UK Workers' Movements Newswire Archive
Very important: ECHR Rule 39 of the Rules of Court/ Interim Relief
05-05-2010 07:40

Third attempt to remove Nadia Arzane and Bashir Foris
04-05-2010 15:19

Question concerning resistance actions in the UK
04-05-2010 14:46
why?why?why?Euromayday Hamburg and its media production
04-05-2010 12:29

The most obvious purpose of media activism is to provide counter-information. But revealing facts doesn't exhaust the potentials of "doing media". It's also about storytelling, feelings, social relations. Radical media produces knowledge, political subjectivities, communication. In many cities, the EuroMayDay parades of the precarious engage in this kind of media making. This article attempts to tell the story of EuroMayDay in Hamburg through a collection of links to its media production.
Continuing Conflicts that Create Refugees, April 2010
04-05-2010 12:11
Five actual or potential conflict situations around the world deteriorated and none improved in April 2010, according to the International Crisis Group's monthly bulletin CrisisWatch 81, 04/05/10.Around the Campaigns - Tuesday 4th May 2010
04-05-2010 08:26
'in its present form, Italy's policy of intercepting migrants at sea and obliging them to return to Libya or other non-European countries, violates the principle of non-refoulement.'Labor Day statements from the Philippines
04-05-2010 00:10

Election billboards subvertised
03-05-2010 23:11

Mayday edition of the Nottingham Sparrow
03-05-2010 20:25

Shut Down The G4S Chambers
03-05-2010 19:56
G4S have recently won a "British Safety Council International Award" in relation to the Concentration Camp in Oakington. The company will be presented with the award on Friday 21 May during a black tie banquet at the Grosvenor House, Park Lane, London.We urge workers to disrupt this spectacle.
We will be there to help destroy it.
Chesterfield Mayday 2010
03-05-2010 15:44

May Day in Coventry
03-05-2010 10:19

All the same, some of the assembled May Day celebrators forgot about the ban and spontaneously took to the streets, reclaiming the road and holding a colourful procession from the Council House to Millenium place. Maybe just an act of token resistance -- but was great to see Coventry town centre give way to anarchic festivity on May Day, even if just for a brief pause. The parade was led by the banners of West Midlands No Borders: "asylum is not a crime"; "freedom of movement for all"; "no one is illegal"; and "working is not a crime".
Arthur Scargill addresses Dublin Mayday rally
02-05-2010 16:56

Nottingham Mayday 2010
02-05-2010 10:48

May Day Carnival – Pix-&-Vidz – Sat 01 May 10
01-05-2010 23:35

nike adverts vandalised in south london yo
30-04-2010 17:39
nike adverts got fucked with in south london.mayday posters !!
30-04-2010 14:55
mayday posters from germany from the last years...! (english text)Personal Appeal from Huseini Abubakar - Removal Monday
30-04-2010 12:33

Nottingham Free School's May Day Discussion
30-04-2010 09:39
With Mayday coming soon the Nottingham Free School decided to arrange an open discussion on some of the issues surrounding the day. This discussion took place at the Sumac last Sunday night and is scheduled to be the first in a series which will take place on the final Sunday of each month. The hope is to create a regular space in which we can learn collectively and share our ideas and understandings of issues which strike us to have a particular relevancy. On Sunday we hoped to discuss the nature of class struggle today, as well as the different forms that resistance to capitalism can take, and this was in many ways a success.