UK Workers' Movements Newswire Archive
Charter of Rights of Women Seeking Asylum
30-11-2009 14:10

Around the Campaigns Monday 30th November
30-11-2009 11:28
Detention of children at immigration 'prisons' attacked by MPsThe Free Shop strikes again!
30-11-2009 02:40

Picket at Polish Embassy as Cegielski Dispute Ends
29-11-2009 18:24

March for jobs in London
29-11-2009 17:48

Report of STUC anti-racism march in Glasgow Saturday 28th November 2009
28-11-2009 15:52

U.S. Still Plans Assault on Latin America. Will We Stop this Madness?
28-11-2009 15:29
"In an explicit attempt to hide Washington’s military objectives in South America, a U.S. Air Force document submitted to Congress in May 2009 that provoked deep concerns in the region has been modified and re-published on November 16, 2009. The official U.S. Air Force document, revealed and denounced by this author on November 4th, explained the justification for a $46 million request to improve the military installations in one of the seven bases Washington will occupy under the military accord signed on October 30th between Colombia and the United States. The modified document has eliminated all mention of war and military operations in the region, as well as offensive language directed at Colombia’s neighbors, Venezuela and Ecuador."Vestas solidarity 'Magic Roundabout' Climate Camp evicted
28-11-2009 11:45

Filipino Workers Condemn Maguindanao Massacre
28-11-2009 02:34

Modern Post Office - Fingerprinting Minorities
27-11-2009 11:00
A trial of this surveillance technology is taking place in 17 Post Offices, if successful then it will form part of the model for attempting to enrol all citizens onto the Identity Register.Cegielski plant: Ceasefire with the management but the struggle continues!
26-11-2009 16:25
Industial dispute at Cegielski plant in Poznan, western Poland between independent trade union IP and the management of the plant ended up on Wednesday night with significant victory for IP: unlawfully sacked union stewards will come back to work (and the management will recognize 5 other IP activists as a stewards), there will be no further mass layoffs at the plant, and the salaries will not be decreased untill the end of the year. In exchange, IP will suspend further protests at the plant.Demo At Polish Embassy: Save The Cegielski Plant!
25-11-2009 10:13
Friday, 27th November, 4.30pm, Polish Embassy in London : 47 Portland Place W1B 1JHStitched-Up In Honduras - Workers speaker tour - UK
24-11-2009 15:38

Legal Threat to the Vestas Campaign 'Magic Roundabout' Camp:
24-11-2009 11:14

If people want to get in touch with the Roundabouters, please email

Learning The Lessons Of Workplace Struggles - 4pm Sun 6 Dec Glasgow Social Centr
23-11-2009 22:43
Sunday 6th December4pm
Glasgow Social Centre
66/68 Osborne Street
G1 5QH
Xmas Social/Benefit Gig for the IWW - Reading - 12th December
23-11-2009 02:27

Friends and comrades,
On the evening of the next IWW* BIROC meeting, the Reading IWW branch invite y'all to come on down to the 2009 IWW Xmas Social gig!
Stop the repressions against the IP trade union! Save the Cegielski plant!
22-11-2009 17:32
On Friday, 27th of November Polish anarchist society in London together with London branch of IWW trade union is organising a solidarity demonstration with sacked union stewards from Cegielski plant in Poznan, against the repressions for union activity at the plant and further layoffs. The protest will start at 4:30 pm at the Polish Embassy in London: 47 Portland Place W1B 1JH.More intimidation tactics by Peter Tierney and Merseyside BNP
21-11-2009 18:18
Today, activists from Liverpool Antifascists delivered leaflets in Halewood. The event was an overall success, but once again Merseyside BNP revealed that they rely more on intimidation tactics than on politics to get their point across.Staff and Students Oppose Corporate Education in the University of Birmingham
21-11-2009 11:42

MMU set to axe support staff
21-11-2009 11:04
Manchester Metropolitan University has this week announced that it will be cutting 127 administrative and support staff roles.