UK Workers' Movements Newswire Archive
Third attempt to remove Cherbal Family
28-05-2009 08:20

Shock Funding of BNP by UKIP
28-05-2009 01:08
Former UKIP Candidate and current BNP Candidate Adam Champneys seems to be the bankroll for the BNP. Why would UKIP take such an interest?(Re)Founding Statement Of Sheffield Activist Network
27-05-2009 21:41
As collectively agreed by the SAN collective:Let’s Really Attack our Economic Problems.
27-05-2009 19:17
Let’s show the trickle down theory the door. If a goodly majority ever faces economic reality, we could fashion a better world. It is however the wealthy that will have to sacrifice.Anarchist Movement Conference: Time to take a stake in making a movement
27-05-2009 11:38
June 6th and 7th sees an attempt by anarchists and libertarians to take a critical look at our movement and how we relate to the wider political context in the UK. It will feature hundreds of people from all over the UK who are active in making our movement into a combative and popular anarchist, class struggle movement.Third attempt to remove Eric Tcheujoue
27-05-2009 07:59

West Midlands IWW fundraiser evening with David Rovics & Attila the Stockbroker
26-05-2009 23:37

MayDay participant were arrested in Iran
26-05-2009 22:26
people who were so brutally beaten and arrested had not committed any crime. They were repressed because they wanted to commemorate their international day, along with billions of other workers around the worldOpen Letter to Unite the union
25-05-2009 22:09

Pix-&-Vidz of STOP POLICE VIOLENCE! Sat 23 May 09
25-05-2009 19:10

Overwhelming international solidarity for the former sugarcane workers in ANAIRC
25-05-2009 15:51

Thousands of protest letters are pouring in...and it’s just the beginning
The Flor de Caña Boycott Group Extends its Protest
25-05-2009 15:49

1st OXFORD WORKING CLASS BOOKFAIR (& Don't forget the Sunderland W/C Bookfair!)
25-05-2009 11:20
SATURDAY 20TH JUNE, 11 am - 6 pm at Ruskin College, Walton Street, OxfordThe venue is in the City Centre, 5-10mins from bus and train stations.

Supporters of the event include Oxford & District TUC & local IWW
The Fargate Speaker (#7) - A Bridge Too Far!
24-05-2009 14:07

Audio: 25 Years After the Battle of Orgreave -- A People's History
23-05-2009 20:05

David Rovics & Attila the Stockbroker - Play In Birmingham MONDAY BANK HOLIDAY
22-05-2009 20:43

May 25th Bank Holiday at the Wagon and Horses, Digbeth, Birmingham. £6 in. Hard hitting political songs from David Rovics & Attila the Stockbroker. A variety of food and stalls in the garden from 6pm with performances following and DJs later in the evening. Fundraiser for the West Midlands Industrial Workers of the World, the fighting union!
May 22-24 African Liberation Day conference in Washington, DC and Manchester, UK
21-05-2009 13:56
This weekend Africans from across the U.S. and Canada will converge on Washington, DC while Africans across Europe gather in Manchester, England for simultaneous conferences recognizing African Liberation Day with the theme, “One Africa, One Nation: Separated by Colonial Slavery, Reunited by Revolutionary Resistance!”Cardiff Anarchist Bookfair this Saturday
21-05-2009 11:29
all the details:
Self-Harm in Immigration detention January/February/March 2009
21-05-2009 07:33
Immigration detention, is harmful to the mental well being of those detained the detention can lead to acts of Self-HarmAround the Campaigns Thursday 21st May 2009
21-05-2009 07:30
Constant Moussavou & Jean-Baptiste Bassime, still in the UKCaren Ondimu and family, here to stay