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Occupy report in The Daily Mail

Info | 16.10.2011 19:05 | Occupy Everywhere | Culture | Public sector cuts | Workers' Movements

Some context about the Occupy movement as reported in the right-wing newspaper The Daily Mail. The Daily Mail is a/ hard-right b/ virulently pro-capitalist c/ sells over 2 million copies, so reports like this are absolute gold-dust - all the more so for preaching to the UN-converted and through not originating in the radical press.

"In light of the Occupy Wall Street demonstration taking place in downtown New York- and those of similar persuasions across the USA - the country's richest one per cent are a very unpopular group right about now. Making for more trouble, Forbes just released the list of the wealthiest 25 CEOs, and their earning numbers are astronomical. The amount of money that the country's top ten wealthiest CEOs make in one year is enough to pay the salary of 18,330 average Americans" -



Display the following 8 comments

  1. Yes& the top tenCEO's are below families like the Walmarts& Rockefellers — johnny
  2. What are you talking about — Northern A
  3. go home keyboard warriors — om
  4. WTF?! — Northern A
  5. @om & @Northern A — @narcha
  6. and — Glass Ceiling
  7. don't click the link... — gummo
  8. If you see it, report it. — Sir Kenneth Card-Shark.