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Black Blocs: Masking up saves incarceration

@ | 07.04.2011 03:01 | Policing | Public sector cuts | Repression | Workers' Movements

Without being overtly judgemental, the 16 faces police released on April 2nd (who they say are involved in criminal damage, scuffles with police on March 26th) are not 'sterotypical black blocers' - ie those who dress the part. No doubt it's great they joined our cause, but it goes to show that wearing BLACK trousers, hoodies AND covering faces with a bandana, scarf or balaclava avoids further questions by police about your identity. Not to mention keeping it on at all times and only 'dressing down' away from any action.

Regardless however... Solidarity to all those arrested, charges, undergoing a witchunt by the state and those no doubt pending raids. Let this be a tip for anyone intending to join a black bloc in the future - mask up properly or expect to be victimised for it.

Well done to all those that did mask up and wear black though. This is exactly why there are 16 pictures and not 160. There were hundreds of us covering our faces showing how strong our movement can be if we pull together.

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Display the following 6 comments

  1. Take a leaf out of the football casuals book — Wise demonstrator
  2. mr blobby — mr blobby!
  3. disagree with 'casual' — anon
  4. not BBing — anchoredwunderlust
  5. Other lesson... — Anon
  6. do you remember when black block meant Mahnos black cossacks — Isnt black bloc meant to be a honour gaurd!only to be used as a vvvlast resort