UK Workers' Movements Newswire Archive
Around the Campaigns Friday 30th April 2010
30-04-2010 07:06
Octavie Bei, won't be flying next Tuesday. . . . as UKBA hoped, though told by immigration at Yarl's Wood, Removal Directions (RDs) had been cancelled, no explanation of why was given.
Many thanks to all who Emailed/faxed on Octavie's behalf
ANSU UK campaign group /

Bristol: May Day party & benefit
29-04-2010 22:18

Saturday 1 May, from 8pm to late, at The Plough, 223 Easton Rd, Easton BS5 0EG. £3/4 requested donation in on the door.
Workers Memorial Day
29-04-2010 14:09

Greece: a radical turn in the situation is being prepared
29-04-2010 13:01
The downgrading of Greece’s credit ratings by Standard & Poor’s has sent shockwaves around the world’s financial markets, with stock exchanges seeing significant falls yesterday. The fear is that Greece could default and drag the rest of the eurozone into a severe crisis, putting immense pressure on the euro.Freemovement - Say No to Removals/deportations
29-04-2010 06:57

Octavie Bei a national of Cameroon and resident of London, currently detained in Yarl's Wood IRC. Is due to be forcibly removed from UK to Cameroon on Kenya Airways Flight KQ101, on Tuesday 4th May 2010 at 20:00 to Nairobi and onward to DRC.
All efforts towards advancing the national democratic revolution in Philippines!
28-04-2010 11:18

EuroMayDay 010 and before
27-04-2010 16:22

I wrote this overview of EuroMayDay activities, because I wanted an english language overview that links some of the places where this movement mobilises, reports and reflects. The starting point is the EuroMayDay website. But other online places can be hard to find, especially since they come in many languages and images. Since most groups have the odd person that speaks english, here is a collection of english language resources. I didn't find a EuroMayDay for this year in the UK. However, struggles around casual labour and precarious lives are happening in the UK just like everywhere else. Maybe some in the UK might recognise their own struggles in the EuroMayDay activities.
Workers' Fightback - "No more illusions, War Against The Rich"
27-04-2010 14:56

We believe... workers know how to run our workplaces far better than business people, the government, or trade union leaders!
We aim for... workers' control over our own jobs and our own lives!
Sanctuary for Cameroonian's, Jean Mathurin Tadjiokeng Yves Yitgna Njitchoua, Ans
26-04-2010 11:32

Revolutionary Peoples' Party
25-04-2010 12:55

West Mids IWW supports Alberto Durango - Oppose UBS (Union Busting Scum!)
23-04-2010 19:37

Corporate Watch: The Unemployment Business
23-04-2010 16:34

22-04-2010 19:43
Please support the St. George’s Day event at Newcastle MonumentFriday 23rd April-11am-6pm
Sanctuary for Octavie Bei
22-04-2010 12:39

Trial Against Argentinian Torturers
21-04-2010 10:42
Trial against Argentineans torturers is going ahead.Remember the dead - Justice for the Living
21-04-2010 08:06

A visit to the INAF worker-occupied factory
20-04-2010 11:44
A delegation of comrades of the IMT from several countries is visiting Venezuela, attending the congress of the Venezuelan Marxists and bringing support for the formation of the Fifth International. On their first day they were taken on a tour of the INAF factory, which has been occupied by the workers and is under their management.FRIDAY.5PM.LONDON:Demo against UBS/for migrant cleaners
19-04-2010 23:45

[called by Cleaners Defence Comittee]
What fascism is and how to fight it - a dayschool, Sheffield, 24 April
19-04-2010 14:55
Two years of capitalist economic crisis have seen a sharp growth of the BNP and the rise of groups like the English Defence League. Existing anti-fascist campaigns have been totally ineffective at stopping these developments. Why?This dayschool, organised by Workers' Liberty, is an attempt to locate a socialist understanding of the BNP and EDL in the classical Marxist tradition of analysing fascism, and use that tradition to get to grips with the issues confronting anti-fascists so urgently today.
Postal workers: don't deliver fascist garbage!
19-04-2010 00:03