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UK Workers' Movements Newswire Archive

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Support Remploy Workers!

22-05-2007 19:15

43 Remploy factories to close - demo organised for Wednesday 23rd May

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London socialist feminist discussion group - starts this Friday

22-05-2007 13:08

"No women's liberation without socialism, no socialism without women's liberation..."

Following the successful dayschool on "The case for socialist feminism" on 21st April, socialist feminist activists in London are setting up a weekly reading and discussion group on socialist feminist ideas.

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Protest to prevent deportation of mother and baby to Cameroon

21-05-2007 19:35

Lordorice Djouontso
Campaigners 'Friends of Lordorice and Imelda' say that if they are sent back to the Cameroon, there is a serious risk to the life of this woman and potentially even that of her daughter.

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Sheffield Food Not Bombs/Wobblies @ Starbucks, City Centre

21-05-2007 09:44

Sheffield Food Not Bombs in solidarity with IWW

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Defending Labor Rights in Haiti

21-05-2007 06:13

New legislation in Washington D.C., under the acronym H.O.P.E. – short for “ the Haitian Hemispheric Opportunity through Partnership Encouragement Act,” has the goal of promoting the garment industry in Haiti. But the legislation falls noticeably short in protecting labor rights or promoting long-term sustainable economic development that will benefit the poor as well as the rich.

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Brown Ordered to prioritise Iraq

20-05-2007 18:09

Peace campaigners have called on Chancellor Gordon Brown to see sense and make ending the British occupation of Iraq “the first task of his premiership.”

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Olympic Training for Builders at Cock Tavern, Chalton Street, Euston

19-05-2007 19:12

There willl be spies and a Blacklist. Prepare a proper response.. Careful on the phone.

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Presidential Candidate: Immigrants Beaten Coast to Coast

19-05-2007 14:34

On a day when Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and Los Angeles Police Chief William J. Bratton spent the evening in rallies with thousands of immigrants, to make amends for the terrible beatings that hundreds of immigrants and reporters received at the Los Angeles May Day rallies, President Bush, along with key Democrats and Republicans, took their tern beating up 12 million immigrants coast to coast.

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Venezuelan nationalisations - What do they mean for socialists?

18-05-2007 18:17

The announcement of sweeping measures of nationalization will be greeted with enthusiasm by workers in all countries. It represents a big step forward for the Venezuelan revolution and a serious blow against capitalism and imperialism.

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The Unanimous Opinion.

18-05-2007 15:28

The Unanimous Opinion.
At the 6th Hemispheric Meeting in Havana, when the discussion turned to the subject of production of biofuels from foodstuffs, which are constantly getting more expensive, the huge majority voiced their opposition with indignation...

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Former Child Soldier to Speak at African Liberation Day in U.S.

18-05-2007 15:02

Africanist Movement leader, Chernoh Alpha M. Bah
On May 26th at Anacostia Park, located in the heart of southeast Washington D.C., the African community will be introduced to a young leader very few of us are familiar with. His name is Chernoh Alpha M. Bah. He is a former child soldier who fought in the civil war in Sierra Leone during the 1990’s. He is an award winning, world renowned journalist. And at the young age of 28, he is the leader of the Africanist movement, a political organization in West Africa of more than 70,000 young activists dedicated to the liberation of African people.

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Call for a Superhero Block at the G8 2007

17-05-2007 11:15

G8 poster invitation of the "The Dispensables"

The Dispensables and precarious Superheroes called The Unbeatables are calling for a block at the mass demonstration and at the mass blockades against the G8 summit. Both entities are part of the ongoing struggles to understand and resist contemporary conditions of precarity of live and work.

Video: Superhero block, Euromayday Hamburg 2007

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Pitiful Lefties. John McDonnell falls at first post.......Ha ha ha!

16-05-2007 20:56

You can go now John. Your 15 seconds of fame is over....
So. For god knows how long now the usual disposable air punching losers have bombarded everyone with 'Vote for John' literature at every public event going. The upshot of their hard work? Their hero has not even made the ballot paper....

The fact that McDonnell enjoyed a less high profile than Blair's junior cabinet ministers did not deter them. The fact that the Labour Party or 'New Labour' as we now call it has been devoid of democracy for decades seemed to pass them by. Exactly what kind of deluded fuckwit thinks there is anything to gain by being in or around the Labour Party these days?????

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111. Talking is not working

16-05-2007 18:18

Whilst here in the UK for the past 10 years, I have had opportunities to study and work at respectable universities and meet many interesting individuals. At the University of Wolverhampton and within its School of Computing and IT, I found myself in an environment that challenged me for all the wrong reasons.

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Lessons we learned from the 6th Hemispheric Meeting in Havana...

15-05-2007 14:38

A new World is possible and necessary
We are aware that most of the wars in the last few decades have been waged over control of energy sources...

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Brazil: Bush-Lula biofuel plans based on conditions worse than slavery

14-05-2007 09:33

The recent proclamation of an “ethanol alliance” between US President George W. Bush and Brazil’s President Luiz Inacio “Lula” da Silva has been hailed by apologists for both governments as an advance in the development of alternative sources of energy and a gain for both countries’ economies. In Brazil, this sector is expected to record export earnings of $7 billion this year, and both countries are mounting a drive to increase the production of Brazilian sugarcane.

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News and views about post-electoral unrest in France and resistance

13-05-2007 22:36

No Saucepan demos in each neighbourhoods and no “reclaim the streets with the kids, grandma and grandpa”. Not yet but a sweet, lovely wind of may is blowing, flowers of small acts, liberation of words, desires, Life, speeches and exchange, arguments and passion, reason and organization, solidarity and networking, exchange and rebellion.

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Maydaysur - Visiting a Shopping Center

13-05-2007 18:33

taking a stroll into town

On Sunday, 29. April, MayDay Sur visited the shopping center María Zambrano at Malaga’s trainstation. After a few short pickets at chosen shops, Mayday Sur materialised in the main shopping hall with bodies and banners, while a voice from nowhere denounced the precarious conditions of workers in the shopping center. To conclude, an informative assembly was held outside the doors of the shopping center, where members of the collectives of the precari@s as well as members of the syndicalist section of RENFE (spanish national train company) denounced precarious work conditions.

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Arguments For Dismantling The U.S.-Arroyo Killing Machine In The Phillippines

13-05-2007 17:29

On this May 14 election week, the brutal Arroyo regime in the Philippines, backed by the Bush fundamentalist cabal, is facing the people's judgment for "crimes against humanity" (to quote the verdict of the Permanent People's Tribunal). This essay reflects on themes and issues surrounding the crisis of the neocolonial polity in the context of Bush's war of terror, and in the wake of barbaric, predatory globalized capital's asault on the Filipino people and the peoples of the world.

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Maydaysur - Cabaret Pics

13-05-2007 14:45

Performance Square in Daylight

Friday, the 27th April, was the beginning of this year's MayDay Sur gathering in Malaga [chronology en | es]. This was celebrated in the evening with an open air street-performance-cabaret show. About 200 people, some neighbours, some from the Casa Invivisible, some guests from other cities, watched the performance until 11pm.