UK Workers' Movements Newswire Archive
PHILIPPINES: PAL labor row erupts anew as workers protest DOLE decision
02-11-2010 11:31

Big Pharma are throwing toys out of pram again
02-11-2010 11:00
Once again Big Pharma are threatening to leave the UK unless they get their way.UK Anti-Cuts Protests and Public Meetings This Week
01-11-2010 17:59
As it says above. Please distribute this list as appropriate.Quick report of the Brighton Anti Vodafone action
31-10-2010 19:08
On Saturday 30th October over a thousand people attended the Stop the Cuts march in Brighton - 2 Vodafone Stores were targetedVodafone £6 billion unpaid tax bill
29-10-2010 19:20
While the poor starve, the rich and global corporations fiddle their tax.Violations of Workers Rights in the Philippines in 2010
29-10-2010 12:53

The Third Revolution? Worker and peasant resistance to the Bolshevik government
29-10-2010 10:54

Anti-cut linked protests across UK this Saturday (30.10.10)
28-10-2010 23:12
As the title states. If you're aware of other protests this weekend please post details below.French Students Mobilize: "Sarkozy, You're Screwed, The Youth Are In the Streets!"
28-10-2010 11:07
From our correspondent in France
Demo against the Cuts (Hackney Town Hall 6.00pm Tonight 27/10/10)
27-10-2010 10:25
Sick of boring speeches, putting you asleep? Then let's have some real class anager and action tonight.Cuts & the Environment
26-10-2010 13:43
Analysis and call-out in response to government cuts- linking labour and environmental struggles to capitalismNUS and UCU anti-cuts national demonstration; London; Wednesday 10 November
24-10-2010 22:48

Anti cuts demo takes place in Cambridge - hundreds attend.
24-10-2010 21:09

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Australian Union President, Kevin Bracken – A true working class hero!
24-10-2010 20:41

Translation of two leaflets about current struggles in France
23-10-2010 20:05
Translation of two leaflets about current struggles in France from Internationalist ProletariansCambridge Right-to-work demo
23-10-2010 17:03

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Yorkshire and Humberside TUC Rally Against the Cuts
23-10-2010 16:16

Right to Work march to TUC Rally in Sheffield
23-10-2010 14:53

The Migrant Condition
22-10-2010 11:56
When I was recently named chairman of the Committee on Overseas Workers’ Affairs of the House of Representatives of the Philippines, I was approached by members of the press for my views on migrant labor. I remembered a speech I delivered last year at the Global Forum for Migration and Development in Athens, Greece. The thrust of the speech was that migrants’ rights have to be addressed on two fronts: ending the neoliberal policies that are responsible for creating poverty in their home countries, thus forcing them to emigrate, and demanding that they are given full rights in their host countries.