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UK Workers' Movements Newswire Archive

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Uthayasooriyan Family belong to Middlesbrough

01-06-2007 05:14

Please help stop the removal of the Uthayasooriyan family, Suntharalingam, Shanthini, and their two children, Anosha aged 8 and Anitha aged 4 (born in UK).

Detained on Tuesday 29th May they are due to be removed on Sri Lankan Airlines flight SL0506, departing 14:25 on Saturday 2nd June.

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Public Meeting: BP in Colombia: Oil workers, communities speak out

31-05-2007 13:05

BP in Colombia: Oil workers, communities speak out
On Tuesday 19 June, (7.30pm Victoria Hall, entrance on Chapel Walk), representatives of oil workers and communities in Colombia visit Sheffield as part of a UK tour seeking solidarity with their resistance to BP's anti-union policy, its collusion with death squads and its destruction of their environment. They are Edgar Mojica, Human Rights Commission of the Oilworkers Union USO; Manuel Vega and Martín Ayala, Casanare oil field communities; and Luis Hernandez, researcher at Universidad Nacional.

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Stop the show! Everyday resistance instead of anti-G8-Spectacle

31-05-2007 06:17

It is always similar: The rulers in politics and economy meet and protests as for example against the G8-summit in Heiligendamm react to it. Thousands of humans come together to have actions, demonstrations, discussions, etc. and after the end of this - for state and capital calculable - spectacle they all drive home and function again at home (part of the spectacle are the summits as well as the protests against it): everywhere, where capitalism reproduces itself daily, where we all reproduce it daily, by our wage labour, by our doing: whether in the factory, in the office, in the sweat shop, in the agency, in the school or university. The protests against the G8-summit and the demo tourism do not have anything to do with concrete daily resistance, where we work and live.

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The G-8 Meeting...

30-05-2007 11:27

Perhaps someone with one of those new computer programs developed by Bill Gates could calculate the resources being used for war expenses at the cost of education, healthcare and culture for humanity...

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Protest Against New Labour!

29-05-2007 15:10

The Prime Minister in waiting Gordon Brown is coming to Oxford on Sunday June 10th along with all the candidates for Deputy Leadership of the Labour Party, this includes 5 current Cabinet ministers, to speak. This is a unique opportunity for people in Oxford to protest against all that New Labour has done!

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Air Canada shipping beagles to European labs

29-05-2007 12:09

Genocidal campaigns by governments, pharmaceutical companies, university and private labs can be reduced if plane, train, truck, shipping, and bus lines refuse to ship them.
Please contact Air Canada

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Belfast 1907 General Strike Commemoration in Liverpool

28-05-2007 16:17

100th Anniversary Commemoration
Saturday June 2nd 2007, Liverpool

Assemble 12.30pm Combermere Street, off Park Road, Liverpool 8.
March to City Centre. March led by James Larkin RFB.
Afternoon function in the Casa Bar, Hope Street

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Make the G8 Precarious! (FelS G8 Call to Action)

28-05-2007 14:16

Make the G8 Precarious, Flexi-Fight the New World Order
Superfluous and Superheroes of the World: Unite and Take Over!

From 6-8 June, together with thousands of others, as part of the Block G8
campaign, we will cut the G8 Summit in Heiligendamm off from its
infrastructure. The other world – the one we say is possible – will, once
again, be revealed as already here.

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Ritzy Cinema staff strike against poverty pay.

26-05-2007 17:26

Despite its trendy reputation as a favourite haunt for Brixton’s liberals the Ritzy Cinema is being far from kind to its staff. If you go to the Ritzy during the Human Rights Film Festival you will get see many worthy productions that rail against the exploitation of workers across the globe. Meanwhile the cinema is paying its staff the minimum wage of £5.35 an hour in the most expensive city to live in the country….

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Tesco truckers' strike: 25% of normal loads going out

26-05-2007 16:17

Only 25 per cent of normal truckloads of groceries and supplies are getting out of the Tesco distribution depot at Livingston near Edinburgh as the strike by drivers takes effect, according to reliable inside information given to the T&G section of Unite - the union.

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Ken Knabb's "Situationist International Anthology" (25th Anniversary)

26-05-2007 03:23

review of the "revised and expanded" edition of the "Situationist International Anthology."

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If you think these Pictures are disturbing, pass them on…

25-05-2007 06:47

It's Great to be a Refugee
It's a startling fact, but one that is often met with indifference because many people living in "first world" countries don't understand what it means to be a refugee. It's happening a million miles away. Why should they care?

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Shack Dwellers Movement in S.Africa Talk and Movie, South London

24-05-2007 22:57

Please print this flyer and circulate
A talk by Richard Pithouse of the South African shack dwellers movement, Abahlali baseMjondolo.

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Truck Drivers Unite Against Tesco In Scotland!

24-05-2007 20:12

Tesco distribution director Laurie McIlwee: not a happy chappy
In a great show of solidarity, Eddie Stobart drivers have refused to scab on their Tesco counterparts and deliver supplies to Scottish supermarkets this bank holiday weekend. The 150 Tesco drivers - who supply nearly 100 stores in Scotland - are on strike against the company's outrageous demands.

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Solidarity to tesco truck drivers

24-05-2007 16:23

Local MP Jim Devine has called for a one-day boycott of Tesco for threatening to sack drivers who refuse to sign the new contract.

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Neoliberal Rule as Trauma

24-05-2007 13:10

With the absolutizing of profit maximization and its merciless amorality, the neoliberal elites pursue a ruthless dehuamnization of workers by reducing them to a cost factor to be lowered. With the dehumanization of their victims, they dehumanize themselves and rob themselves of real human acknowledgment.

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Explosive Attack Against the General Directorate of Labor (Chile)

23-05-2007 23:05

A few hours before the presidential speech, two explosive devices detonated in Santiago, one in the headquarters of the Party for Democracy and another in front of the Inspectorate of Labor. In spite of the damage caused, nobody was injured.

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The Call

23-05-2007 16:47

“The youth are waiting, day after day. They wait for their time; as do the workers, even the old. They all wait, those who are discontented and those who reflect. They are waiting for a force to arise, something they will be part of; a kind of new international that will not make the same mistakes as the previous ones. They wait for a chance to get rid of the past once and for all – for something new to begin.


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U.S. Presidential Candidate: Labor, War and Education Connects

23-05-2007 03:38

Stewart A. Alexander, a presidential hopeful with the Peace and Freedom Party, applaud the actions of the ILWU Local 10 and Local 34 for lending their strong support to anti-war protesters at the SSA shipping terminals in Oakland, California. On May 19 the Port Action Committee, the Oakland Education Association, along with teacher, students and community activist demanded that the U.S. get out of Iraq and called on other unionists throughout the United States to mobilize in action to stop the war.