UK Workers' Movements Newswire Archive
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Are top Lib Dems too yellow to come to Oxford, say chicken protesters
17-11-2010 20:31
Protest at Michael Gove’s (Education Secretary) Visit to Birmingham
17-11-2010 12:08
Fri 19 Nov 6pm Coppice School Trinity Road Sutton Coldfield B75 6TJProtest at Michael Gove’s (Education Secretary) Visit to Birmingham
Portsmouth Coalition Against the Cuts - Launch meeting
15-11-2010 23:46
Portsmouth Trades Council has announced that they will be holding a meeting to launch Portsmouth Coalition Against the Cuts.Fightback-London Sat 20th Nov
15-11-2010 13:38
15-11-2010 09:28
Protest Vince Cable in Birmingham: Tuesday 16th November 1pm
15-11-2010 09:16
The Con-Dems are launching an onslaught of cuts and privatisation and a vicious ideological attack on our welfare state.It is vital that wherever the Tories and their Lib-Dem lapdogs go, they are hounded and forced to face up to the widespread rage at their blanket attack on the working class and students.
Anticuts protests and public meetings across UK this coming week
14-11-2010 18:48 to ghetto Sheffield
14-11-2010 17:54
Planned changes to the housing benefit system could permanently alter the economic landscape of Sheffield.All Anti-Cuts Activists Read This. Day Of Action
14-11-2010 17:42
Read below, join this facebook event and publicise widely.!/event.php?eid=140667015985491
Airlines workers protest, appeals to Philippine President to stop layoff
14-11-2010 09:11
National Firefighters Rally and Lobby of Parliament 17.11.10
13-11-2010 01:24 article | 1 addition | 8 comments
Reflections on the invasion of Millbank Tower
11-11-2010 22:08
During yesterday’s protest against cuts to education crowds stormed Tory headquarters. Windows where smashed and offices destroyed. As a result we can witness the capitalist system bend and buckle in its attempts to dismiss these acts of anger as illegitimate.Amongst the 1,000s that played some role in the invasion of Millbank Tower, were workers and students from all areas of society. We condemn both the media claim that a small group of anarchist antagonists where responsible (juxtaposed by their own images showing thousands rallying around the building) as well as the notion that the students involved are part of a privileged class. The idea that working class youth are some how exempt from the desire for education is both naive and patronising.
First hand reports from the storming of the Tory Scum HQ
11-11-2010 13:58
The following is a first hand report from Leeds Student Class War documented on Ian Bone's blog.Full article | 1 addition | 9 comments
Pictures From Student Demo
11-11-2010 04:45
French worker's strike
10-11-2010 23:24
French worker's
The website is coming soon...
G20 Seoul: Breaking News/Links
10-11-2010 22:59
G20 Seoul, South Korea UPDATEBreaking News, Articles, Links, Videos
G20: A Threat to Peoples’ Economic and Political Rights!
10-11-2010 10:05