UK Workers' Movements Newswire Archive
What kind of nonsense is going on at Occupy London?
09-12-2011 15:15
Yes, what kind of nonsense is going on at Occupy London? Meeting with UBS and The FSA? Hanging out with The Guardian?Greece: The Illegitimacy of Demands
08-12-2011 23:20
With demands over the wage and welfare in austerity Greece deemed illegitimate because unaffordable, what shape can struggle take? Demetra Kotouza sees the all out attack on living standards as producing a de facto opposition that can't be cohered by ideologies of classSparks Defy Anti-Union Laws With Massive Wildcat Strike
08-12-2011 13:53

Black Flame author Lucien van der Walk talk – Freedom bookshop Dec 10th
08-12-2011 09:59

Report Jeremy Clarkson to the Press Complaints Commission
08-12-2011 00:20
Indymedia users made a significant contribution to encouraging members of the public to register complaints with Ofcom and the BBC, in protest against Jeremy Clarkson suggesting striking public sector workers should be murdered. The Samaritans, Mind and Rethink Mental Illness are also making complaints to the Press Complaints Commission, urging them to investigate Jeremy Clarkson for suggesting that the remains of suicide victims should be eaten by wild animals. Please help by registering your complaint with the Press Complaints Commission here...
School strike shatters Oasis’ calm after pupil protest over redundancies
06-12-2011 11:00

NUT and NASUWT members are striking in response to the academy operator, OASIS, attempting to rush through the redundancy of 12 teachers – 20% of the teaching staff.
Herefordshire workers join N30 strike
04-12-2011 20:37

Africans mobilized around world reject Kabila's neocolonial regime
04-12-2011 04:02

John Holloway, Hillel Ticktin, Immanuel Wallerstein on Capitalism's Crisis
03-12-2011 18:45

November 30th: UK on Strike Video
03-12-2011 05:35
On November 30th, 2011 millions of public sector workers across the UK went on strike against massive cuts in the pension system. The following is a short documentary about the strikes.Thousands take to Cambridge Streets on November 30th
02-12-2011 22:47

Some estimates place the figure at around 4,000 local people in attendance, although there is no way to confirm (or deny) this.
Zapatista Solidarity Demonstration Saturday 3rd December
02-12-2011 20:09
Global Weekend of action in resistance to Slaughter in Chiapas.2pm outside Mexican embassy
Protest Against Atos Outside the Paralympic Test Event Tomorrow!
02-12-2011 14:19
Disabled people, benefit claimants and supporters will be demonstrating at the Olympic Site in Stratford on Saturday 3rd December at 2pm outside the London Prepares Goalball test event for the Paralympic Games.Stirchley and Cotteridge Against the Cuts N30 Report
02-12-2011 11:33