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UK Workers' Movements Newswire Archive

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Down with the Stalinists! Down with the Bureaucrats!

24-10-2011 12:10

About the 48-hour general strike demonstrations of 19-20/10 in Greece, the change of the police doctrine towards a "softer management of demonstrations" and the role of the stalinists in "self-policing" the protests

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UG#574 - Occupy Wall Street Special (Hip Hop Audiocollage)

21-10-2011 14:57

A special show this week devoted to Occupy Wall Street. How to make a show of interest both to OWS attendees and to those who know next to nothing about it? Inspired by the popularity of episode 536, we give you an audio collage including live radio interviews with participants and local residents, video soundtracks, historic material and quite a lot of music.

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Staffordshire Anarchists - First group meeting!

21-10-2011 11:11

Staffordshire Anarchists Group. Details of first meetup and discussion.

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Staffordshire Anarchists - First group meeting!

18-10-2011 14:52

Staffordshire Anarchists Meetup Poster
Staffordshire Anarchists Group. Details of first meetup and discussion.

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Jarrow marchers

17-10-2011 18:17

Have been walking for jobs for the past two weeks.

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Occupy report in The Daily Mail

16-10-2011 19:05

Some context about the Occupy movement as reported in the right-wing newspaper The Daily Mail. The Daily Mail is a/ hard-right b/ virulently pro-capitalist c/ sells over 2 million copies, so reports like this are absolute gold-dust - all the more so for preaching to the UN-converted and through not originating in the radical press.

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Defend Welfare Gathering

13-10-2011 15:27

Join us for a meeting with like-minded people to share ideas and strategise to stop the government’s attacks on welfare.

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Filmshow - Emma Goldman: An exceedingly dangerous woman, 12th Oct 2011

12-10-2011 12:44

Filmshow - Emma Goldman: An exceedingly dangerous woman, 12th Oct 2011, Brighton (UK)

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OCCUPY Protesters Unfocused? My Ass!

10-10-2011 15:19

I can't afford a shirt!
The OCCUPY protesters are expressing an emotional response, an appropriate emotional response. Their detractors who would paint them as bongo playing, naked hippies don't have much political memory.

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TUC March for the Alternative Manchester Oct 2011

08-10-2011 03:26

Salford against the cuts Banner
They may have come in their thousands to tell the coalition government "cuts are not the cure".
Unfortunately they were met by Dr TUC’s quack medicine wagon and patented Labour party elixir

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Take action against companies profiting from workfare!

06-10-2011 10:12

1pm, Wed 19th October 2011 outside the annual Welfare to Work Conference at the Business Design Centre, Upper Street, Islington, N1 0HQ

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Tory Strategy to Trump Fantastic Manchester Protest

02-10-2011 19:21

The Conservative Party were relying on there being a poor turn-out for the Anti-Cuts protest in Manchester today. Unfortunately for the Tories, 35,000 people showed-up. David Cameron's response was to play the Tory trump card - by announcing an immediate return to Margaret Thatcher's most divisive, effective and populist strategy. The Tories are going to sell more cut-price Council Housing...

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Class War in Manchester & Manhattan

01-10-2011 21:40

Rather than totally ignoring anti-capitalist protest as you might imagine, the front page of the right-wing Daily Mail newspaper's website is reporting another week of protest against Wall Street, and asking whether these demos represent a "middle-class uprising"? The Arab Spring was characterised by its broadly middle-class make-up, and research shows that over 70% of British people no longer see themselves as working-class.....

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Squatters extend solidarity to the TUC

01-10-2011 15:59

Letter to the TUC from convergence space in Manchester against the tories.

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Big Rip Off Day - 13th October

29-09-2011 19:25

The banksters want the shirt of our backs. Let's give it to them on Big Rip Off Day!

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Total Failure of Class War Politics in Britain

29-09-2011 00:02

The title of this post is meant to be ironic, as the Class War as it's fought both in Britain today and world-wide has been wildly successful, but Class War anarchism is a boat that's sunk...

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TOMORROW: Spanish solidarity demonstration - "La lucha está en la calle!"

28-09-2011 16:24

CNT poster
On 29th September, radicals from the CNT, CGT and other unions - as well as workers from across Spain - have called a day of action against the country's savage austerity package. In London, Solidarity Federation have called a last minute demonstration outside the Spanish Consulate in solidarity with our brothers and sisters in Spain.

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Benefiting from workfare - 'It's exploitation and it's repellent'

27-09-2011 11:41

TK Maxx, Wilkinsons, Savers and Matalan have been named as major retailers where unemployed people are being sent to work without pay. Since our article last month[1] exposing Tesco, Primark and other multinationals taking unpaid work placements, various people have contacted Corporate Watch describing their own experiences of being sent to major retailers, as well as councils and charities, to do similar work to that of salaried staff while receiving only £67.50 a week in Jobseekers' Allowance.

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Swindon Anarchists launched

26-09-2011 16:57

A new group for anarchists in Swindon and Wilts has been launched - come and join the fun!

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State strategies to wreck UK Uncut, Dale Farm & March 26 etc

23-09-2011 16:23

The activist community needs to acknowledge the fact that the establishment is (often, if not always) much better at contesting campaigns over issues like public sector cuts etc than we are. The proof of this hypothesis is the fact that they've been able to implement such cuts etc at all. We need to face up to this, to coldly analyze how it is that they're able to de-rail our campaigns, and modify our beliefs and actions accordingly.