UK Workers' Movements Newswire Archive
Defend Jobs and Education at Tower Hamlets College
09-06-2009 10:13

Support Information for tube workers strike
08-06-2009 10:35
Below is a list of suggested activities that comrades, and their groups, could do to support the up and coming tubeowrkers strike on June 9-11th from the Strike Support Group[removed] Campaign'
08-06-2009 06:42
[removed] is a national of Somalia and was resident in Hillingdon, Uxbridge until August 2008, after which she was moved to NASS Section 4 accommodation in Ilford, East London. It was a real struggle to keep her in London and close to her community, but we achieved it because she is in therapy at the Helen Bamber Foundation for PTSD.Filipino peasant leader ambushed!
07-06-2009 08:36

Tesco and the Surveillance State
05-06-2009 22:31
The Role of Tesco in ID Card Function Creep.Workers' Fightback: Update 5
05-06-2009 21:54

Tubeworkers Strike Support Group
04-06-2009 21:43

New Publication "Crime Becomes Custom Custom Becomes Crime"
04-06-2009 11:47
The 3rd in the Cl@ss War Classix series of pamphlets has been published today.Support the Tube strike!
04-06-2009 11:39
Thousands of workers on London Underground are set to strike next Tuesday over job cuts, pay and management bullying. Some info on what you can do to support them.Willis cleaners for justice petition Unite
02-06-2009 21:23

Car workers vote for all-out strike
02-06-2009 15:37

Interview with Visteon worker
02-06-2009 07:27

Colnbrook IRC ~ Another damming report
02-06-2009 05:56
Struggling to copeColnbrook immigration removal centre (IRC) had made little improvement since its last inspection, and was struggling to cope, said Dame Anne Owers, Chief inspector of Prisons, publishing a report today Tuesday 2nd June, on the inspection of the centre
Safety at the centre continued to be a significant concern, with a challenging and vulnerable population and a drugs problem.
Continuing Conflicts that Create Refugees ~ May 2009
02-06-2009 05:54
Nine actual or potential conflict situations around the world deteriorated and none improved in May 2009, according to CrisisWatch N°70.Deteriorated Situations
Chad, Guatemala, Myanmar/Burma, North Korea, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Somalia, Sudan
Starbucks Closed by Rev Bill & Co
01-06-2009 21:46

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization: Prospects For A Multipolar World
01-06-2009 18:21
"As an earlier quote mentioned, the SCO is composed of six member states and four observers representing a true diversity of cultures, civilizations, histories and political systems, from many of the world's oldest and most venerable traditions to some of its newest nations, from the world's two most populous states to Kyrgyzstan with slightly over five million citizens, and political structures ranging from secular to religious and multi-party to single-party. The internal demographic composition of the ten members and observers, excluding Mongolia, is also a rich tapestry of ethnic, national, linguistic and confessional pluralism and variety. In additional to calling for a just, rational and peaceful world in a global situation that was little enough of any of the three, the Declaration contained both an appeal and blueprint for the sort of international order required as an antidote to the current one of unipolarity, unilateralism, cutthroat competition, cynical complacency, brute force and war."Around the Campaigns Monday 1st June 2009
01-06-2009 11:52
The Home Office does not have it all its' own way, people resist by any means that work!Locals distribute immigrant solidarity leaflet
29-05-2009 20:43

Workers' Fightback: Update 4
29-05-2009 18:42