bank bailout for the friday before the Anarchist bookfair, but why not also do one on the day itself?

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Solidarity with the cleaners in the undergroud. Take action!

14-10-2008 11:28

Just a reminder about the action tomorrow.

Bring banners, placards, noisemakers!

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Jane Mary Mutetsi Detained again / second attempt to remove

14-10-2008 05:16

Jane Mary Mutetsi
Jane Mary Mutetsi from Rwanda was 'captured' when reporting Monday morning in Nottingham and is currently detained in Yarl's Wood IRC,  due to be forcibly removed from the UK on Thursday 16th October @ 20.00 hrs on Kenya Airways flight KQ101 from London Heathrow to Nairobi and KQ410 to Entebbe.

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Civilians Still in City Libraries

13-10-2008 22:57

After over a year of working under the threat of being forced into uniform, library assistants find out that this threat has disappeared.

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CSSGJ Seminar Series - Roundtable on European Social Forum in Malmo

13-10-2008 11:41

Roundtable on European Social Forum in Malmo
Monday afternoon 13th October at 4:00 in the Conference Suite at the University Staff Club, University Park Campus..

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Around the Campaigns Monday 13th October 2008

13-10-2008 05:08

Mustafa Abdulrahim Mustafa
Online campaign to prevent the removal of Mustafa Abdulrahim Mustafa, Sudanese cameraman, from the UK
Background: Mustafa Belongs to Nottingham

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Trade Unions for Asylum/Migrant Rights Meeting

12-10-2008 18:00

Trade unions can play an important role in supporting the rights of asylum seekers, refugees and migrant workers. The South Yorkshire Migration and Asylum Action Group (SYMAAG) has called an organising meeting on Monday 13th October to plan action.