NYCLAW -- New York City Labor Against the War | 26.10.2008 17:33 | Anti-militarism | Palestine | Workers' Movements | World
NYCLAW -- New York City Labor Against the War
NYCLAW Antiwar Digest
October 26, 2008
*GI Resistance
*Domestic Repression & Injustice
*U.S. Labor
Obama poised to prove military prowess
[H]is challenge if elected, his advisers acknowledge, is to convince the world that an untested young senator also has a steely edge.
Obama and Powell are quite compatible
Colin Powell is convinced Obama is just the kind of new face that U.S. imperialism needs. Powell should know. He was once considered to be that new face.
Colin Powell's War
"Why were we torching houses and destroying crops? Ho Chi Minh had said the people were like the sea in which his guerrillas swam."
Be careful what you wish for
Change Colin Powell can believe in is exactly the kind of change we should fear.
Right-wing Obama love
What will Progressives for Obama have to say about the conservative pitching and wooing for their candidate? If past history is any indication, they and other progressives will say nothing at all.
U.S. air strike kills 20 more civilians
Hundreds of civilians have been killed by foreign troops in operations against Taliban militants in Afghanistan this year.
U.S. protects biggest drug peddlers
[T]he White House favored a hands-off approach toward Ahmed Wali Karzai because of the political delicacy of the matter.
Escalation doomed to fail
The Soviet Union failed to control the country in the 1980s with more than 100,000 soldiers, and some U.S. military officials fear Afghans could see large-scale troop increases as a repeat of that occupation.,0,4379577.story
Resistance strategy
"The Taliban isn't strong enough to take over the country. But they don't have to be."
Kabul under Taliban's thumb
"When people saw the bad behaviour of the foreigners and government, the Taliban stood up to protect them. Day by day, their power increases."
U.S. military trains government death squads.
The trainers will provide counterinsurgency instruction to Pakistani army soldiers, who in turn will train members of the Frontier Corps, the government's paramilitary force in the FATA.
Join government militia -- or else
We were pressured by the government to take action because they warned, 'If you don't take action you will be bombed.' "
Kurdish Prime Minister predicts US troops will remain in Iraq until 2020
"Is Iraq really in a position that it can run its own affairs without the support [of the US]? Militarily this is absolutely not true."
Baghdad partition walls still standing
The walls are not coming down in all, or even most, Baghdad districts.
Returning refugees attacked and killed
Many Iraqi families. . . . [are] being targeted and attacked, and in some cases killed, for returning to their homes.
Secrets of Iraq's death chamber
[S]ecret executions are being carried out in the prisons run by Nouri al-Maliki's "democratic" government.
Path to victory in Iraq
It is the unity of our resistance at home and the resistance in Iraq that will bring about the end of the occupation.
U.S. rearms Lebanon military
[T]he last major effort to assist the Lebanese Army, in the 1980s, ended with American troops being caught up in a civil war.
Christian Zionists see divine colonialism
"America is a shining city on the hill ordained by God. We have that tradition right here in America, and we do see Israel's promise in the Scripture.",0,2153443.story
Cat Stevens barred from Israel
[W]hen Mr Islam's passport details were submitted for a "conventional security check," it sparked a "huge row".
P.A. fights Hamas on behalf of Israel
An Israeli security source said the Palestinian deployment in Hebron was coordinated with the Israeli army and that the Palestinian force would not be allowed to intervene in areas where Jewish settlers live. . . . "They are meant to police the community and strengthen the Palestinian Authority's ability to fight Hamas."
Re-instate teachers fired by P.A.
I call on all unionist leaders, politicians and public opinion leaders as well as journalists and intellectuals to carry out their moral and human responsibility to speak up against the dismissal of these voiceless teachers and to pressure the PA government to reinstate them immediately.
Winter Soldiers: 'We Have to Share This Pain'
"[E]very man, woman, and child who has died in this war has died in vain, because it was a war based on lies and profits."
AWOL to save their lives
"Why is it that you become a delinquent when you refuse to kill?"
40th anniversary of "Presidio 27 Mutiny"
The mutiny's anniversary today comes at a time when military resistance against the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan is climbing.
Guantanamo tribunals overseer under investigation
At least three other prosecutors quit the tribunals in recent years, claiming improper political meddling and other inappropriate behavior by Hartmann and others that they believe stacked the deck against defendants there.,0,669296.story
Dubious information lead to torture of 3 Canadians
The passing of inflammatory information from Canadian police and intelligence officials to the United States contributed to the jailing and torture of three Canadian citizens by Syria.
Spying on antiwar activists
The 53 men and women wrongly classified by the Maryland State Police as terrorists include two Catholic nuns, a Democratic candidate for Congress, a man who campaigns against military recruiting at high schools and one person who has never set foot in the state.
Cuban 5: 'It's a form of torture'
The Cuban government claims that more than 3,000 people have died as a result of various [U.S.-backed] plots. . . . The five argued that they had been trying to prevent [such] terrorist attacks.
Death of Texas Man Stirs Racial Tension
"It is a racist town, and Paris has always been a racist town."
Layoffs rising
Layoffs have arrived in force, like a wrenching second act in the unfolding crisis.
Puerto Rico's teachers defeat union-busting
The message of the Federacion de Maestros de Puerto Rico (FMPR) was simple: please stop SEIU President Andy Stern's collusion with the indicted governor of the island to replace FMPR with a "company union."
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NYCLAW Antiwar Digest
October 26, 2008
*GI Resistance
*Domestic Repression & Injustice
*U.S. Labor
Obama poised to prove military prowess
[H]is challenge if elected, his advisers acknowledge, is to convince the world that an untested young senator also has a steely edge.

