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UK Workers' Movements Newswire Archive

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Prol-Position-News #4 out now!

04-12-2005 10:28

The contents of this issue:
Strike at Gate Gourmet in Düsseldorf/Germany
Spread Cheese against Scabs
Interview with Polish Tesco Worker in Ireland
Polish Work Gangs in Britain
Lodz/Poland: Household Appliance Industry
Razor Attack
Polish Workers in France
French Investments in Eastern Europe
Washing Machine Factory in Berlin/Germany
hp-Warehouse Duisburg/Germany
Mobilizations in the Greek Textile Industry
Strike at Honda in Gurgaon/India
Car-Update: More strikes
Social Earthquake in Iran
US: Katrina and After
Less Black People want to join the US-Army
Wildcat-Poster: Which way to the revolution?

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Guardian Media Group Close City Life

02-12-2005 18:00

Poets, journalists, publishers, businesses and readers gathered in Manchester today to launch a campaign to save City Life magazine. Thirteen jobs have been axed but many more journalists will suffer. The editorial team at City Life comprised of thirteen staff but also seventeen freelance staff who...

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Support occupation of cafe on Broadway Market

29-11-2005 15:44

A local cafe on Broadway market, London E8, is being occupied by locals to prevent its demolition. Tony Platia, who had been running the cafe for 30 years, was evicted in July by a property developer who owns half of the street and now wants to build luxury flats. The occupation needs support.

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Lecture: Postanarchism and the future of Radical Politics

29-11-2005 13:14

Dr. Saul Newman (University of Western Australia) will be presenting a paper:

"Postanarchism and the future of radical politics"
...At Manchester University - 8th December 2005

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GERMANY: Venezuela solidarity network formed

29-11-2005 01:09

On November 19, solidarity groups from all over Germany that support the Bolivarian revolution in Venezuela gathered in Berlin’s Humboldt University. The meeting discussed building a solidarity movement able to prevent a bloody coup like the one that occurred in Chile in 1973.

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Pensions adrift in the markets

28-11-2005 07:43

Freedom reports an otherwise routine corporate deal could have disturbing implications for our company pensions, as companies find ways to divorce themselves from liability.

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Iraq oil union president to tour UK

25-11-2005 13:34

Hasan Juma in February 2005
Organising over 23,000 workers in Iraq's oil and gas industries, the Federation of Oil Unions in Iraq (IFOU) is struggling against both the US/UK military occupation and the corporate-led privatisation of Iraq's industry. The president of the federation, Hasan Jumaa Awad, is touring the UK and addressing public meetings during November and December.

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Public Meeting- Life in Iraq: Can it get worse?

23-11-2005 20:45

Iraq Union Solidarity Nottm meeting - an Iraq woman speaks on 'Life in Iraq: Can it get worse?'

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WTO: Why is it bad for YOU ( Video )

20-11-2005 23:44

A video about next meeting of the WTO in December in Hong Kong...and why we should fight it.

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17-11-2005 19:42

Pensions in this country

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The Plundered Iraq and Collaborationist Unions

17-11-2005 08:11

The imperialist assault of March-April 2003 has stolen the jobs, income, and lives of the Iraqi people. For the time being, the plunder takes mainly the form of contracts awarded. Meanwhile, the Iraqi labor organizations do not resist the invasion in a united manner.

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Call for Solidarity: Repression vs. Indigenous, Colombia

15-11-2005 19:30

Indymedia UK are currently getting reports of 2000 riot police and an unspecified army presence outside of a squat held by 500 people, mostly poor indigenous families, in Cauca, Colombia. Over the past few days, 1 person has been killed and 37 people have been injured by police beatings and bullets. The situation is tense and they are calling for solidarity emails, letter-writing and publicity because they are worried that without this the police and army will attack.

Guambianos, Kokonuko and Nasa indigenous people, as well as thousands of peasants that are demanding land, have occupied haciendas (a hacienda is a huge piece of rural property) in several parts of Cauca since the 12th of October.

They are protesting because the INCODER (Colombian Institute for Rural Development) is not given funds or legal power to achieve rural reform, in Cauca or in the rest of the country.

Despite being heavily tear-gassed and losing one boy (Belisario Camayo Huetoto, 16) dead to police bullets, the families on the occupied land are calling for letters, phone calls, emails, and faxes to the Colombian Embassy to make it politically more difficult for the government to allow the police and army to attack the settlement.

Communications can be addressed to:

The Embassy of Colombia
3 Hans Crescent
Sw1x Olr

Telephone: 009 44 171 5899177
Fax: 009 44 171 5811529

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"Sweatshops, workers and international solidarity" conference

15-11-2005 18:59

The fifth No Sweat conference will take place at SOAS in central London on Saturday November 26.

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15-11-2005 05:36

Announcing "WORK . COMMUNITY . POLITICS . WAR" a new coloring book for the angry wage-worker.

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Appeal from Naomi Klein, Arundhati Roy, Antonio Negri, Michael Hardt, and Michae

13-11-2005 10:33

The movements of worker-run businesses in Latin America are growing,
creating dignified democratic jobs in the rubble of neoliberalism’s
ruinous experiments on that continent.

They need our support

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The Legitimacy Of Violent Resistance to Globalisation

13-11-2005 08:53

A European human rights lawyer explains the urgent necessity for resistance to Neocon policies, if necessary by violent means.

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President of Iraq Oil Workers' Federation to tour the UK: Appeal for funds

12-11-2005 21:09

Appeal for funds to suppor the Federation of Oil Trade Unions in Iraq: a politically independent, anti-occupation union, opposed to the corporate take-over of Iraq's resources and economy.

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Iranian Workers are Not Alone- Final Report

10-11-2005 17:17

Final Report of a month of Inetrnational solidarity with Iranian Workers