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UK Workers' Movements Newswire Archive

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Social Centre Plus Face Eviction this Tuesday

07-04-2011 23:07

Local residents who occupied the old Job Centre on Deptford High Street with the aim of “converting it into an anti-cuts space for the community” have responded to a legally binding eviction order for this Tuesday by announcing a series of events, culminating in a "mass meeting of anti-cuts activists" the night before. The collective – who go by the name of Social Centre Plus – also plan to bring the local community together against the government’s budget cuts, with spoken word concerts, children’s days, film showings and market day cafés.

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PHILIPPINES: Our Failed Labor-Export Policy

07-04-2011 12:45

The impacts of disasters occurring in other parts of the world, from Libya to Japan, have perhaps been communicated more drastically to the Philippines than to other countries. Whether it is the tragic trilogy of earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear fallout in Japan or the civil war in Libya, external crises are swiftly transformed into internal crises for our country, as thousands of families are pushed into poverty and economic hardship when their breadwinners are dislocated and repatriated back to the Philippines, where jobs offering decent wages are scarce.

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Black Blocs: Masking up saves incarceration

07-04-2011 03:01

Without being overtly judgemental, the 16 faces police released on April 2nd (who they say are involved in criminal damage, scuffles with police on March 26th) are not 'sterotypical black blocers' - ie those who dress the part. No doubt it's great they joined our cause, but it goes to show that wearing BLACK trousers, hoodies AND covering faces with a bandana, scarf or balaclava avoids further questions by police about your identity. Not to mention keeping it on at all times and only 'dressing down' away from any action.

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You are cordially invited ...

06-04-2011 19:40

No money for schools, hospitals or libraries? Let’s have a bloody big wedding with the money instead then!

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Russia -Novosibirsk: Unlimited Protest March April 1

06-04-2011 11:28

Can't see this being on Indymedia for long, but for interested readers, this seems an ongoing protest in th city of Novosibirsk, Siberia, with numbers increasing each time. The method of constant hammering at the authorities with no let up is something the UK left is doing but needs stepping up I reckon.

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War on Kleptocracy

05-04-2011 13:59

Nice youtube footage by Queuepolitely

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Call out for zine contributions from those arrested in the Anti- Cuts movement

04-04-2011 23:41

CALLING ALL those arrested, detained, charged,or bailed in connection with the Anti Cuts movemENT- we want your voice!

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Operation Brontide: Met target anticuts protesters

03-04-2011 01:33

Police are calling for information on people whos images they obtained from 'a range of sources, including CCTV' during anticuts protests on the 26th of march.
I for one reckon I saw ed milliband and boris johnson throwing a breeze block through the windows at the ritz and will be sure to explain this, at length, on the phone. I hope other upstanding citizens will follow suit.

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Arrested at the Anti Cuts demo March 26th? Defendents Meeting

30-03-2011 15:47

Defendants' meeting - Saturday 2nd April - 2pm - University of London Student Union, Malet Street, WC1E 7HY

Were you either charged with an offence or bailed to return to a police station soon? We know it's a worrying time and information can be difficult to come by. We also know from previous experience that it can be isolating and intimidating. The best way to deal with this is to meet others in the same position as yourself and stick together.

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You’re talking a lot, but you’re not saying anything – more thoughts on March 26

30-03-2011 12:18

A few thoughts on the condemnation (no pun intended) of the "violent minority" and the idea that the black bloc damaged our image.

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National Day of Protest Against Benefit Cuts - 14th April - latest info

30-03-2011 10:44

Millions are set to be affected by savage cuts to housing, disability, sickness and welfare benefits. People with disabilities, illness, the unemployed, single parents, carers the low waged, part time students, volunteers, homeless people and college students are all likely to see a devastating drop in disposable income with many slipping even further below the poverty line.

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Pictures from March For The Alternative (part 3).

29-03-2011 16:13

I hope this isn't the alternative.
Third part of my picture feature about Saturday's March for the Alternative.

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Pictures from March For The Alternative (part 2).

29-03-2011 15:41

Even Hare Krishnas were there...
Second part of my picture feature about Saturday March 26th 2011 March for the Alternative demo in London.

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Pictures from March For The Alternative (part 1).

29-03-2011 15:22

Eight Coaches, just from Cambridge!
On Saturday March 26th 2011, one of the biggest demonstrations in Britain for eight years took place on the streets of London.

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Violence and Antiviolence

29-03-2011 14:27

Violence and Antiviolence

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What Now After The TUC's London Demo?

29-03-2011 13:17

In the words of Percy Shelley, "Ye are many, they are few"
Saturday brought the largest expression of class anger Britain has seen since the Poll Tax, as hundreds of thousands marched through London on the Trades Union Congress-organised march against the government's massive cuts. A significant number also took direct action, showing that they trust neither the TUC nor the Labour Party to fight back against the super-rich on their behalf.

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Trafalgar Square: A report

29-03-2011 11:52

This Saturday over half a million people took to the streets in the biggest anti-government demonstration since the invasion of Iraq. Trade unionists and community activists from around the country rallied together. The attack on Trafalgar Square highlights to what length the police will go to quell dissent.

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Dancing in the Streets: Reflections on 26th March

28-03-2011 23:05

Thoughts on some of the pros and cons of Saturday's demo, and where we go from here.

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Some photos from the TUC anti-cuts demo #march26

26-03-2011 19:44

The turnout in London seemed about the scale of the anti-poll tax demo but not as big as the massive 2003 anti-Iraq war one. Attached are a few snap from the protest.