UK Workers' Movements Newswire Archive
06-05-2009 12:01
Saturday 20 June, 11 am - 6 pmRuskin College, Walton Street, Oxford
We cordially invite you to visit the 1st ever Oxford Working Class Bookfair! There will be books, talks, workshops, short films and more books and magazines . .
26 Million people displaced by violence in 2008
06-05-2009 07:18
International efforts have failed to reduce the scale of internal displacement caused by conflict. According to Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC) report 'Internal Displacement: Global Overview of Trends and Developments in 2008'.Continuing Conflicts that Create Refugees - April 2009
06-05-2009 07:17
Seven conflict situations around the world deteriorated and one improved in April 2009, according to the the International Crisis Group's monthly bulletin CrisisWatch N°69.Fiji, Kenya, Moldova, Nepal, Fiji, Kenya, Moldova, Nepal, all experienced deteriorating situations
Metering the measure of exploitation - auto rickshaw drivers' wildcat strike in
05-05-2009 20:05
Rickshaw drivers across Asia have a long history of militancy, continuing to the present...May Day 2009 Article
05-05-2009 18:19
On the need for workers to take up the struggle against the rich and for a new societyWest Midlands IWW benefit gig - David Rovics & Attila the Stockbroker
05-05-2009 14:29
'March For Jobs' 16th May 2009, National Demonstration organized by UNITE Union
05-05-2009 12:46
Reel News film night report back
04-05-2009 20:18
Mayday & police brutality march in Cambridge
04-05-2009 16:29
Chesterfield Mayday Photos
04-05-2009 15:33
Democracy driven change
03-05-2009 20:53
'Management expertise' is not the sexiest of topics but for the good of our public services – just now the Royal Mail – we must give it some thought.Mayday resources
03-05-2009 12:11
Links to great social movement research books, theory, and magazine.Winson Green prison guards - Trade union heroes or violent thugs?
02-05-2009 16:54
Two videos - you decide!CALL OUT: Justice Not Crisis Social Centre.
02-05-2009 08:37
Justice Not Crisis (JNC) is a direct action pressure group based in Birmingham. We're currently squatting a house on Pershore road, and we need your help to build a thriving Social Centre here.Dissident Island Radio tonight!
01-05-2009 16:58
Mayday in Iran - Free All Political Prisoners!
01-05-2009 15:16
On international workers day students, workers and women are gathering in Laleh Park, Tehran and across Iran to protest against imperialism, the economic crisis and the authoritarian theocratic state. The regime has done everything in it can since coming to power to put an end to the demonstrations, arrests, torture and the threat of executions are common place.Visteon Protest - Swansea and Belfast Workers Unite
01-05-2009 13:16
Vestas to close Isle of White Wind Turbine Blade Factory
01-05-2009 09:19
Closure is planned around the 30th July. Government are being pressured to stop this!National Day of Action Against Topshop. Today!
01-05-2009 08:51
Get Involved! Please call Topshop's ('Sweatshop') customer services department today and ask to make a complaint about Topshop's failure to join the Ethical Trading Initiative.Demand decent wages and working conditions for the workers produce Topshop clothes on International Labour Day
The number to call is 0845 121 4519