UK Workers' Movements Newswire Archive
UG#595 - An Antidote To Forgetfulness (The Great New Zealand Fire Sale)
07-12-2012 23:40
UG#599 - What Economics Can't Tell You About Money (Alienation, Black Magic...)
07-12-2012 23:31
Plebs occupy offices of "plebgate" MP Andrew Mitchell
05-12-2012 18:29
New Amazon Logo Unveiled - #Dec5
04-12-2012 23:21
Full article | 1 addition | 2 comments
Starbucks – Tax Vampires + Corporate Scroungers (graphics)
04-12-2012 17:38
Anti-Workfare Superdrug Picket Glasgow 11 a.m. Sat. 8th Dec. + 2 more
03-12-2012 19:23
We've changed the starting time of the Superdrug Workfare picket to 11 a.m. (until 11:50 a.m.) as some places online are saying that the Starbucks demo starts at 12 noon and some people want to go on to the Starbucks demo after the picket and the 2nd workfare picket!
Day of action against adidas
03-12-2012 12:37
Adidas have refused to pay their former workers in Indonesia $1.8 million in legally-owed redundancy pay. Other brands using the factory have agreed to pay their share of the $3.4m the workers are owed.
Gustavo Rodriguéz - Antagonistic violence
03-12-2012 08:38
Approaches to the armed struggle in urban environments
from an anarchist perspective
An Introductory text for a debate with comrade Gustavo Rodriguez, at the Centre of Anarchist Information (CEDIA), Mexico City, 8th of October 2011
Very Good News for Radical Tax Protestors!
02-12-2012 13:17
Starbucks have effectively caved-in on the principle of corporate tax evasion, and say they're in the process of cutting a deal with HMRC to start contributing to the cost of the taxpayer-funded infrastructure and the health and education services that their business exploits. There's a long way to go yet, but this is very encouraging, INCREASE THE PRESSURECzarist War, Communist Peace
01-12-2012 21:28
anticommunist war propaganda in the 1930'sNever Trust A Hippy – The Green Charity With 20,000 Workfare Slaves
30-11-2012 19:05
The Conservation Trust for Volunteers (formally BCTV) have been exposed as one of the largest exploiters of unpaid labour.Anti-Workfare Picket Superdrug Glasgow Sat. 8th Dec. 11.30 a.m.
28-11-2012 23:15
Public event · By The Crutch Collective
Share, join and invite friends:
Saturday, 8 December 2012
11:30 until 12:20
Superdrug, 117 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow, G2 3ER.
Union branch votes for one-state solution for Palestine
28-11-2012 12:21
Lambeth’s Local Government Branch of UNISON last week voted to endorse a one-state solution for Palestine based on equality and justice for all citizens, and supporting the right of return to millions of Palestinian refugees. A motion was tabled in response to Israel’s ongoing attacks and siege on Gaza.Human Rights for University of London outsourced workers - DEMO TOMORROW
27-11-2012 09:15
Workfare’s Christmas Bonus For The Bosses – Demonstrate, 8th December
26-11-2012 20:53
Saturday 8th December, 2pm
at the new Poundland, S12 Martinaeu Place, 76-77 Corporation Street, Birmingham, B2 4UQ
Please join and invite your friends to the facebook event and spread the word.
#Dec5 >> London Anti-Cuts Demo << #Dec5
26-11-2012 03:03
British Heart Foundation May Be Withdrawing From Workfare
12-11-2012 18:14
A good finale for 2012, a reason for joy in dismal times
10-11-2012 15:46
Interventionistische Linke and Ums Ganze! Alliance on the General Strike in southern Europe , November 14 and 16, 2012