UK Workers' Movements Newswire Archive
Dissident Island Radio tonight!!
19-02-2010 16:57

Belgrade 6 Acquitted
17-02-2010 17:59
The six Serbian anarcho-syndicalists who were charged with 'International Terrorism' have been acquitted today.Belgian Rail Workers Strike For Safety/Going Postal Yet Again/March Of The PIIGS
17-02-2010 17:36

We believe... workers know how to run our workplaces far better than business people, the government, or trade union leaders!
We aim for... workers' control over our own jobs and our own lives!
UKCMRI to use £300 million of public funds for Camden Bio Lab
16-02-2010 05:06
Plans to build the World's largest ever Bio Lab including the World Flu Centre alongside St Panrcas International behind the British Library will cost the UK £300 million from public funds. Already the govt and the MRC have argued over this. A parliamentary report says of funding the lab : "We are at a loss to understand the rationale behind this behaviour" and "It is hardly redolent of good faith".British Airways Scab Union Exposed
15-02-2010 12:38

the masterminds behind the newly forming ‘Professional Cabin Crew Council’. In doing so they have romanced a small number of misguided cabin crew who are seeking to
undermine the support for your Trade Unions, for their own self aggrandisement.
IWW 4 IWD Judi Bari Film Fri. 5th March Glasgow
14-02-2010 16:38
IWW Clydeside celebrates International Womens' Day with a screening of:'The Forest For The Trees'
The amazing story of the fight to clear Earth First and IWW activist Judi
Bari's name after her car was bombed and she was arrested as a terrorist by
the FBI.
Followed by talk by US IWW member Susan Dorazio.
UAF have Margaret Hodge speak at their conference
14-02-2010 14:18
they really don't get it do they??! fascism and reaction is created by the state and right wing NuLabour scum like Margaret Hodge. Inviting her, with her tract record of anti-working class politics, to speak show totally ignorance of this process and should be condemned by all anti-fascists and anti-capitalistsSanctuary for Mireille Mbimbo (Very urgent support needed)
12-02-2010 15:26

Oxford Brookes Human rights film fest 2010
12-02-2010 13:49
Bath Bomb #27 Out Now
12-02-2010 12:46
Yes, the new issue of the so-called 'monthly' Bath-based radical free sheet is once again ready for public perusal...The Call of the Indigenous of the French Republic
11-02-2010 21:53
The call first circulated in late 2004, but was originally published publicly on January 16, 2005. The following text was signed by several thousand people and gave birth to the decolonial organization in France known as the Movement of the Indigenous of the Republic. Due to its continuing relevance, and upcoming formation of a political party of the Indigenous, we are circulating the original call internationally in various languages.Defend the Yarl's Wood Four
11-02-2010 10:09

Defend Living Wage – Justice for UBS Cleaners - Re-instate Alberto!
10-02-2010 12:03

UBS has just made over £722 million in profit and it is robbing the cleaners wages to enrichen themselves! Cleaner and shop-steward Alberto Durango who was sacked last week due to his effective workplace organising. The cleaners are fighting back with a demonstration.
The demonstration is on Friday 12th February at 1pm outside UBS Capital, 100 Liverpool Street, London EC2M 2RH.
UBS Cleaners Support Group is a group of trade union local branches and community activists that are supporting the UBS cleaners in their campaign for a living wage.
Self-Harm in UK Immigration detention
10-02-2010 09:25
[Source for all data, 'Freedom of Information Act 2000']Self-Harm in Immigration Detention January to December 2009

Self-Harm in Immigration Detention January to December 2008

Students at University of Sussex occupy conference centre
08-02-2010 17:11
Over 100 Students occupy the main conference room at the University of Sussex in protest against ill-advised and shortsighted proposed cuts to the university. After a demonstration attended by over 300 staff and students, with speeches from Simon Burgess Labour candidate for Brighton and Kemp Town, Tom Hickey of the UCU National Executive, Paul Cecil President of the UCU Sussex branch, Jon Mason of Unison and Pat Hawkes of Brighton and Hove City Council, students at Sussex University have occupied the main conference centre of Falmer CampusFargate Speaker #12 out now
08-02-2010 12:12

84 + Women on Hunger Strike, behind the Wire @ Yarl's Wood IRC
08-02-2010 08:18
"Detention results from political decisions that represent a "hardening attitude towards irregular migrants and asylum seekers" (*PACE)End the Detention of Foreign Nationals Now!
critique of UNISON London by retiring long time UNISON activist
05-02-2010 10:11
The following letter was circulated among UNISON activists in London. It is a good-bye letter, critique and call to arms from a retiring UNISON officer.Radical Workers Bloc on the 'March for Jobs' - Saturday 6th March - Brighton
03-02-2010 13:46

This demonstration, organised by Brighton and Hove Trades Union Council is billed as a “March for Jobs” – but we want more.