Occupy report in The Daily Mail
Info | 16.10.2011 19:05 | Occupy Everywhere | Culture | Public sector cuts | Workers' Movements
Some context about the Occupy movement as reported in the right-wing newspaper The Daily Mail. The Daily Mail is a/ hard-right b/ virulently pro-capitalist c/ sells over 2 million copies, so reports like this are absolute gold-dust - all the more so for preaching to the UN-converted and through not originating in the radical press.
"In light of the Occupy Wall Street demonstration taking place in downtown New York- and those of similar persuasions across the USA - the country's richest one per cent are a very unpopular group right about now. Making for more trouble, Forbes just released the list of the wealthiest 25 CEOs, and their earning numbers are astronomical. The amount of money that the country's top ten wealthiest CEOs make in one year is enough to pay the salary of 18,330 average Americans" -
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Yes& the top tenCEO's are below families like the Walmarts& Rockefellers
16.10.2011 23:30
What are you talking about
17.10.2011 09:18
Northern A
go home keyboard warriors
17.10.2011 09:54
Jog on and find a real fight. Fucking bored kids.
17.10.2011 10:28
I'm not really sure what your point is other than you don't like anarchists, SWP? Fuck off om and go sell your newspaper and make your party some extra pocket money.
Northern A
@om & @Northern A
17.10.2011 12:10
I don't normally pick up on this when I see it on this site as I'm not a pedant but to have several commenters on one thread all forgetting that women activists do exist and post on Indymedia as well pisses me off enough to comment.
I'm a female activist who reads and occasionally posts on Indymedia. Yes, we do actually exist.
17.10.2011 13:57
Glass Ceiling
don't click the link...
17.10.2011 19:20
in the past i've been known to, in moments of weakness, check out the odd footy story on their sports section but am boycotting the site entirely on principle. there seems to be a trend of lefties checking it out to see what filth they're spouting just for the incredulity factor, but we're boosting their revenue and credibility (via the stats) in doing so. let's just take it for granted that it's all right-wing hogwash and that stories like the one referenced here are oddities for the populist motive mentioned above.
of course if someone leaves a copy on a train you can have a quick gander, just take it home with you and recycle it so no other casual reader gets exposed to the tripe inside!
If you see it, report it.
19.10.2011 01:31
No, you can't even look at it if its on the train. If you see a copy on the train, stay calm, pull the emergency cord and bring the train to a stop. Then bag the offending matter and wait for a biological containment unit to attend and safely neutralise it in a controlled explosion.
After the incident has passed, contact the BBC and notify them that there has been some sort of security alert involving 'terrorism' but there are no casualties.
Then go home and make gymnastic love to your partner.
That is all.
Sir Kenneth Card-Shark.