Obama and Powell are quite compatible
Colin Powell is convinced Obama is just the kind of new face that U.S. imperialism needs. Powell should know. He was once considered to be that new face.

Colin Powell's War
"Why were we torching houses and destroying crops? Ho Chi Minh had said the people were like the sea in which his guerrillas swam."

Be careful what you wish for
Change Colin Powell can believe in is exactly the kind of change we should fear.

Right-wing Obama love
What will Progressives for Obama have to say about the conservative pitching and wooing for their candidate? If past history is any indication, they and other progressives will say nothing at all.

U.S. air strike kills 20 more civilians
Hundreds of civilians have been killed by foreign troops in operations against Taliban militants in Afghanistan this year.

U.S. protects biggest drug peddlers
[T]he White House favored a hands-off approach toward Ahmed Wali Karzai because of the political delicacy of the matter.

Escalation doomed to fail
The Soviet Union failed to control the country in the 1980s with more than 100,000 soldiers, and some U.S. military officials fear Afghans could see large-scale troop increases as a repeat of that occupation.

Resistance strategy
"The Taliban isn't strong enough to take over the country. But they don't have to be."

Kabul under Taliban's thumb
"When people saw the bad behaviour of the foreigners and government, the Taliban stood up to protect them. Day by day, their power increases."

U.S. military trains government death squads.
The trainers will provide counterinsurgency instruction to Pakistani army soldiers, who in turn will train members of the Frontier Corps, the government's paramilitary force in the FATA.

Join government militia -- or else
We were pressured by the government to take action because they warned, 'If you don't take action you will be bombed.' "

Kurdish Prime Minister predicts US troops will remain in Iraq until 2020
"Is Iraq really in a position that it can run its own affairs without the support [of the US]? Militarily this is absolutely not true."

Baghdad partition walls still standing
The walls are not coming down in all, or even most, Baghdad districts.

Returning refugees attacked and killed
Many Iraqi families. . . . [are] being targeted and attacked, and in some cases killed, for returning to their homes.

Secrets of Iraq's death chamber
[S]ecret executions are being carried out in the prisons run by Nouri al-Maliki's "democratic" government.

Path to victory in Iraq
It is the unity of our resistance at home and the resistance in Iraq that will bring about the end of the occupation.

U.S. rearms Lebanon military
[T]he last major effort to assist the Lebanese Army, in the 1980s, ended with American troops being caught up in a civil war.

Christian Zionists see divine colonialism
"America is a shining city on the hill ordained by God. We have that tradition right here in America, and we do see Israel's promise in the Scripture."

Cat Stevens barred from Israel
[W]hen Mr Islam's passport details were submitted for a "conventional security check," it sparked a "huge row".

P.A. fights Hamas on behalf of Israel
An Israeli security source said the Palestinian deployment in Hebron was coordinated with the Israeli army and that the Palestinian force would not be allowed to intervene in areas where Jewish settlers live. . . . "They are meant to police the community and strengthen the Palestinian Authority's ability to fight Hamas."

Re-instate teachers fired by P.A.
I call on all unionist leaders, politicians and public opinion leaders as well as journalists and intellectuals to carry out their moral and human responsibility to speak up against the dismissal of these voiceless teachers and to pressure the PA government to reinstate them immediately.

Winter Soldiers: 'We Have to Share This Pain'
"[E]very man, woman, and child who has died in this war has died in vain, because it was a war based on lies and profits."

AWOL to save their lives
"Why is it that you become a delinquent when you refuse to kill?"

40th anniversary of "Presidio 27 Mutiny"
The mutiny's anniversary today comes at a time when military resistance against the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan is climbing.

Guantanamo tribunals overseer under investigation
At least three other prosecutors quit the tribunals in recent years, claiming improper political meddling and other inappropriate behavior by Hartmann and others that they believe stacked the deck against defendants there.

Dubious information lead to torture of 3 Canadians
The passing of inflammatory information from Canadian police and intelligence officials to the United States contributed to the jailing and torture of three Canadian citizens by Syria.

Spying on antiwar activists
The 53 men and women wrongly classified by the Maryland State Police as terrorists include two Catholic nuns, a Democratic candidate for Congress, a man who campaigns against military recruiting at high schools and one person who has never set foot in the state.

Cuban 5: 'It's a form of torture'
The Cuban government claims that more than 3,000 people have died as a result of various [U.S.-backed] plots. . . . The five argued that they had been trying to prevent [such] terrorist attacks.

Death of Texas Man Stirs Racial Tension
"It is a racist town, and Paris has always been a racist town."

Layoffs rising
Layoffs have arrived in force, like a wrenching second act in the unfolding crisis.

Puerto Rico's teachers defeat union-busting
The message of the Federacion de Maestros de Puerto Rico (FMPR) was simple: please stop SEIU President Andy Stern's collusion with the indicted governor of the island to replace FMPR with a "company union."

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NYCLAW -- New York City Labor Against the War