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UK Workers' Movements Newswire Archive

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School strikes decision this week

04-11-2008 21:27

The NUT will reveal this week whether it will stage a series of one-day strikes which would trigger widespread school closures in the run-up to Christmas.

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British Fascism and How to Fight It

04-11-2008 15:07

International Bolshevik Tendency fringe public meeting at the Socialist Party's 'Socialism 2008' weekend. 1pm, Sunday 9 November in the Bloomsbury Suite, ULU, Malet St, London WC1E 7HY.

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Demonstration against humanitarian crisis in DR Congo

03-11-2008 18:14

Manchester / Saturday 8th November 2008
Assemble 11:00am
All Saints
Oxford Road
Manchester M15 6BH
(Manchester University), opposite BBC Manchester

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Philppines: Labor export policy is anti-women, anti-development

02-11-2008 00:57

MANILA, Philippines – The country should not take pride in being the model in terms of labor migration, according to women’s groups who are engaging the Second Global Forum on Migration on Development (GFMD).

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We won't pay for their crisis - March on Guildhall, Bath 22nd Nov

01-11-2008 23:14

On Saturday 22nd of Nov, Bath Activist Network have called for a day of mass action against the deepening financial crisis.

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Brighton Bus Company ties to Gag GMB Members who speak out over dispute

01-11-2008 10:54

Brighton Bus Company has today stooped to a new low by threatening staff with the sack if they contact their local paper the Argus.

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Early report on Halloween City demo

31-10-2008 20:16

Report in an individual capacity on the demo at canary wharf tonight. The demo was called by elements of Reclaim The Streets and the Socialist Workers Party, but was also backed by lots of the far left and anarchist groups, incuding our group Autonomy and Solidarity.

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Interview with Dave Douglass about the Climate Camp

31-10-2008 12:56

This is an interview with anarchist and labour movement activist Dave Douglass published in the latest Shift. It's a good introduction to the debates that will be had at this weekend's Labour Movement Conference in Newcastle:

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You have the Power to Stop Deportations

31-10-2008 09:10

An Anti-Deportation Campaign involves organizing resistance to restrictive immigration legislation, and simply means making the government change their minds regarding an individual case. Or persuading an airline not to facilitate UK enforcement policies.

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Scottish Water workers vote on industrial action

31-10-2008 02:39

Scottish Water workers are being balloted on industrial action after the employer imposed a below inflation pay rise which had not been agreed.

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Scottish council workers vote on new pay offer

31-10-2008 02:37

150,000 local government workers in Scotland are being balloted to see if they accept an improved pay offer of 3% following two one-day strikes.

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Filipino Workers hold March to protest against the GFMD

30-10-2008 23:25

As the Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD) opened today in Manila, at least 5000 workers from the Philippines and other countries in every region of the world came together in one of the broadest labor mobilizations ever organized in the entire history of the global trade union movement.

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Stephane Siewe Belongs to Middlesbrough

30-10-2008 10:43

Stephane Siewe, a Cameroon national and resident of Middlesbrough, is currently detained in Colnbrook IRC and due to be forcibly removed from the UK on Monday 3rd November @ 06:15 on British Airways flight BA 302 to Paris and then Air France flight AF940 to Yaoundé, Cameroon @ 10:25.

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friday 31st - anarchist students back bank bash

29-10-2008 22:37

Autonomy and Solidarity would like to announce their arrival by endorsing this Friday’s demonstration assembling at Canary Wharf tube station at 5pm then marching on Lehman Brother’s offices.

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Landmark Case on Children / EM (Lebanon) v SSHD

29-10-2008 08:51

In the case of EM (Lebanon) v SSHD [2008] UKHL 64 the House of Lords looked at Article 8 again (having done so earlier this year as well) and delivered another landmark judgment. It is believed to be the first time in European legal history that a higher court has found that a future, foreign breach of a non-absolute human right would be sufficiently serious so as to prohibit the victim’s removal to the country where there is a real risk the breach would take place.

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NYCLAW Antiwar Digest (10.28.08)

29-10-2008 01:58

"In the States, if police burst into your house, kicking down doors and swearing at you, you would call your lawyer and file a lawsuit. Here, there are no lawyers. Their resources are limited, so they plant IEDs (improvised explosive devices) instead."

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Time’s right to give bankers a fright on Halloween night: Join the demo

28-10-2008 20:50

The London demonstration assembles at Canary Wharf tube station at 5pm on Friday 31 October and then sets off at 6pm to the offices of Lehman Brothers

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film of last weeks amey picket in bristol

27-10-2008 13:20

last wednesday (22nd) there were demos in support of the sacked amey cleaners in london and bristol.

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Amey-NPL cleaners protests Wed-Thu this week

26-10-2008 20:55

Come and support the sacked Colombian cleaners in the build-up to their appeal hearings at the end of the week. Protests to take place outside two London offices of Amey PLC - the multinational subcontractor which employed them at the government's National Physical Laboratory in Teddington, Middlesex..

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26-10-2008 17:33

Change Colin Powell can believe in is exactly the kind of change we should fear.