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UK Workers' Movements Newswire Archive

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Anglo American: Profiting from Conflict

16-08-2007 13:19

British mining company Anglo American is profiting from a pattern of global abuse and brutality against poor people, including the murder of opponents who say the firm’s mining operations threaten their livelihoods.

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Starbucks - national day of action, 18th August

15-08-2007 15:57

As part of a national day of action coordinated by the IWW and No Sweat, we'll be handing out a joint leaflet outside the Starbucks opposite Waterstones in the City Centre this Saturday from 1pm.

Please forward this message. Hope to see you there...

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Iraq War: Democrats Will Stay the Course

15-08-2007 14:47

These days the presidential candidates for the Democratic Party are sounding more like replacement candidates for Bush; on the issue of ending the Iraq War. All the candidates, with the exception of Representative Dennis Kucinich and Governor Bill Richardson, are making open-ended commitments to keep American forces in Iraq and the Middle East region for years.

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What's new Heathrow cargo workers strike as Nippon Express refuses to talk

15-08-2007 12:47

Drivers and warehouse workers at Heathrow cargo handler Nippon Express walked out on strike at 6am this morning after the company once again refused to settle the pay and shifts dispute. THE PICKETT IS 2 BUS STOPS AWAY FROM THE CLIMATE CAMP TOWARDS HAYES. SHOW SOME SUPPORT!

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Oaxaca Street Art

15-08-2007 00:11

Some photos taken from the street art, graffiti and stencil work around the centre of Oaxaca city.

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Oaxaca: Catalan Four Released Without Charge, No Reason For Incarceration

14-08-2007 17:39

The Catalan Four arrested, beaten, sexually assaulted and threatened were released last night, Monday 13 August 2007.

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Liverpool NHS Meeting

14-08-2007 15:33

Merseyside Keep Our NHS Public Campaign meets this Wednesday (15 August)
at 7pm at The Peoples Centre, Mount Pleasant, Liverpool.

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Post Office strikes continue

14-08-2007 13:43

Workers at Crown Post Offices struck yesterday and on Friday, and are due to strike again tomorrow to stop plans to outsource services to WH Smiths.

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UK National Day of Action for Starbucks Employees- Aug. 18

14-08-2007 11:06


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Public School condemns 'chav-hunt' spoof

14-08-2007 01:58

Public school boys keeping the class war alive

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A Letter From The Catalan Four: Still Detained In Oaxaca, threatened & beaten!

13-08-2007 20:58

This letter was received from the four Catalan detainees still incarcerated in Mexico DF.
First is the rough English translation, then the original Spanish. At the bottom is a list of authorities you can write to in order to assist in their release.
A previous article asked for no one to demonstrate, but to write to demand release:

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"Do not make political actions for us": Catalan Four

12-08-2007 21:48

The Catalan four arrested and imprisoned in Oaxaca have asked that no one makes protest for them, as they were not doing anything political.

First in Spanish, then the English translation.

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Attack on IWW Solidarity March in Providence, RI-Support Needed!

12-08-2007 21:00

Police break fellow worker, Alex Svoboda's leg
On Saturday, August at 11, 12pm EST, the Providence I.W.W. organized a march on Jackie's Galaxy, which is a restaurant chain that is being supplied by HWH in New York City, a supplier who is notorious for its slave labor conditions of up to 110 hours per week without basic labor rights (minimum wage and overtime).
Roughly 30-40 wobblies and supporters (including Providence and Boston SDSers) were marching towards Jackie's Galaxy in North Providence when the police began following them en mass. They told the marches to move to the sidewalk, while this was initially ignored, the marchers listened to the police and began slowly moving to the sidewalk.
The police then surrounded the marchers in their squad cars and began getting out. With the police in full force, they began attacking the marchers, one fellow worker, Alex Svoboda, was pinned down by the police during her arrest and suffered a broken and dislocated leg and ruptured blood vessel in the knee. These injuries will require at least two surgeries and extensive rehab and even then may not completely repair the damage. Jason, another wob, was arrested in during the police' attack. Ashley, a supporter from Boston, was also severely maced during the attack, suffered chemical burns and required medical treatment.

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Undercover Notes From Oaxaca: Cops, lies and videotape

11-08-2007 16:03

It’s been a tough two weeks. From election coverage, police monitoring to murder for timber.

But now, as I should be on a bus out of this hellhole masquerading as a happy tourist resort, but a zone of paranoia for an undercover journalist, I am compelled to get all this down. For one thing, purely to document the situation should I not make it out of here.

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IWW support postal strike 10/8/07

11-08-2007 13:41

solidarity is strenth
Sheffield IWW were out in support of stiking postal workers yesterday Friday 10th of August.

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Jessica & Favour Edebiri -another attempt to remove them

10-08-2007 05:12

Jessica & Favour Edebiri
Jessica at the moment is spiraling into despair, unable despite many attempts, to find a solicitor who will try to reopen her case.

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Royal Mail Strikes Called Off

09-08-2007 18:36

Following a meeting held today between Royal Mail and CWU a Joint Statement has been agreed that means detailed discussions will take place on all the relevant issues between the two parties.

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Postal workers wildcat in Swindon

09-08-2007 18:29

More than 500 workers walk out over the transfer of prominent strikers to elsewhere in the company.

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The collapse of London Underground’s privatisation: Livingstone to the rescu

09-08-2007 17:27

Metronet has been put into administration with debts of at least £2 billion. It had two of the three 30-year, £17 billion contracts under the Labour government’s hugely unpopular Public Private Partnership (PPP) programme to maintain and renew the London Underground rail network. Metronet’s owners, five international corporations, refused to put in another penny beyond their original £350 million commitment under the terms of the contract.

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International Action Day in solidarity with Mansour Osanloo and Mahmoud Salehi

08-08-2007 20:30

Mansour Osanloo
Mansour Osanloo, chair of the bus driver's union in Tehran, was abducted by the Iranian authorities and is now incarcerated in Evin Prison, Tehran. Mansour was snatched from a bus on July 10th and the order to arrest him is thought to have come from Revolutionary Court Judge Saeed Mortazavi. The International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF) has vowed to secure Mansour's release.

Mahmoud Salehi, a leader of an independent bakers union in Iran's Kurdistan province, was arrested in the city of Saquez along with 6 other union activists and is now in prison. His life is in grave danger because the authorities will not allow him to receive medical assistance. Mahood suffers from chronic kidney disease, and his health is failing rapidly. He has only one functioning kidney and requires dialysis to prevent the other from shutting down. Without treatment, he will die.

There is a demonstration in front of the Iranian embassy in London on Thursday 9th August at 12:00-3:00 pm.