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2nd North East Working Class Bookfair Nov 22nd 12-4pm

Cl@ss War | 14.10.2008 16:38 | History | Social Struggles | Workers' Movements

North East Working Class Bookfair
Durham Clayport Library, Millennium Place, Durham City.
Saturday November 22nd 2008, 12-4pm

North East Working Class Bookfair
Durham Clayport Library, Millennium Place, Durham City.
Saturday November 22nd 2008, 12-4pm

You are invited to visit the 2nd Ever North East Working Class Bookfair, sponsored by North East area NUM.

There are no bookshops in the North East for working class people to view our history and contemporary movements’ literature, and so building on the success of the first bookfair last year, we are launching the 2nd Working Class Bookfair (no ‘business studies’ books allowed!).

Cunningly placed after the ‘Big Meeting’ in the run up to Christmas in Durham city. This event will be popular as a place to; meet like minds, get up to date books and magazines, learn of future movement events and it is at a time suitable for the purchase of presents. There will also be a social event, talks, and/or entertainment booked for the evening, to be confirmed.

The range of local groups invited includes; political groups, Trade Unions, community groups, campaign groups, and history societies.

At 2.30pm there will be a book launch. Dave Douglass will be introducing and talking about his new book, and Archie Potts will be talking about his latest work too - information below;

Geordies — Wa Mental, is the first volume in the
autobiographical trilogy (Stardust and Coaldust) of David
John Douglass, a coalminer for 40 years. It tells the
fascinating story of the radicalisation of a working-class
Geordie ‘baby-boomer’ during the first twenty years of his
life and provides a unique and valuable insight into the
political and cultural movements of the 1960s.

A Life For Peace and Socialism

by Archie Potts

A biography of Konni Zilliacus, based on original research, drawing on interviews and private sources. It reveals his links with Arthur Henderson, Hugh Dalton and Philip Noel-Baker; relates his life in the Far East and Vladivostock in the era of the Russian Revolution; his work for the League of Nations against fascism in the 1930s; and as a prolific pamphleteer under the pseudonym 'Vigilantes'.
He was elected as a Labour MP for Gateshead in 1945, but expelled by Labour for opposing Ernest Bevin's Cold War politics. Readmitted, he was elected as a Manchester Labour MP in 1955. He met Stalin, Tito, Krushchev and Castro.

'I strongly recommend this book as a contribution to the understanding of international affairs and to an important aspect of Labour history.' Stan Newans, The Morning Star.
Archie Potts has done the Left a great service with his very well researched biography of this outstanding but hitherto neglected socialist and internationalist. Zilly's life is an inspiration to all on the Left in these difficult times. What Next.
'It is a book that can be heartily recommended'. North East History.

Cl@ss War


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  1. Hi folks — Journeyman