Media coverage of Bath fainancial crisis campaign and upcoming demo (22/11/08)
Matt Banning | 12.11.2008 15:54 | Other Press | Workers' Movements
the local press have picked up on the campaign , launched by Bath Activist Network against bank bailouts/recession.
the first action of this campaign will be a protest in Bath city centre on saturday the 22nd of Nov. Assemble at 12.30pm infront of Bath Abbey, Bath.
the campaign is picking up momentum, and we are hoping for the largest turnout possible - so get yerself down to the demo!
For more info, to get involved, or to order some flyers and posters, e-mail
the first action of this campaign will be a protest in Bath city centre on saturday the 22nd of Nov. Assemble at 12.30pm infront of Bath Abbey, Bath.
the campaign is picking up momentum, and we are hoping for the largest turnout possible - so get yerself down to the demo!
For more info, to get involved, or to order some flyers and posters, e-mail

From the Bath Chronicle -
Activists fight the effects of credit crunch
Wednesday, November 12, 2008, 15:03
Campaigners are aiming to make their voices heard by Parliament when they take to the streets next week.
Bath Activist Network (BAN) protesters have organised a march called 'We won't pay for their crisis' in response to the Government's support for banks in the wake of the worldwide credit crunch.
The group will assemble in front of Bath Abbey on Saturday, November 22 at 12.30pm before marching through the city.
BAN spokesman Matthew Banning said: "We see no reason why our taxes should be used to bail out and pay for the bonuses of the people and institutions to blame for the crisis.
"We also take the view that the recession will hit average people hardest, while for bosses, politicians and bankers it will be business and bonuses as usual.
"The protest will be the start of a campaign aimed at guarding our communities against the most damaging effects of the coming recession and taking the fight to the forces that have caused the financial crisis."
Members will be demanding greater subsidies on gas and electric bills, affordable food, housing and living costs and protection of jobs, wages and benefits.
Mr Banning said: "While the campaign will aim to raise awareness of the causes of the recession, we intend to be more than just a protest group.
"This recession is going to hit average people hard, and we are serious about organising to defend ourselves against increasing gas and electricity prices, growing home repossessions and soaring unemployment."
The campaign will be holding a stall on Stall Street on Saturday from noon to 3pm.
Matt Banning