UK Workers' Movements Newswire Archive
Sanctuary for Constant Moussavou
14-11-2008 08:11

UNISON repression of the North East Shop Stewards Network
13-11-2008 15:35
* Is Ms Hale scared of something, simply misinformed, or is there another agenda at work here?* Is there, for example, any connection to the Yunus Bakhsh case?
* Which of the so-called 'Democracy Guidelines' has anyone breached - or might breach by working with the NESSN?
Sixth attempt to remove Alliance Ngondiop
13-11-2008 15:13

Media coverage of Bath fainancial crisis campaign and upcoming demo (22/11/08)
12-11-2008 15:54
the local press have picked up on the campaign , launched by Bath Activist Network against bank bailouts/recession.the first action of this campaign will be a protest in Bath city centre on saturday the 22nd of Nov. Assemble at 12.30pm infront of Bath Abbey, Bath.
the campaign is picking up momentum, and we are hoping for the largest turnout possible - so get yerself down to the demo!
For more info, to get involved, or to order some flyers and posters, e-mail

Despite its crises Capitalism will only collapse under the blows of the prolet
11-11-2008 22:06
The financial crisis which really began in the summer 2007 with the first bankruptcies of funds specializing in the famous American subprimes, has inexorably increased its sheer magnitude before entering its acute phase commencing at the end of this summer.For a year the highest ranking financial and political officials in the world, as faithfully reported by all the international media, constantly minimized its extension, being mightily pleased, after each attack of the speculative fever, with the promptitude of the central banks and governments to administer the adequate remedy for the financial system, and regularly announcing the end of the crisis and the pursuit of economic growth.
Amey - NPL cleaners interview and public meeting
11-11-2008 12:44

G20: 2 proposals to exit the economic crisis (for mr.Brown?)
10-11-2008 00:36

We propose two points
Solutions to economic & climate chaos: politics of self-interest or society?
09-11-2008 14:05
Many economies and livelihoods are dependent on discretionary spending. It's quite clear that following years of increases in employment and business creation, that there looks set to be an increase in unemployment and business failures, which will have an enormous impact on workers. What lessons can we learn from socialism, unity and positive and constructive environmental action in both dealing with the downturn and helping the climate and the proletariat alike?Solidarity with Amey / NPL cleaners at appeal hearing
09-11-2008 13:03
Colombian cleaners sacked by contractor Amey PLC at the government's National Physical Laboratory for 'discrediting the company' held a joint appeal against their collective dismissal on Friday at NPL in Teddington, Middlesex. Together with supporters they mounted a colourful solidarity picket outside, and spoke to many NPL staff as they left work.Omali Yeshitela's Statement on Obama Election
08-11-2008 20:37
(Join African People's Socialist Party Chairman Omali Yeshitela, Black Agenda Report senior editor Glen Ford, African Socialist International General Secretary Luwezi Kinshasa, direct from London, and Africanist Movement Director Chernoh Alpha M. Bah, direct from Freetown, as they discuss reaction to the U.S. elections from the U.S. to the UK to Sierra Leone, Sunday, November 9th at 16:00 UTC / 11:00 am U.S. Eastern on U.S. Attacks Stir Opposition and Outrage in Pakistan
08-11-2008 09:25

Reposses Northern Rock Demo
07-11-2008 11:27
Protest Rally - Say NO to the Fat Cats!Saturday 15th November
12.00 noon
Grey’s Monument, Newcastle
Don't separate Victor from Monica & Denise
07-11-2008 08:22

"Precarious Work ..." Talk and Discussion, November 16th, 5.30, Pullens Centre
07-11-2008 08:00
Precarious Work and the Struggle for Migrant Workers' RightsA public talk and discussion organised by London NoBorders, Campaign
against Immigration Controls and the Latin American Workers Association
Sunday November 16th, 5.30pm, Pullens Centre, SE17 3AE
Unite (Amicus) Hustings Meeting 21 November Newcastle
05-11-2008 17:03
In the very near future an election will take place for the position of General Secretary of the Amicus Section of Unite.Class, climate change and coal Conference. Sat 1st NOV
05-11-2008 15:06
This is the presentation given by a climate/environmental activist to the ConferenceLegal Aid department being downsized by over a third
05-11-2008 14:14
I wonder what the future implications of this will be for activists and equality of access to 'justice' (a basic human right enshrined in law). No doubt staff shortages will be blamed for delays in processing Legal Aid applications, and perhaps the means and merits tests will become tougher."The GMB national officer Rehana Azam said: "This is very disappointing news for the Legal Services Commission staff and for people seeking legal aid." "
Full article | 1 addition | 7 comments
Conference Report: Class, Climate Change and Clean Coal
05-11-2008 13:58
On the 1st November 2008 at the Bridge hotel in Newcastle upon Tyne; "the debate between the Unions and the climate camp". The event was organised by Dave Douglass on behalf of the NUM & Tyne & Wear IWW.Brum Anti-Academies Public Meeting
05-11-2008 13:21
PUBLIC MEETING7pm Tuesday 25 November
The Council House,
Victoria Square,
Birmingham City Centre.
IWW Punk Benefit Gig - London - Friday 7 Nov
05-11-2008 12:53

Bands include
>>PJ & Gabi
>>Apologies I Have None
>>Beginning of the End
>> with more TBC.