UK Workers' Movements Newswire Archive
Demonstration Against French Government Roma Evictions
02-09-2010 12:19
Saturday 4th September 2010Congregate 1:00pm outside French Embassy
58 Knightsbridge
(Nearest Tube Knightsbridge)
This demo is part of a European wide protest organized by European Network Against Racism

Bath coach to Anti-Tory/cuts demo - Oct 3rd
01-09-2010 16:58
On Sunday the 3rd of October, the Tories will be kicking off their annual conference - thousands of angry people will be there to meet them -Self-Harm in Immigration detention April/May/June 2010
31-08-2010 13:27
Overall there were only 4 incidents of serious self-harm, more than the previous quarter and only an increase of 1, on persons on formal self-harm at risk.However there are very alarming increases at some of the individual Removal Centres.
Dover IRC showed a 125% increase on incidents of Self-Harm requiring medical treatment
Harmondsworth 54% , Oakington 46.5 %, Yarl's Wood 31% increase on previous quarter of persons on formal self-harm at risk.
There was one death, cause as yet unknown: Eliud Nguli Nyenze born 1970 - died Oakington IRC 15th April 2010

[Self-Harm in Immigration detention - January/February/March 2010

Data for 2009 can be accessed here:

Keep Patrick Masengo in the UK, no removals to DR Congo
31-08-2010 08:28

Is Facebook now reflecting the undemocratic, hateful grimace of global fascism?
30-08-2010 15:57
Against a 'Hatebook,' we can only survive by creating our own 'Lifebook,' the Book of Life, the emancipatory Book of Anti-Capitalist Love.Greece, Thessaloniki, Fest2010 of Direct Democracy
26-08-2010 16:28

8 - 9 -10 of Septemeber 2010
The schedule of speeches and public discussions.
26-08-2010 13:08
WE DEMAND:= the kidnappers of Mr Anari are found and brought to justice
= all violence and intimidation against union members is stopped immediately
= workers locked out from the factory are reinstated as per the agreement
with the Labour Department.
No Voluntary Deportations, Not Now, Not Never
25-08-2010 13:23
Mother and Children required to deport themselvesMildred Okpara and her two young children and baby are still in their Sheffield accommodation. They have received a letter from UKBA to report to Heathrow airport on Thursday the 2nd September.
Kirklees Refugee Forum are supporting a campaign to keep the family in Sheffield and would like your presence (if possible) in Sheffield this Friday.
Join the protest outside the Home Office UK Border Agency
Keep the Okpara family safe in Sheffield!
Come and join us on the demonstration and bring as many people as possible. Please bring placards and banners
UK Border Agency
Vulcan House
Riverside entrance
6 Millsands
S3 8NU
Friday 27th August 12:30 to 1:30
For more information or if you want to help with the campaign contact:
Stop the Deportation of the Okpara
Family c/o Sheena 07792605138
or email

Kirklees Refugee Forum

The Martians in Wonderland at the Camp for Climate Action in Edinburgh
23-08-2010 07:37

The White Rabbit visited the media tent to inform the media team about what the kids' bloc Children's Revolution was going to be all about to any journalists who might have been interested.
Police threaten hundreds of climate campers with arrest
22-08-2010 17:19
Hundreds of protesters swarmed about outside the Royal Bank of Scotland headquarters opposite the Camp for Climate Action in Edinburgh and were threatened with arrest by police.Police arrest climate camp protesters after RBS windows broken
22-08-2010 17:03
Two climate camp protesters have been arrested by police after windows were broken on the Royal Bank of Scotland headquarters building in Edinburgh.Local Scottish journalist Jono Warren has been reporting the protests at the Camp for Climate Action and tweeting on Twitter under the name “nmec”.
The Martians Have Landed at the Camp for Climate Action in Edinburgh
22-08-2010 12:35

Produced and directed by the Children of the Eco-Warriors “The Martians Have Landed” will be the story of the kids' bloc Children's Revolution at the climate camp.
Workers' Fightback: Indianapolis and South Africa Wage Battles
22-08-2010 11:39

We believe... workers know how to run our workplaces far better than business people, the government, or trade union leaders!
We aim for... workers' control over our own jobs and our own lives!
Right Wing Extremist Spies on Climate Campers with British Army Equipment
21-08-2010 17:24
There appears to have been a deadly serious game of cat and mouse going on between environmental activists, a local Scottish journalist, and the right wing extremist who has been threatening violence against the Camp for Climate Action in Edinburgh.Boasting that he is a professional soldier recently returned from fighting in Afghanistan where he says he killed Muslims for reading Islamic literature, and now posting his threats on Twitter under the name “wearethebritish” the extremist claims to have been using British Army military surveillance equipment to spy on the climate campers.
Children's Revolution Proposed at the Camp for Climate Action in Edinburgh
20-08-2010 13:48

It is being proposed that the climate campers should unite and join forces with the teenagers and students at the Edinburgh Festival to help create a new global youth movement to fight against global warming and climate change and to show the evil cowards who have threatened to burn down the climate camp that the eco-warriors will not tolerate this attempt to intimidate and terrorise them.
CPC demo - direct action bloc info
19-08-2010 19:43

Three arrests as activists take site for Edinburgh Camp for Climate Action
19-08-2010 06:31
Three climate activists were arrested by Scottish police as they took the site for the Camp for Climate Action in Edinburgh which set up very close to the Royal Bank of Scotland Headquarters at Gogarburn Gardens off Gogar Station Road just after 9pm yesterday evening.It is understood that the three who were arrested have all been released without charge.
Camberley Job Centre refusing to issue New Deal travel cards
19-08-2010 03:16
Why is Camberley Job Centre refusing to issue New Deal travel cards?An analysis on the forthcoming struggle on energy in Greece
18-08-2010 22:16
#349 | “Will the Public Power Corporation’s syndicalists win or lose?” – some thoughts on the upcoming struggle over electricity in Greeece