UK Workers' Movements Newswire Archive
May Day: take action to remember the workers killed in Dhaka and worldwide.
28-04-2013 09:28

Sheffield workfare protest, Saturday May 4th
27-04-2013 15:18
On Saturday May 4th, starting at 1pm, Unite Community members will be protesting outside Poundland on the Moor as part of the ongoing national campaign against the government's workfare schemes. We hope you can make it. For more information, see the facebook event:
1st May free festival Wolverhampton
24-04-2013 18:11
Workers of the West Midlands unite!Wednesday 1st May doors open 7pm
Pegasus, Craddock Street, Whitmore Reans, Wolverhampton WV6 0QQ
TWO UK Nuclear Accidents in Just a Few Days
21-04-2013 11:32
TWO accidents at privatised UK nuclear plants in a few daysGet tooled up in Bristol this Saturday!
18-04-2013 16:53

Wrexham Waves Goodbye to Thatcher
17-04-2013 19:08

Around 60 people gathered at the Arc Statue in the centre of Wrexham at 5pm today to mark Maggie Thatcher's demise with a vigil for 'the workers and unwaged who are still living with Thatcher's legacy.' There was a silent vigil and then speeches.
trafalgar square thatcher death party - report and pics
14-04-2013 17:45

Remember the victims of Thatcherism. Call for Protests on 17 April.
11-04-2013 09:05

Vigil for Thatcher's Many Victims - Wed 17 April in Wrexham
10-04-2013 07:36

Death At The Ritz.
09-04-2013 22:21
In considering the legacy of Margaret Thatcher, it should not be forgotten that she was not acting alone. She was but the initial figurehead in the UK for the introduction of the neo-liberal policies favoured by by the most assertive section of the capitalist class, who are still in ascendency using other figureheads.Golden Dawn thrown into the sea by Anarchists
06-04-2013 23:02
Golden Dawn get drunk, make Nazi salutes, attack immigrants & locals, then get thrown into the sea by AnarchistsCome to StopG8 gathering this weekend
04-04-2013 11:48

months to go till the big week, the time to come and get involved is right
now ...
The StopG8 meeting at LARC starts on Saturday 6th at 11 am (10am for
tea/coffee) and finishes at 5.30pm. On Sunday 7th the meeting begins at
11am and finishes at 4.45pm
EGYPT: Nothing has changed, but everything begins…
03-04-2013 15:25

March of discontent: lessons in work struggles (Italy)
30-03-2013 20:43
The working class is awakening, and the mobilisations of the last few days among the logistics sector workers in Emilia Romagna are the first signs. Recently, we have seen two different images of work struggles: the Peugeot workers in Paris clashing with the police on one hand; and the sad, resigned-looking picket organised by Fiom outside a Fiat establishment in Italy, on the other hand. Both are fighting for their jobs, but the differences are clearly visible and stimulate many diverse reflections. The French workers’ determination in defense of their rights and dignity has spread to the Italian logistics sector workers’ mobilisation on March 22, and manifested in their determination to defeat the enemy. Workers of different backgrounds and origins, Italians and migrants, have united against the exploitation carried on by the worker cooperative owners and the main worker cooperative, the Coop.CAPITALISM - a poem
27-03-2013 18:16

Why do we tolerate a system so rotten?
Call out against the EDL Infidels in Sunderland March 30th
26-03-2013 23:28
This is a leaflet produced by North East Anti Fascists for use in Sunderland and beyond to mobilise against the far right.End the WTO and the Stop the new wave of Free Trade Agreements
26-03-2013 11:18

School for Eco-Warriors Will Teach Teenagers How to Stop Global Warming
25-03-2013 21:46
Syriza: Crucible Or Cul-De-Sac
24-03-2013 23:28
There have been many calls for a 'party of the people' in the last couple of years. A speech by Alexis Tsipras in London March 15 2013, outlined what policies Syriza as ‘a party of the people’ would implement if it gained power. This article questions whether in the current crisis, such parties and policies are rational proposals or just the result of nostalgic and idealistic longings.This Sunday: A Participatory Performance of Guy Debord "The Game of War"
19-03-2013 08:28