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UG#595 - An Antidote To Forgetfulness (The Great New Zealand Fire Sale)

Robin Upton | 07.12.2012 23:40 | Analysis | Social Struggles | Workers' Movements | Sheffield | World

This week we review the wholesale privatization of New Zealand carried out in the 1980s and 90s. We hear a radio adaptation of Alister Barry's 1996 documentary, Someone Else's Country and conclude with a few words from Chapter 7 of David Graeber's Debt, The First 5000 Years.

We start this week with some of Alister Barry's 2009 comments about a movie he researched and directed back in 1996, the documentary Someone Else's Country on the privatization of New Zealand. He calls it 'an antidote to forgetfulness'. In 2009 he wrote that "Even as the human and environmental costs of the neoliberal experiment increase, we are finding it harder and harder to imagine how things could be better." The audio adaptation continues for almost all of our second hour before we conclude with a few more minutes from Chapter 7 of David Graeber's Debt, The First 5000 Years.

Thanks to Alister Barry for producing Someone Else's Country.

Robin Upton
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